Chapter 13

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The bus loading didn't take long some of the kids were at the bus on time. While the rest were 3 to 5 minutes late.

"I hope you all enjoyed yourselves today, back home we have a little surprise for you." Arsama Prince smiled, a little too enthusiastically.

I liked her, she was always excited about something. She kind of reminds me of Pinkie Pie, from this show I used to watch when I was little.

Tiffany and the girls would keep bombarding me with questions about my date.

It went well over all. Quinn is HOT. But her personality doesn't quite fit with what I want.

She seems too comfortable with the idea of sex. I'm scared she is expecting that from me soon. But the truth is, I'm nowhere near ready for that. This is my very first date with anyone.

Also she doesn't have the same values I do. Which it's fine to have different values as others but I don't think I would want that in my relationship. We'd be butting heads all the time.

I already know our relationship won't last but I feel like I need to hold onto it for as long as I can. This is the first time I have met a girl who was actually interested in me. I'm kind of scared I won't find something like this for a very long time.

"Devin wake up we're here! Why do you always sleep on the bus? Actually scratch that, why do you sleep all the time?"

"Because sleep is the best thing in the world," I yawned looking out of the window. There was this green mini van parked in the dirt parking lot. Maybe we got a new kid?

I stood up and walked down the aisle veeeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyy sssllllllooowwwwwlllllllyyyyyyyy, just to annoy my friends.

"HURRY UP, ALREADY!" I heard Nicole complaining from the back of the bus, making me want to walk even slower.

Tiffany grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down the aisle, off the the bus, across the now muddy dirt parking lot, past the green minivan and into the camp grounds.

As if on cue, Head Counsellor Dean spoke into his megaphone, "Campers, if I can please have your attention!"

All eyes turned to him, "I have a little surprise for you, find your camp team members and sit down at a table."

Which wasn't hard, the wolf girls always sat together at the same table, except Brittany. She sat with her own group of friends but knew where we sat so even she knew where to go. None of us bothered checking if everyone was here.

Once everything settled down and all eyes settled on head counselor Dean expectedly.

"A pet shelter down town heard about what we were doing and decided decided to give us a little surprise." On cue the cafeteria doors opened revealing the cutest dogs in the world.

A million "awes" erupted through the crowd.

"I want each team to send out ONE member to go pick a puppy."

"OOH, OOH, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME! PICK MEEEE!" Brittany begged, raising her hand in Page's face.

Page locked eyes with me, ignoring Brittany, "I think Devin should do it."

"Yeah!" Multiple girls agreed, but not Brittany. She was pouting like a child, scowling at me.

I walked over to the puppies. I was staring at this black one who was aimlessly looking around. I knelt down to his level, a few feet away, trying to make myself more approachable. The puppy didn't notice me.

Out of the corner of my eye, this other puppy ran towards me and practically tackled me, licking my face.

I couldn't help but laugh at this puppy's forwardness. I finally got him off me. He was big and fluffy, with a white and Carmelish coat.

The cute little fella 

stuck his tongue out and nodded his head side to side.

I hugged him, I don't know, why I just did.

I lead him to our table and a bunch of of the girls awed at the adorable fuzz ball.

"He literally ran to me and tackled me. I couldn't not pick him."

"Let's call him Tackle!" Nicole exclaimed.

"NO! Fuzzy!!!" Eva exclaimed

"Nah, how about we name him fuzzball?" Asmaa spoke up, giving the puppy loving eyes.

"I like Wolf, since ya know, we're the wolf pack," Megan said.

"Yeah! I like wolf!" I nodded at her.

"But, I like Fuzzball," Eva, Mia and Asmaa whined.

"Noooo!" Eva groaned. "He's a boy after all."

"What if he doesn't want to be a boy?" Mia argued.

"What if he does?" Eva argued back.

"Okay, fine let's name him Wolf Mcfluffball," I spoke up, "First name Wolf, last name Mcfluffball."

We all agreed on that and began playing with Mr. Wolf Mcfluffball.

During dinner, I looked around and noticed that a pink head was missing. "Where's Tiny?"

"She's at the cabin, she doesn't feel good."

"Is it okay if I take Wolf to the cabin?" They nodded still looking at their dessert.

I ran up the hill with Wolf and took him into the cabin. I led him up the stairs into the bedroom. Tiny was laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling. 

"Hey, Tiny, we've got a new member." Wolf hopped up on Tiny's bed and licked her face. She sat up laughing, petting the puppy.

Her smiling eyes met mine but her smile disappeared as quickly as it came.

"How was your date?" I heard bitterness in her voice.

"Um, it was fine, is everything okay?"

She didn't answer.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't stay back with you, if you want I can stay with you all day tomorrow if your still not feeling well."

She glared at me, "How are you so clueless?" Her voice held utter disgust and potential tears. She hopped of the bed pushed past me, dashing down the stairs and out the back door.


I ran after her but once I got outside, she was nowhere in site.


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