Chapter 60

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Exhausted we all went back to sleep.

By the time I woke up, both Eva and Asmaa were awake.
With occasional bathroom breaks we all kept walking down by the stream for the next 5 hours or so.
We were all so tired but eager to get back that we kept on pushing forward. The ground was no longer muddy so we walked inbetween the road and stream.
"I see Aspen!!!!!" Meg exclaimed pointing at the town through some trees.
All my tiredness went away and I went running back to the town eager to get to the hotel. We all ran, through the streets getting a few looks from bystanders. I could care less I'm almost home...well not home but home. I don't know how to explain it.
I burst through the doors hotel doors.
I don't know why her specifically, but she was the first person to come to my mind.
"Vat do you vant!" Agatha came around the corner.
I smiled, I missed her always irritated mood and accent. In a way, they were kind of comforting.
Agatha froze at the sight of us,"Childrren!" she came running towards us and attempted to give us all a hug at the same time."I've been so worried." she began to sob.
"M-mia told me vat happened. I've been sending out search parrties...zey found Devin's b-body...a-and I thought-"the tears spilled out even more.
Not knowing what to do with crying Agatha, we just hugged her tighter. For all I knew Agatha didn't cry.

After composing herself she let go of us,"I need you to all go up ze stairs,into your rooms and rest. I have few thingz to take care of."

Following her orders we all went into Asmaa's, Eva's, Tiny's, and previously Devin's room. Making sure to lock the door we all went to bed.
There was knocking on our door, Meg was the first to get up and check the key hole. "MIA!!!!!!"
She pulled the door open with such force I was scared she'd rip off the hinges.
We all took Mia into an embrace, soon to be surrounded by the rest of us.
"We thought you were helping Page."Meg's muffled voice said.
Mia rose her eye brow, "No I just got away without her noticing. I'm surprised no one else did."
"Well Im glad you got out."
There was a long comfortable silence as we all stayed in the group hug.
"Um guys?" Mia spoke up,"Agatha told me to come get you for dinner."
We all rushed down to dinner after changing from our dirty ripped clothes we had been wearing.

The dining room became dead silent once we entered. Agatha was already at the podium ready to speak so we all hurried off to our table.
Once we sat down all attention was returned to her.
"I know many of you have many many questions rregarrding zese past few days. It safe to say zat Page and anyone involved vith her, is under arrrest."
Murmurs erupted throughout the room, many looks were directed towards us.
Agatha patiently waited for the chatter to die down before continuing.
"As many of you know, summer is koming to end. Dean, Josh, or I vill speak vith each of you prrivately to get zings sorrted out. Such as if you vould like to go back home vith yourr parrents orr not. If not zen is zerre any family member you vould like to live vith. Orr if you vould like to stay herre."
Side conversations arose the room became loud preventing Agatha from continuing. Unlike last time she was not so parient.
"CHILDRREN! I do not and vill not ever tolerrate any disrrespect. I forrbid you frrom talking over me and if it happens again I vill not hesitate in sending you to orrphanage!" she growled.

Tiny sighed,"So much for nice Agatha."
I smiled, I actually kind of like mean Agatha. Her barks bigger than her bite, so she doesnt truly scare me.
"As I vas saying beforre being rrudely interrupted," she said glarring at all of us," I have been vanting to open LGBTQ+ school. boarrding school, if you vill. I have been vorrking on it forr few yearrs now and building is finally finished. School is opening zis Fall and all of you arre velkome to apply. Of kourrse it in secrret lokation, and you vill all be perrfectly safe."
More chatter arose but soon subsided from Agatha's glare.
"I have 3 morrre announcements.
1. I find it my duty to inforrm you all zat most of yourr parrents arre kurrently facing trrial forr purrposefully sending you to konverrsion zerrapy kamp."
"2. Your ex-head couselour Dean Higgins is also facing trial. But I have hired an excellent lawyer so rest assured there is nothing to worry about. "
She paused as if she forgot what came next.

"3. I rrealize zis summer has been hectic, and if you vould like, I kan arrrange forr meeting vith zerrapist. Just let me know."
She said looking out our table. Luckily nobody followed her gaze.

There was a long pause as if she forgot what came next.

"4. I-I vant to apologize to everryone in zis kamp...I vould like to apologize forr serries of unforrtunate events zat took place zese past kouple of months. "
She was still looking at our table.
"5. And last but not least my sister baked brownies for you all."
She looked at us not saying anything else. She began to step away but then hesitated as if she wanted to say something more. Her facial expression was soft, she gave a satisfied nod and stepped off the stage.


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