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          "What now?" Haechan asks as they all sit around a table in a place he's never seen nor been. "Shut up and maybe he'll tell you" mark says annoyed every time a word comes out of the others mouth. "My god I may end up killing you before he even starts talking" "well I'd love to see you t-" "you two stop!" Taeyong says irritated at the pointless arguing happening.

        "So we're going to start the heist soon" Taeyong says "why can't we start now?" Jimin asks pouting "because jimine it's too soon" Taeyong says caressing jimin's face making Jungkook's blood boil.

     "Well stop procrastinating and tell us the fucking plan" jungkook says obviously angry. "Fine, we're breaking into the main central bank" "such a solid plan" Lisa says not yet convinced. "I know but there's more, we can't just break in and steal money we have to make more money" "how will we know when to stop?" Jennie asks.

      "When I tell you guys, trust me we won't be doing all the work" "still how are we supposed to trust your word" baekhyun says still not completely convinced "I don't beg so the door is always open."

       "What're we supposed to do until then" "wait, that's it stay together and wait and keep planning." Is all Taeyong says before leaving the room leaving the eight of them in the small room all looking at each other weirdly.

    Jungkook stands up out of his chair dragging Jimin with him to a corner in the room.

    "Bet 10 bucks they fuck" Lisa says "bet you 20 they make out only" mark says looking at the two in the corner.

    "Yes?" Jimin asks innocently already knowing what jungkook was going to say. "Stay away from Taeyong ok, I don't care if we're doing this thing with him but that doesn't mean you have to get close with him" "but what if I wanna get close with him?" Jimin asks really trying to push jungkook's buttons.

     "Jimin, for fucks sake can you not be a whore for five seconds!" Jimin was a bit taken aback by jungkooks words but shrugged it off. "But jungkook why would I, it's not like you would give two shits" "fine do what you want but when he drops you it's not my fault" "no one can 'drop' me jungkook."

    Jimin rolls his eyes walking closer to jungkook. "Calm down jungkook you've never cared this much about me being with someone else" "I don't care" "right..." Jimin says as the two start kissing.

    Mark looks over "pay up" Lisa rolls her eyes but pulls out the money. Ready to hand it over before seeing things going farther. She quickly snatches the twenty dollar bill away. "It's escalating."

     "What the actual fuck" baekhyun says as Jimin was now laying on the table in front of the other six the two on the table paying no attention to the others. Jimin finally looks up "if you're gonna stare at least join" Jimin shrugs.

     The six all look away disgusted and annoyed as they stare at their phones trying to tune out the noises coming from the two.

         "Hey" Haechan whispers "hey" he whispers again after getting no response. He grabs a piece of paper off the ground throwing it at mark. "What?!" Mark asks annoyed "what's up with your daddy issues?" "Never say that again and it's none of your business."

      "Fine" Haechan says pulling out his phone searching away. "Well shit..." Haechan says smirking looking over at the other. "Millionaire and business man Mr.Lee caught in a scandal," the first few words catches mark attention as he looks up. "After being accused of cheating on his wife Mrs.Lee with, and this is their words, a whore off the street" Haechan says laughing like someone told the funniest joke in the world.

    "How the hell do you know about that?!" "New article posted an hour ago" Haechan says shrugging look back on his phone feeling satisfied seeing mark getting angry.

     "So, college student?" Chanyeol asks baekhyun as he sits on the ground no longer wanting to be near the table. "More like soon to be college dropout" "nothing's wrong with that" Chanyeol says shrugging pulling out a cigarette out of his pocket.

     "Can you not?" Jennie says "I hate the smell of smoke" "and I don't give a fuck" Chanyeol says still starting to pull out his lighter. "I have asthma" baekhyun says locking eyes with Chanyeol.

     Chanyeol doesn't respond but just puts back both the lighter and the cigarette in his pocket.

"My god how long are you guys going to go on for!" Lisa yells to the two who were still on the table.

     After what seemed like hours Taeyong walks in. "I hope you guys have done some bonding" Taeyong says glancing at jungkook and Jimin "I'm heading back out but I need you guys to keep it down, jungkook let's go."

    "Me? Where am I going" "jungkook, let's go."

   Jungkook sighs but still follows the other out the door. "I told you before that you had explaining to do, I just was being nice because we both know Jimin knows nothing about this" "and it's going to stay that way."

      "Why are you alive jungkook?" "That's a trick question" "don't play around once you get that tattoo on your neck it means your dead jungkook, I would know" "I got off the hook that's all there is too it" "you don't get off the hook jungkook unless you give something in return" "I did what I had to do."

    "The shit they make you do is crazy" "well you're no better if you're still here" "well it's not like I had anything to lose" "well they were going to hurt Jimin and I-" jungkook stops his sentence and looks at Taeyong.

      "I don't owe you any kind of explanation I said I was in so I am now let's continue the plan before I change my mind" "we will soon" "and stay away from Jimin" "I can do that but can he stay away from me is the real question."

    "I'll take care of Jimin understood?" Taeyong looks at jungkook unamused. Jungkook turns and starts walking towards the room before being stopped feeling something against the back of his head.

     "We go when I want to go and Jimin chooses who he wants to be with not you so please remind yourself who's in charge before you make a mistake."

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