Chapter 28

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As I watched Tiny disappear into the darkness, Dean stepped onto the mini stage.

"Hey, campers! I hope y'all have had lots of fun. I'd like to congratulate the Puma Cabin for their victory!"

The whole camp erupted into cheers, even Riley, who I saw take a quick glance at Isreal.

"Tomorrow, I and a selective few campers have been invited to an interview with Barbara Moore. They'll be on national TV and get to answer a few questions and talk about our camp. Then, we'll stay one more day and leave that night."

Barbara Moore is like the lesser, white version of Oprah Winfrey. I don't really watch her but she's still a common household name. I know multiple people who don't like her but they never really explain why. What could be so bad about her? Even Oprah has haters.

"The campers going with me to Hollywood are... Asmaa Almasi, Devin Chase, Tiffany Johnson, Mia Noels, Tyler Shaw, Keisha Wars, and Andy Smith. Let's all give them a round of applause."

The whole area erupted in applause and cheers.

Once the clapping subsided he continued. "I know this is short notice but we leave tomorrow in the morning. I expect you all to be by the bus by 8 o'clock sharp. Oh, and you're allowed to pick ONE friend to a company you. Now advise you to go to your cabin and start packing.

I stood up and hurried towards Quinn's table, she was talking with her friends about a Marvel movie or something like that.

"Hey, babe!" I hugged her from behind. "How would you like to go to Hollywood with me?"

"I don't know, I think I'd prefer to go to the bedroom with you."

Her friends her around oohed and awed, making me blush.

"I mean, we'd be sharing a hotel room, but if you don't wanna I guess I could ask..."

"Babe, I'm kidding, I'd love to go to Hollywood with you." She turned her head to peck me on the lips.

"Okay, great! I'm gonna go pack, see you in the morning!" I kissed her one last time and ran off to my cabin.

I packed 5 outfits, we're only going to be there for two days but you never know. What if one of my pants or shirts gets dirty? What if one of my shirts catches on fire? Better safe than sorry.

While I was packing, Tiny was downstairs in the kitchen eating ice cream, I didn't even acknowledge her. I was mostly upstairs packing with Asmaa, Natalie, Eva, and Mia. I think it's good that I'm going on this trip, I'll get time apart from Tiny. There won't be awkwardness. And things should be normal by the time I come back.

By the time Tiffany and the rest of the girls got back we were already in bed ready to sleep.

The next morning I actually woke up early. Airports are usually cold for me so I put on some black leggings and a hoodie that  I bought from the camp gift shop. I tied my hair up in a messy bun and put on my black and white Adidas tennis shoes.

Eva put on some blue jeans and a pan pride It was dark out as I blinked my eyes open. Quinn was spooning me with her arm around my waist.

It was dark outside... shit, it was dark outside!

"Quinn, wake up!"

"Huh?" A groggy Quinn yawned, rubbing her eyes.

"We slept through the whole day! What time is it?"

"Eight, fifty... four." a half asleep Quinn squinted at her phone.

"Dinner started ten minutes ago! C'mon!" I tugged at her.

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