Our new home

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"So we're gonna be staying.....here?" Mark asks,trying to not sound like a douche bag. Though he hated growing up with such a 'rich' lifestyle he had become accustomed to it. So seeing where they were going to be staying was surely a downgrade from what he was used to.

"Ok I know it's not a million dollar mansion but why draw attention to ourselves" "it's in the middle of nowhere" "exactly even better."

"We have nothing though" Chanyeol says since none of them had clothes with them. "We have each other" Taeyong says in this tone that always annoyed everyone. The tone that he had no care in the world and that he just knew everything. And for the most part.....he did.

        The eight walk into the house Taeyong staying behind. "What're you doing taeyongie?" Jimin asked from the doorway to the boy who stood in front of the house staring at god knows what. There wasn't really anything to see since the house was again in the middle of nowhere.

     "Enjoying the scenery I guess, head in I'm gonna stay out here for a bit" "you get weirder every day.....professor" "still not a kink Jimin." The other rolls his eyes but still a smile was plastered on his face as he closes the door behind him, leaving the green head to himself.

      As he stared out into the distance all of his thoughts seemed to consume him. He knew he had to go through with this plan, no matter what it took. He vividly remembered this house, he lived here for half of his life. Safe from the vicious world, well that's what his dad wanted him to believe. He enjoyed being away from everything and everyone it was somewhat calming. Now he had the eight of them, who were all in some way quite fucked up.

       So he wanted to channel all of their anger into this. As in this he meant this grand money heist that he knew only a mastermind like himself could pull off.

     The quite he had was soon cut off as the front door swings open. "Umm Taeyong they're fighting" baekhyun says pointing into the house that was full of commotion.

      "No you listen you whore! I'm so tired of you saying stuff about my girlfriend!" Lisa says grabbing for handfuls of jimin's hair. He then pushes her off of him but that only made her gain her composure just to charge at him once again.

                      3 minutes before
        The eight walked into the house taking it in. It wasn't anything fancy but better than what half of them were used to. Besides Mark of course, "guys there's only a couple rooms and bitch I don't share" Haechan says looking up the stairs that he guessed held the bedrooms.

      "Well neither do I" Jennie says "I'm sure no one would want to share rooms with a murderer anyways" Jimin says laughing though the joke was nowhere near funny. "That wasn't  funny Jimin" Jennie says her face now red with more embarrassment than anger.

      "Stop letting him walkover you, Jennie and stop bringing that up or hell I'll bring up all of the things you don't want me to talk about" Lisa says giving Jimin a daring look. A look that would've probably made others back down but Jimin wasn't others. "What you gonna do, accidentally kill me? I thought that was her job, you could stab me, shoot me, choke me, throw me off the staircase I'll keep giving suggestions if you need."

    "Of course all you need to do is say it was self defense to clear your conscience of course" Jimin says simply his tone carrying many things sympathy not being one of them "it was self defense and he was my step-brother" Jennie says though not loud enough for Jimin to hear.

     "Say one more thing about that Jimin please do" "what'll you do?" "I'll beat your ass right now" at that Jimin seemed to laugh so hard tears formed in his eyes. He still wasn't convinced or even the slightest amused.

      "If I didn't know any better I would've thought Jennie wanted it" and with that,here they were. On top of one another, clawing at each other's face and hair. It was obvious who was winning the fight. Yes, it was Lisa but of course Taeyong broke it up.

      "So that team bonding did nothing," "no shit" Chanyeol says walking out the door, probably to smoke. "That crazy bitch!" Jimin yells storming up the stairs. Soon once a door had slammed upstairs Taeyong's still calm tone spoke, "Anyone down for a drink?" Taeyong asks lightly like the two of them weren't just trying to rip the others throat out.

       Taeyong was good at that, lighting up the mood when the tension was high. Giving them comfort when they didn't know they needed it. He used all of his knowledge to deal with the eight of them.

     "Wanna find a room?" Jungkook whispers to Haechan who just smiles at him. "Fuck off" Haechan replies the smile still steady on his face as he headed up the stairs.

   "Bitch open the door!" Haechan yells waiting quite impatiently. Soon the door swung open to see a pissed off Jimin who seemed to be staring out a window? Who knew what he was doing but it didn't look quite fun. "What do you want?" Jimin asks though Haechan has already pushed his way in and sat down on the bed that was in the decent sized room.

      "What's the shit going on with you and Lisa there's obviously more to it," "none of your business she's just being uptight like she always is" "and you know this how?"

    "It doesn't take a fucking genius,Haechan aren't you supposed to be having sex with jungkook right now?" Jimin asks the roll of his eyes that soon followed saying the words that didn't come out of his mouth.

      "Listen, I don't want him I was just trying to get your panties in a twist which I did so my fun is done" "well I don't either" "sure you don't it's obvious y'all have some history too."

     "If 'history' means fuck buddies for almost two years then we have tons of history" "don't you get tired of him?" "All the time but we all have that thing that we want to give up so bad but you just can't no matter how hard you try, and it's like when I'm so close to being like 'fuck it just drop him' he comes back and tells me I'm his only one which leads to sex obviously."

     "But in the morning he's gone, no note no nothing, but I don't care like everyone knows I'm a whore, he acts like I only need him" "you mean you act like you only need him, it's obvious you want more from him than sex and I might be a dumb bitch but even a dumb bitch can see that."

    The two laugh at his words as though they were old friends. "Im going to be honest with you but tell a single soul and I'll murder you, but for once in my life I don't know what I want."

     Soon enough the two walk out of the room and back downstairs. The rest were seated at a  dinner table that wasn't meant to seat all of them yet it seemed like it was meant just for them.

      "Come join us, we're having drinks and sharing funny stories" baekhyun says smiling brightly. "And telling secrets," jungkook says laughing himself, it'd been a while since any of them had put on a genuine smile. That's what life does to one, you can have so much going on yet you don't even see what's going on around you.

     Just like the public had no idea what the nine were planning right under their noses.

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