Chapter 54

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Tiffany unlocked the door and walked inside to check if anyone was there, specifically Page.
Moments later the door opened up again and Tiffany gave us the thumbs up.
The room looked just like my hotel room, except it had three beds instead of two.
And one particular section of the room was extremely messy. The area around the third bed to the right. The bed wasn't made. There were clothes all over the floor. A bra was hanging off the pamp near her bed. There was an empty starbucks cup, and a dirty paper bowl on her bed side table. The food was half eaten and looked more than a day old.
"That's her side." Tiffany answered my question before I asked.
"Why don't you guys help her clean?" Riley scrunched her nose after smelling the bowl.
"Because last time we did she got really mad at us." Mia squeaked.
"Okay let's not waste anymore time. Start looking around." Natalie ordered.
Tiny looked under her pillows and in the pillow cases. Megan looked in the drawers of Page's bed side table. Natalie looked in the pockets of Page's clothes. Brittany looked through the pages of Page's books. Riley looked in the wardrobe. Tiffany looked under the matress and I hopped down to check the bottom of her bed.
The only thing under there was her suitcase which was practically empty.
The only things inside seemed to be underwear, some hygene products,and sweat pants. I dug through the stuff,when I felt something cold and hard at the bottom. My fingers slowly rapped around the handle.
"Guys..." I carefully pulled out the gun to show it.
Tiny gasped.
"Keep looking." I said checking the gun was on safety and hiding it under my t-shirt and into the waistband of my shorts.
I felt around once more and the only thing I found was a large roll of money. I was about to take it too but decided against it.
"I think I found something." Brittany said taking a packet out of one of the books.
"It's from a company, Riley pointed out."
"CSL" Mia squeaked.
"Isn't that a christian company, or something?" Megan asked.
"Yeah... CSL stands for Christians Save Lives. My parents have donated to them before." I informed them.
"Yeah I've heard about them before, aren't they kind of like a charitable organization?" Riley asked.
"Yeah kinda, except they're known for helping teens...lgbtq teens to be specific."
"Why would Page hav-"
One knock sounded at the door, all our heads shot up waiting for the last three.
There weren't anymore. They must've had a false alarm.
We all looked back at the paper, "It's a contract. Page is getting paid to expose the camp. And promote CSL to our parents." Natalie summed up the paper.
"We need to take this to head counc-'
The door opened Brittany quickly hid the paper behind her back. As the rest of us disperesed and held our breaths.
In walked a pretty, tall, thin red head.Anyone looking at her wouldn't see her as the monster we knew she was.
"Hi girls!" she said in her usual cheerful voice." Shouldn't you be hiding?"
"Uh yeah...b-but we were supposed to have more time to hide." Nicole stuttered.
But Page wasn't paying attention, she had her eyes on Brittany.
"What're hiding behind your back?"
Before she could answer,Page grabbed her and pulled Brittany towards her snatching the papers out of her hand.
"Going through my stuff are we?" she frowned looking down at the page.
None of us answered. All we wanted to do was get out of there, but Page was inbetween the door and us.
"You girls know better. Shouldn't be sticking your noses into other people's business." she sighed,"I'm afraid you're going to have to come with me."
"We're not going anywhere with you." Tiffany spit out, trying to get around Page towards the door.
Out of nowhere Page pulled a gun out and pointed it at Tiffany. "Well thats too bad, fact is, you don't have a choice. So you will all do as I say or something horrible might happen to Asmaa and Eva."

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