Forty-Four hours in

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                 Jimin cries out in pain as Baekhyun was stitching up his newly formed wound. Removing the bullet hurt like hell, but this stung like hell so he couldn't tell which one felt worse. "Can't believe you guys would be so immature" Baekhyun says, shaking his head in disappointment as he completes the stitches. 

      "Me immature?! She's the one who shot me" "you kissed her girlfriend" Baekhyun reasons, as he was now bandaging the wound. "So what! She broke a very important rule, who knows what she'll do if someone ever had sex with Lisa."

     "Well if you don't then you'll never have to find out" Jimin glares at the other, now crossing his arms as he pouts. "You're supposed to be on my side" that only made Baekhyun sigh as he moved away from the other. "I'm not on anyone's side Jimin, you've made quite a few mistakes here as well, not saying she should've done that but from what I heard you were gonna make the same mistake."

      "But in my case it's different, he's just a hostage. The only person who even cares about him here is Jungkook" Jimin says rolling his eyes as he was now in an even worse mood thinking about Taehyung.

     "Is this what this is all about Jimin!" Baekhyun yells at the other who still laid on the couch unable to move his leg.

     "Really, there needs to be a time where you realize that not everything will go your way, not everyone will go by your rules!" "I never said any-" Jimin begins in a softer voice than before. "Save it Jimin! You need to let him go if he's really driving you this mad, I'm all for you being happy Jimin but you and Jungkook's relationship has only brought down this plan since the beginning."

    "Chanyeol's no better" Jimin mutters bitterly, though he didn't mean it. "Chanyeol has nothing to do with this, he has his own issues but at least he doesn't treat me like I'm nothing" Baekhyun says leaving Jimin alone with his thoughts.

       Though no one would know, Jimin was very sensitive. He hated being wrong, he hated being yelled at, he hated so many things. But one thing he couldn't bring himself to hate was Jungkook. He wanted to so bad, but he just couldn't. 

       Jimin finally let himself go and started to bawl. He wished he could tell someone how he really felt, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He refused to look weak when he really wasn't. His loud cries didn't go unnoticed by the rest, Jennie and Lisa walking by leaving him to himself, though Lisa's eyes lingered on him for a little too long. 

    The only person who watched from a corner was Jungkook. His heart breaking as he watched Jimin cling to his chest, as the pain seemed unbearable and not just from his leg. 

     As he watched the other cry a memory started to reform in his head.

      Flashback: T/W (If you feel uncomfortable with mentions of rape PLEASE skip, nothing will happen but it will be mentioned)

     "Hey Jimin, can I ask you something" Jungkook asks as he lays in bed with his arms placed behind his head. "Go ahead" Jimin says, a little suspicious as to what the other would want to know. "Are we gonna talk about our kinks again or something?" Jimin laughs as he gets into the bed space next to the other.

     "No, it's actually a little more personal" Jimin squints his eyes at that. "I thought you didn't do personal Jeon" "don't get me wrong I don't, it's regarding you so I'm curious is all."

     Jimin nods slowly waiting for Jungkook to continue. "How come you always panic whenever I grab your wrist when we have sex" Jimin's face pales as he sits up a little. "No reason I'm just not into that." Jimin shrugs like Jungkook would drop the conversation there. 

     "Jimin, you like the weirdest shit but I can't touch your wrists, it doesn't add up" Jimin only sighs adverting his eyes from Jungkook, looking anywhere but at him. "you can tell me, I'm here" Jungkook says rubbing Jimins' shoulder reassuringly. 

     "I was used," Jimin begins just above a whisper. "My mother let all her boyfriends use me as they pleased, she didn't care about me, none of them did." 

    "One specific boyfriend of hers had this obsession with tying my wrists, ropes, handcuffs, belts, anything he could think of," Jimin says shakily as tears now streamed down his face. "They left my wrists bleeding badly, bruises and marks there for weeks."

     "I'm so sorry Jimin" was the only thing that seemed to come out of Jungkook's mouth. "Just promise me you won't ever.." Jimin says as he was now full on sobbing. "I won't ever Jimin I promise you." 

    Flashback and T/W over.

  Watching Jimin cry like that reminded him of that moment and it hurt him, it hurt him so much. 

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