Team bonding

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"We're not in kindergarten what the fuck are we doing?" Haechan asks Taeyong as the seven of them sat in a circle on the not so clean ground. "I have to go do something so I want you guys to go in a circle and introduce yourselves and try to get to know one another I'll be leaving, Jennie you're in charge."

"What?! Taeyongie" Jimin whines "Jimin we all know I can't leave you in charge" "and why not?"

"Cause you're you Jimin now shut the fuck up and introduce yourself" Lisa says interrupting Taeyong before he could answer. "Fine, hi my names Jimin I'm 21 and I like sex, my favorite food is sex, my favorite color is-" "sex!" They all blurted out for him. "Um no it's pink actually don't assume that's not nice" Jimin says smiling. "mmm you go next" Jimin says pointing at Mark.

Mark sighs loudly "hi my names Mark, I'm 20 my dads a whore much like Jimin here um I don't really know what to say" "maybe tell us why you're here, it's not unknown that you're fucking rich Mark" Haechan complains again "my dad is rich not me."

"Right, like he doesn't share with you see all of us aren't as lucky as you Mark so again I don't get why you're here" Haechan says shrugging still not convinced.

"No arguing guys! If Mark has his reasons for being here those are his reasons not yours now Mark pick someone" Jennie says. "You can go" Mark says pointing towards Jennie who stands up hesitantly. "Hi my names Jennie Kim um I'm 21 and there's not much to my life besides my girlfriend" Jennie says pointing towards Lisa for her to go next.

     "Well we can always remember you as the girl that killed her brother I'm sure that'll ring bells" Jimin says laughing, pouting once he realizes no ones laughing with him. "It's a joke guys calm down" "no, Jimin you're such a fucking snake it's unbelievable and honestly I see why Jungkook left you!" Lisa yells shocking everyone.

       Jimin laughs bitterly "Lisa, don't bring jungkook into this and take a fucking joke like he said if we're gonna do this we have to put the past in the past" "yet you keep bringing it up, you see Jimin this is exactly why you and I could never be friends because of this exact reason" "shut up! We're not talking about that now introduce yourself."

       "What you don't want them to know that you used to be my best friend" Lisa scoffs rolling her eyes "you're pathetic, anyways now hi my names lalisa but call me Lisa I'm 21 and heads up I won't hesitate to snap your neck if you say anything out of line, little one go" Lisa says pointing to Haechan.

"Names Haechan not little one I'm 19 and you guys are all old especially you grandpa," the comment being directed to Chanyeol who just rolls his eyes in return. "Since I'm petty and don't give a shit forget the money I'm here for jungkook but the money is a nice bonus" Haechan says looking only at Jimin.

"Go ahead grandpa" "what's up my names Chanyeol I'm 22 and I like to smoke I guess that's it, asthma boy" "it's baekhyun actually and hi I'm 21 and I'm a college student well at least I used to be and my life's pretty boring outside of that."

"I'm curious what does a professors dick taste like that's one thing I've yet to experience probably cause I didn't go to college" Jimin says laughing and for once baekhyun smiles and laughs with him. "No comment on that, well I guess I'm the last one so let's play a game."

"I never got to introduce myself" a voice echoes throughout the building making them all turn their head. Haechan's smile widens as he sees jungkook standing by the door. "Names jungkook, 20, I like guys....or girls I'm not picky" "what're you doing here?" Jimin asks annoyed.

"Hey Haechan make some room?" Jungkook asks, Haechan moves over letting jungkook sit next to him. "You really think I'd turn down money, you're not special Jimin maybe if you thought with your brain instead of your ass it'd be different but you're so dependent and I want someone who can fend for themselves."

Haechan smirks making eye contact with Jimin. "You're one to talk jungkook you're the biggest fuckboy I know, and though I may be a whore I'm not dependent and surely not on you, last time I checked you're the one who calls me when you need something not the other way around I don't need you just like you don't need me, you can burn in hell for all I care" Jimin says smiling at jungkook then to Haechan.

"Taeyong went to go get something or whatever so let's play this shall we?" "Truth or dare?" They all agree to the childish game even though the tension was obviously high in the room.

"I'll go first, Haechan truth or dare?" Jungkook asks "dare" "I dare you to kiss me" Haechan tries and acts like he's shocked but they all can tell he's faking it. Soon the two are making out ignoring everyone's disgusted faces and jimin's just annoyed look.

"So my turn now,Jimin truth or dare?" Haechan asks looking at Jimin curiously. "Dare" "well I dare you to tell us a secret you exposed everyone else's so I know there has to be more than you than just you being a whore" "there's nothing."

"Don't lie Jimin" Lisa speaks up looking at the three that looked like they wanted to kill one another. "Ok whatever I was raped so I hired someone to kill the person who raped me end of the story kind of ironic right?"

"Now Mark truth or dare?" "Truth" "why do you want to kill your dad so bad?" "He ruined my family and is a horrible person he deserves to die" "kind of dark but ok."

"Jennie truth or dare?" "Truth" "not to be nosy or anything but how did you accidentally kill your sibling?" It's like everyone falls quiet and their eyes land on Jennie.

"I'm getting kind of tired of this game" Jennie says quietly. "Oh come on we all shared things don't be a bitch" Jimin mutters.

"Getting along I see" Taeyong says walking over to the eight with food in his hand. "Definitely, taeyongie" Jimin says running up to the other kissing his lips before taking the bags to the others.

"Everything's good"

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