Chapter 40

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"What was that about?" I asked Tiffany, she shrugged her shoulders.

Nervously, we all got off the bus. Nobody spoke, head counselor Dean's speech really made everyone anxious. Especially since we don't know what's going on.

Page counted us all and gestured for us to follow. I checked Google Maps, and it turns out we're currently in Aspen, Colorado... A ski resort town? And by the looks of it a very snobby one at that. Only rich people live here, what the frick are we doing here?

The buses were parked in a more isolated place, probably not to attract attention. But at the same time, it means we have to walk farther.

I feel like crying, my right foot has been hurting from the cut, and I'm pretty sure I sprained my ankle somehow. And worst of all, I don't have any shoes to protect the cut.

I'm still wearing the same dirty jean shorts, a black tank top, and gray hoodie as yesterday. Looking around, we were all filthy. There was still ash on some of us. Everyone's hair was greasy and matted. Many girls either had messed up makeup that they decided to keep on. While others, like Eva, were complaining about not having makeup and how the stupid fired ruined it all. Pfft, she should be happy she at least has shoes, and that she's alive.

I finally gained sight of the hotel. It was HUGE and looked extremely expensive. How on earth are we able to afford this?

The perfectly polished sliding glass doors of the hotel opened for us as we walked in. Multiple porters stood there, but one stepped forward. "Ladies, allow me to escort you to conference room B6 twelve." Then took a small bow and turned on his heel.

"Oooh, he's cute, AND he bowed to me." Riley checked him out. "I think, I'm going to need his number."

Opening the doors to the conference room, he winked at Riley, probably hoping no one would notice. Except for Riley of course.

"He winked at me!!!!" she whisper-shouted to the group.

"Don't you already have a boyfriend?"

"Just 'cause you're looking at the menu doesn't mean you're gonna order." She stuck her tongue out at me.

There were some cabin groups already in the conference room. The Bears, Foxes, Pumas, and HAWKS. Ignoring my foot pain I ran up to Quinn and tackled her into a bear hug. "Hey, baby, I missed you." She spoke into my hair.

"I missed you too," I said trying not to breathe. I swear I love her, but she smelled horrible.

"What's wrong?"

"You need a shower." I scrunched my nose.

She scoffed, "So, do you!"

"Devin," Page hissed at me, motioning for me to sit with the group.

Eventually, the whole Camp was in the room quietly chatting. Nobody seemed that nervous anymore. Slowly the room started to get louder, with people talking.

There was a stage in the front of the room. On it was a podium. And at the edge where the stage was stood Head Counselor Dean, his husband, and two old women. One had a resting bitch face, with a crooked nose and a bitter frown. She was tall and bony, she had her hair up in a tight bun, and she was wearing a black pantsuit. The other was short and a slightly chubby, she had long gray hair, rosy cheeks, and a pleasant smile. She looked like the kind of grandma that would bake you cookies.

The tall, bitter, ancient woman eventually stepped up to the podium. She had a strong dominant presence and by the looks of her, you could tell she wasn't playing. The once noisy room soon became dead silent in a matter of seconds.

"Hello," she spoke into the microphone with her thick Russian accent. "My name is Agatha Ivanov, I own zis hotel zat you vill be staying in forrr next month... Orrr until Dean Higgins sorrrts zings out. I vill be honest vith you, I do not like any of you. You arrre all filthy and noisy. Zis is five-starrr hotel, my family has kept it like zat forrr generrrations. I rrrefuse to let all there hard vorrrk go to vaste. So if I have to I can and vill kick you out of zis hotel. You don't vant zat. To be honest, you have nowherrre else to go. So, you vill follow my rrrules orrr you have two choices. Become homeless, orrr go back home to yourrr parrrents."

Her accent was bold and heavy, it was hard to follow, but I got the gist. Be good, or you are out.

She continued, "You vill have brrreakfast lunch and dinner in zis rrroom. Brrreakfast is at 8 o'clock sharrrp. Lunch is at 12 and dinner vill be at 8 o'clock. Don't be late orrr you don't get to eat. Niet exceptions. All your rrrooms are on third floorrr. You vill be sharrring vith thrrree other people frrrom yourrr cabin. And I expect you to be quiet. Especially, if you arrre having sex. I know what teenagers arrre like." She shook her head bitterly "You're incapable of keeping your pants on." No one dared to laugh.

"And niet one vants to hearrr you have sex. If you arrre having sex, please use protection. And please, niet trrricks. You have niet idea how many people get sent to hospital because zey got hurt vile having sex. I know it sounds stupid, but Amerrrikans are stupid, can't expect much frrrom you." With that, she sneered finishing off her speech and was replaced by Head Counselor Dean.

"Hello, campers, as she said we are holding you at a very high standard. I know every one of you can meet that standard. Our classes will be held in specific rooms, you will get your schedule tomorrow morning at breakfast. During your free time, feel free to roam. Ms. Ivanov has been kind enough to pay for some of your expenses. You will be escorted by a chauffeur to buy necessities like shoes, clothes, and even makeup. Thank you, and have a good night."

Agatha ran over to the microphone before we could do anything else, "I not generrrous, you all look ugly and filthy. I can not have you in my hotel like zat. So, you vill be buying new zings orrr I vill kick you out of hotel of me. Now, go to yourrr rrrooms, you arrre all stinky. Go take showvers."

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