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In no time at all they arrive at Guangzhou Airport. To their lucky surprise Pekka's flight has been delayed. So it seems he can make it.

It's time for Pekka to go through security check, so Xìngyùn says,

-... It is time to bid farewell, to say goodbye, until we meet again or...

Hang on a minute my friend. We have WeChat!

- WeChat? What is it?

- It is a social media app for everything. We can chat online, we can see each other on the screen! And my dad pays for the purchases with it.

- Really?

- Yes. And my teachers tell everybody how I'm doing at school.

- Everybody?

- Well, at least all my classmates' parents get to know if I did my homework.

- Oh? Really? In Finland I guess teachers can tell only my parents about my performance and nobody else.

- You are writing something on your phone. Are you using WeChat?

- Yes. Mom is asking why I'm not at dinner with them. Why is it taking me so long to come back home? We use WeChat all the time. I can be in touch with my friends too.

Just remember to install WeChat on your phone, and we are good to go, good to be in touch. Okay?

-I will do that when I'm back home.

Panda tells Magpie his profile name and tell him to contact him through WeChat. Magpie promises to do it.

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