Chapter 58

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As if on cue, it conveniently started to rain. A little at first, but soon the rain started to increase and fall harder.
"I hate Colorado soooo much."Tiny puffed.
I eyed her up and down, remembering her tantrum on the bus, "why?"
"The weather."she shrugged.
I nodded as if I really believed her.
We sat there in the rain not really speaking, just waiting. For what? I don't know I guess we'll know when we see it. Soon, the dirt ground was complete mud that sank under our weight.
The rain kept pourimg down on us harder and harder until it became ice.
Small little drops at first but the ice was soon sent down in golf-ball sizes.
Eventually I had enough. I don't know if it was the hale hitting my back and head, or the fact that the mud I was standing on felt like quicksand.
"Alright we need to get out of here." I announced.
"What a brilliant idea!" Brittany said in a sarcastic voice," Any ideas on HOW?"
"Um we haven't tried standing on each other's shoulders." I spoke the first thing that came to mind."
"The wall's 15 feet tall, we'd have to stack at least 3 people. How's that gonna work out?" Riley frowned.
The girls started shooting unhelpful comments my way.
"I DON'T KNOW. It's just...we have to get out of here before another one of us dies."I shut everyone up. My words sounded harsgee then I meant.
Hell, the words left my mouth before I could think.
Not one refrence of Devin has been made and it's a touchy subject. She wasn't supposed to die. None of this was supposed to happen. I'm supposed to be back at camp right now, packing my stuff, getting ready to go home.
This summer has blown way out of proportion and I can't wait to wake up, out of this bad dream. Unfortunately that's not a choice and I have to push through or die trying.

Everyone was still starring at me. What do I say now?
I heard myself begin to speak, my voice was shaky and on the verge of cracking.
"I don't know why she didn't get up..." my eyes started watering but you wouldn't be able to tell with all the rain.
"Or why they killed her...but I do know she doesn't want us to end up like her. And we have to escape for Devin, and get her story out. Don't let her die in vain."
That sounded so stupid, it's not like she died for us. A bitter taste filled my mouth, she left us. Took the easy way out. I soon began to blame Devin for the position we were in. Reguardless that it wasn't her fault.
"C'mon let's try Tiff's suggestion." Riley sighed, breaking the silence.

"That was the worst peach I have ever heard." Tiny mummbled standing next to me.


I smiled to myself, Tiny was right, worst speach ever. Usually leaders made them, but I'm not a leader. That was more of an Asmaa thing. She's always been the strong encouraging one.
We need to find her, her and Eva.
We're not losing another one, not under my watch.
"AAAYYYYEEE!" claps and cheers took me from my thoughts. Tiny was standing on the thick wall. Soon everyone started going up, one by one. The only one's left on the ground were Riley and Brit. Meg and Nicole being the strongest pulled them up on the wall.
We all sat in the edge, looking down.
"Now what?" Natalie asked.
"We drop you." I mummbled.
"WHAT!" Tiny exclaimed thinking for the rest of us.
"One of us holds onto you lowering you as far as possible and them drops you. It should diminish some height so the impact won't be as bad."
My idea turned out to be harder than I thought , but nonetheless we pulled through. Riley and Brit were once again the inly ones left.
Dropping themselves, clinging to the edge of the wall Riley let go, with us below to catch her. Then we got Brittany.
We all paused not knowing what to do now that we were out.
I began walking to where I last saw the Van. Sure enough the tracks were faintly still visible.
We followed the tracks for what felt like two hours. When they went onto a cement road. By now all the girls were complaining asking for water and what not.
Ignoring them I continued down the road for another 3 hours anxious for any signs of approaching vehicles. If Page showed up again I don't wanna even think about what will happen. To our luck we came across a stream a little off the road. I barely noticed it and was about to pass without comment but thought better of it.
Splashing some water on my face I heard a car pass by. Turning around and seeing a van pass by.
I mentally slapped myself at how stupid we'd been. Before reaching the cement road we had been walking on mud, mud with our foot prints on it.
And as we strayed from the cement road we walked through mud.
Once the van had passed I hissed out orders.
"Nicole, Natalie go cover our tracks when we veered from the road. The rest of you, we're traveling via water." Stepping into the stream I began to walk not caring to look back.
Nicole and Natalie caught up to us eventually reporting they did their job.
Every ten minutes or so I had someone check if the stream was still going in the same direction as the road. So far so good.
We kept on walking through the cold rushing water, luckily the current wasn't working against us.
Looking up ahead I noticed two bodies at the edge of the stream. As we got closer, I recognized them...Amsaa and Eva.

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