Chapter 19

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Nobody felt like doing anything that day. There was a dark and gloomy vibe in the cabin. No one really spoke and all we did was lounge around the house. Night slowly came and even after a day of doing absolutely nothing everyone was tired.

I woke up to a loud creak outside the room. After what happened earlier, I was even more paranoid about more evil parents intruding.

I looked around the room and noticed Tiny wasn't in her bed. Ugh, this child better not be running away again or I'm fighting her.

I checked my phone, 14 text messages from Quinn since 10pm. It's currently 11:47 pm. I know I should answer them or she's going to give me hell tomorrow. But I heard another creak, I don't know why, I just felt like I needed to check on Tiny.

I slowly got off my bed careful to not wake anyone else. I crept down the stairs noiseless, hoping to sneak up on her. I just find appearing out of nowhere and suddenly talking really cool. You know like in the movies. Also their reaction is amusing.

I peeked around the corner and saw Tiny raiding the fridge, shuffling through the freezer, probably trying to find strawberry ice cream, her favorite.

"You gonna share?"

Tiny flinched, almost dropping the tub. She turned around to face me, wide eyed.

She was only wearing a over-sized pink t-shirt, with the pink panther's face on it. She was staring at me up and down slowly, looking my body over. I suddenly became very self conscious, I was wearing these black pajama shorts with a black sports bra on.

I like working out so I have perfectly toned legs. Biceps, they're not HUGE but they're noticeable. And Abs, they're not rock hard but they're there. Some people might think that I'm too muscular to be considered feminine, but I like my body the way it is. Usually it's guys that say that, to be honest I'm not bothered by them. They're just jealous that I have more muscle than the they do.

Before I came out, my mother told me that guys wouldn't like me if I had more muscle than they do. That I should try to look more feminine. But I didn't care.

"Um, yeah - yeah?" Tiny blinked, getting out two bowls. I've calmed down since her and I last talked. Asmaa kind of opened my eyes, we need to fix this and Tiny is already on the same page with that. Also, I know if I hold a grudge on her, she can be taken away at any moment and I don't want things between her and I to end like that.

I sat on top of the island kicking my legs back and forth, looking around.

Tiny scooped up some ice cream and handed me the bowl. I hopped off the island and grabbed us both spoons.

"How are you doing?" Tiny stuttered, "With, um, you know..."


Tiny kept her eyes to the floor but nodded.

"Not good honestly," I sighed, "I'm scared my parents will come and drag me away too. I love this camp so much. Like as if this is my real home, people here accept me and love me for who I am, unlike the environment at my house. In my house, my sexuality is treated as a disease."

Tiny just nodded. Neither of us knew what else to say, so we just ate our ice-cream in awkward silence.

"I couldn't sleep, that's why I woke up. I had a nightmare. I had a nightmare that a bunch of demons... Shapeless black shadows with bright red glowing eyes dragged everyone away, and that I was left alone. I felt alone, and I would walk around in endless darkness, but the demons around me just hatefully glared at me. They surrounded me and whispered hateful things at me. Like I'm a disease, I'm going to hell, that I'm a disgrace to my family and that no one will ever accept me."

"I hate this." I said, staring down at my empty bowl of ice cream. Her dream made me mad, mainly because it was so realistic.


"You were right, we need to do something. We can't just sit around and let them tear us down. We need to stand up for ourselves. Because this isn't okay, I don't care if it's illegal to lie to the parents, this camp is a safe haven for all LGBTQ+ people. They can't just take that away from us."

Tiny didn't say anything she picked up both our bowls and walked over to the sink.

What I just said is exactly the same idea she had earlier. Except, she wanted to fix it right away, while it took someone getting hurt for me to realize we needed to take action. Maybe if I wasn't so stupid, maybe if I put my anger aside and listened to Tiny. Then maybe we could've saved Asmaa. Ugh, God, I'm so stupid!

I turned my head to her, she was washing the dishes her body hunched over the sink.

"Tiny?" she froze. I was directly behind her. "I'm sorry."

She turned around to face me, we were 2 inches apart.

"I am, too." she said.

Her and I were staring into each other's eyes now. Her eyes were beautiful, they were a deep blue, like the ocean. They sparkled like the ocean too, like when the sun beams on the tiny waves. And her lips, her lips were a natural pinkish rosy colour. I noticed her chest was rising and falling slightly faster than usual. I looked back up to her mesmerizing eyes but before anything else happened she closed the space between us and smashed her beautiful soft lips against mine.

My first thought was to pull away, but I didn't. The kiss felt right, her body close to mine, felt right. I deepened the kiss and pressed her against the counter top.

I heard a loud creak at the bottom of the stairs. Tiny and I rapidly broke the kiss and pushed each other away hoping whoever was coming didn't see anything.

Page turned the corner looking drowsy, "Girls, what are you doing up so late?"

"We couldn't sleep, so we decided to get a late night snack," Tiny said, blushing in a extremely soft and high pitched voice.

But Page didn't seem to notice. "Oh, well, we're waking up early tomorrow, I'll finish the dishes, run along now."

Tiny and I both ran up the stairs and hopped into bed without glancing at each other once.

I don't know what to think of the kiss. I really don't.

But I can say one thing for sure though, I was able to sleep a lot better after that late night snack.

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