Chapter 35

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Quinn led me out of the cafeteria towards the woods.

"Where are we going?" I giggled, trying hard to hide my anxiety.

It was getting late, we're in the woods, no one knows we're in the woods, we're isolated, and I'm pretty sure I just heard a wolf howl.

"You'll see." I couldn't see Quinn's face, but I was 100% sure she's smirking.

There was a long silence between us. The only sound was the sound of twigs snapping under our feet and leaves rustling.

This gave me time to think. Quinn doesn't look mad...but I should still apologize. But how do I apologize without making things weird?


"Yeah? Oh, watch your head," she warned, stooping under a branch.

You know what? Just bring it up later.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, gosh, Devin, have a little faith." She laughed at herself.

I forced a laugh. I didn't really find it funny, but she likes it when I laugh at her jokes and I want to make her happy.

Finally, we got to this stream. The water was peacefully flowing and the moon was in full sight not covered7 by the trees giving us enough light. Near the stream was a picnic blanket with a basket on top.

Quinn took a candle out and lit it up. The flame made her face glow a warm orangish goldish color.

"You just gonna stand there and gawk or are you gonna sit?"

Hesitantly, I sat down on the blanket across from Quinn. This isn't at all what I seemed so...romantic...too romantic. Not that Quinn isn't romantic, I just don't see her doing this kinda thing.

"You looked surprised." She let out a breathy laugh.

"Yeah... I don't know...I just...was not expecting this."

It really was beautiful, the candlelit the place nicely and gave us warmth. And apart from the mosquitos, it was quite pleasant. The food was pineapple, my favorite fruit. Pink lemonade, and this sandwich.

"I missed you," she said handing me the mosquito repellant.

"How?" I laughed," I see you at least every other hour."

"Yeah..but we haven't spent as much quality time. Alone time where we would just talk and hang out. I thought this would be a good idea."

I stayed quiet listening to the crickets chirp.

"...Unless you don't like it-"

"Don't be silly I LOVE it!" I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

"How'd you remember pineapple was my favorite fruit?"

"Because I hang onto every word you say and I remember everything."

I rose my eyebrow at her. "Fine," she confessed, "I didn't actually remember. I just thought that as lesbians, we have no choice but to like pineapple if you know what I mean. So I thought, I CAN'T go wrong with pineapple."

I laughed, really laughed. It wasn't fake this time.

"Thank you."


"I don't know for everything. This. And, being my first girlfriend. We're obviously not perfect, but I really appreciate you...and I'll never forget you."

She smiled warmly at me and crawled to my side." I'll never forget you too." She pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my head.

We both leaned back onto the hard floor that was covered by the blanket.

I really don't deserve her, she's amazing. I have to apologize.

But that'll ruin the mood.

I don't care to apologize.




"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"The way I acted at lunch today. Showing you off like you were some kind of property and trying to one-up Tiny."

Her gaze didn't show a hint of annoyance or anger, instead, it was compassionate. "It's okay." She kissed my forehead. "I'm glad you apologized."

We lied there, in each other's arms in the quiet only surrounded by the sound of crickets.

Finally, she got up. "Wanna go for a swim?" I nodded at the stream.

As I took off my converse, I felt a splash of cold water hit my back, along with hearing Quinn double over and laugh.

"Oh, yeah?" I placed my shoes on the blanket and calmly started walking towards Quinn, "Keep laughing, let's see how you like it."

Quinn warily stepped back away from me.

I broke into a sprint towards her. She coolly smiled, staying where she was.

Right before I was gonna grab her, she stepped out of the way while I tripped on a rock or something.

I immediately felt a sharp pain against my foot, making me scream out in pain and fall over into the water.

"Devin!" Quinn rushed to me, "You okay?"

Great just like me to ruin our date.

I sat up. "Yeah, I'm fine just a little scratch against a rock. I overreacted." I laughed at myself.

"So, you're fine?"

"No, not just yet." I grabbed her shirt and yanked her into the water making her completely wet just like me. "Now, I'm happy."

"Wow." she narrowed her eyes. ""

She looked down at her wet self. "I'm gonna fight you," She breathed.

"Oh, really?" I rounded my leg over and sat on her lap facing her. "Like right now?"

"Mhm, maybe we could hold it off for a bit." She was staring at my lips.

A drop of water dripped from a hair traveled down her forehead, and onto her lip, gleaming in the moonlight.

I leaned in to kiss her, we were breathing in each other's air.

Finally, her lips met mine.

Only to be interrupted by a blood-curdling scream in the distance.

We broke apart and looked at where the scream came from.

It came from the camp.

And it seemed bright...

I only realized what it was when I heard another scream.


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