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Thanks to WeChat Magpie gets in contact with Panda in Shenzhen. Panda tells him about the latest commotion in many places in Shenzhen, about a theft of a fish, about a hairy four-legged intruder wreaking havoc in a restaurant, about a horrible beast running wild in Lixiang Park.

Magpie says,

Theft?! Intruder?! Beast?!

Have to admit that sounds bad.

Panda continues,

Luckily the police have started tracking down the beast to get rid of it.

Magpie can't help thinking it may be Wolverine and asks,

Do you know what or who is making trouble there?

Panda says,

Let me think... Just a moment ago I saw a photo of the body part that the beast had lost in an incident at the marketplace. I'll walk back there, take a photo of it and send that to you.


Horrible images of Wolverine's maimed body are rushing into Magpie's mind and he is getting more and more worried while waiting to receive the photo from Panda.

A few minutes later Magpie receives a notification from Panda, clicks it and see the lost body part of the beast.

Panda calls Magpie again and asks,

Did you receive it Pekka?


Or sorry,... It is highly likely it is the tail tip of my dear friend Wolverine.


Yes. I really need to tell this to Santa and I think we are in a hurry to form a rescue team. And come there as quickly as we can.

But how can we come there? You remember what the officials said to me at the railway station when I was there with you. They clearly said I had to have a visa. So we had to go to the nearest police station. Remember? And now, we don't have any visa to China, so how can we get one?

I'll ask my mother. She might come up with an idea.

A bit later Panda reaches Magpie over the phone and gives the instructions what to do.

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