Chapter 24

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For breakfast we had waffles and orange juice.

Riley just got back from seconds and was already almost done with her plate.

"If you keep eating like that, you're going to get fat!" Brittany rudely scolded her sister.

Riley calmly looked up and down at her bratty twin sister. "I see you speak from experience."

Brittany simply scoffed and looked at us expectantly, as if we were going to defend her. Not a chance, she's THE most unpleasant member of this camp. And she's rude to us so I don't really like her. She usually doesn't sit with us, but she got in an argument with he group or something and now she's just sticking next to Riley as if they were siamese twins. Riley's a good sister, they might bicker but she looks out for Brittany. And stands up for her whenever someone decides to talk crap. Which makes sense if I had a sister I would fiercely protect her whether she was a bratt or not.

"You know who's actually fat though? Asmaa." Brittany smirked, picking at her nails.

We all practically broke our necks trying to shoot glares at her.

Riley was still working on her waffles. Either she didn't hear or she's pretending not to hear to not get caught in the cross fire.

Tiffany was about to go off on her. "I KNOW you did not just fucking say that. 'Cause Bi-"

"Lay off, it's okay, I am fat," Asmaa interrupted.

"But she just insulted you and called you fat!"

"Fat isn't an insult, it's simply an antonym to skinny. Fat just means...fat. I feel like our society has turned fat into a synonym for ugly. As if being fat is the worst thing to be when that's not true. I'm definitely not skinny, I have some extra pudge here and there. There's nothing wrong with being fat unless you're fat to a point where it's dangerous, to the point of when you can have a heart attack or die."

"Wow, I never really though about it like that. That makes lots of sense."

"Yup," Asmaa grinned. "I'm smart, I'm pretty, I'm funny there is no way I could be a size 2. God had to be fair." She winked.

"Yeah, just like being skinny. People have a problem with me being skin and bones and they tell me that I look anorexic. That I have to eat more. When really, I eat a lot. My metabolism is just fast. It's just the way my body is."

"Yeah, honestly, they're never happy with anything, it's always something."

"You're either too fat, or too skinny."

"Too tall or too short."

"Too pale or too dark."

"Either your lips are too big or to small."

"You're too girly, or not girly enough."

"You wear too much make up, or not enough."

"You dress too "slutty" or you're too prude."

"You're selfish if you don't have kids. Or you don't value yourself if you do."

"You talk too much or too little."

"You don't smile enough, or you smile too much."

"You're too muscular or you have to work out more."


"Might as well ignore them, and love your body the way it is. Because you don't have have to be flawless to be beautiful."

"Yeah, the body standards are ridiculous. You're supposed to have Caucasian blue eyes, full Spanish lips, a button nose, hairless, smooth Asian skin with a California tan, a Jamaican ass, long Swedish legs, small Japanese feet, the abs of a lesbian gym owner, salsa dancer hips, and boobs like a Barbie doll. The only way to get that it through surgery. Their standards aren't natural."

"I asked my little sister what she wishes she could change about herself. She said she wishes her tummy was smaller. A 5 year old should not have to worry about that."

"For God's sake, even supermodels, the 'ideal beauty queens' are photo-shopped."

"Also, have you noticed how a lot of 'plus sized models' aren't even plus sized? We need to value body types of all shapes and sizes. Because a lot of the time it's genetics.We shouldn't shame people for their body type that's just messed up. If they want to change it it's because they want to not because they feel pressure from everyone telling them they're ugly."

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