Two hours in

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              Two hours into the heist and they were already arguing. They had locked up the hostages some place in the bank planning to retrieve them one they had came in contact with Taeyong.

       But of course they started to argue. "Jungkook, you need to stop acting like you're in charge when you're not!" Chanyeol yelled at the younger who had done nothing but do his own thing since they'd gotten there.

          It bothered Chanyeol deeply because not only did he feel like jungkook was making an attempt to replace him, but it bothered him because he knew that he could.

         Taeyong has made it quite clear that if jungkook wasn't reckless like he was then he would be in this position, not Chanyeol, and that only infuriated him more. I guess you could say that he didn't like being second best, I mean who did.

          "Well you're not really doing shit! Stop treating them like this is some fucking resort and then I'll consider backing down cause I won't let you mess this up for me," jungkook says angrily yet annoyed then projecting his voice to everyone else in the room.

          "That goes for all of you! Don't mess this up for me and if you do trust and believe you'll be dead before one of the hostages" jungkook says bitterly as he walks out slamming the door behind him.

          "Guys he doesn't mean it," Jimin began, he hated that he couldn't help himself from defending someone who didn't deserve to be defended.

          The looks he received were hard to decipher but all he could do was hope it didn't result with more arguing.

      "And so if he did?" Jennie spoke up catching the others off guard. "I'm not scared of him, he's not fit to be a leader and he just keeps proving it now let's talk to Taeyong."

         Jennie wasn't the type to speak out she was more on the reserved side of things. But not today, she was fed up with the arguing and jungkook acting like he was on top of everyone.

        As they all crowded around the table that held a communication system that Chanyeol helped build. It was perfect for them to keep in contact with Taeyong and it was also untraceable.

        By now the sirens sounded like background music to them as they waiting for Taeyong to pick up. "Guys?" "Hey Taeyong, what's going out there..... like ya know?" "Well I'm sure there are police just outside the bank by now but they have been notified that they can't go in."

        Taeyong said, they could hear faint clicking in the background like he was possibly typing on the computer while taking to them.

         "We know what to do now, anything you need to tell us?" "Don't forget that you must contact me every four to six hours giving me updates on the heist," the seven nodded as he continued on like he could see them.

       "Don't forget the rules and follow them, that's what's holding this plan together." And with that the call was ended. "I'm gonna go find jungkook" Jimin said softly as he made his way towards the door his feet seeming to move on their own.

        "Don't, jiminie, you can't be focusing on him right now we have bigger things to deal with" Haechan said, he knew that the older had a soft spot for jungkook but he refused to let both of their childishness ruin the plan.

         "Jungkook will be fine, now guys" Chanyeol began his voice having a calmness to it, reminded them of Taeyong.

       "Let's go make some money."


           "Hello, yes could I speak to the detective taking up the heist case?" "Do you have information about the heist sir?" "I guess you'll find out if you let me talk to them."

         Taeyong had been using a device to disguise his voice making it unrecognizable. He had no criminal record so it's not like he'd be suspected even if he used his real voice, but he'd rather be safe than sorry.

         After what seemed like ten minutes, it actually being two minutes and thirty three seconds, he heard a different voice speak up.

       "This is detective Jung Jaehyun, please don't waste my time."


             If jungkook was bad at anything it was keeping his word. Though he had many strengths and capabilities, he had a habit of always wanting to take the easy way out.

         He didn't care who it hurt as long as in the end he got what he wanted.

         That's what he told himself as he was locked in a bathroom stall a phone that he had stolen from one of the hostages close to his ear.

          Before the operator could even finish asking jungkook questions he began to ask his own.

       "Hypothetically speaking, if you have a not so spotless record and then you get involved in something..... something like a heist but you turn yourself in and help with information how much of a reduced sentence are talking?"

      Jungkook was trying his best to talk in a hushed voice despite had being the only one in the bathroom. Which he wasn't anymore.

           Jimin who had ignored the others and still went and looked for jungkook listened to the conversation of jungkook with the operator.

          His heart sank knowing that jungkook would really throw them under the bus, throw him under the bus.

         Jimin was angry, his blood basically boiling as he kicked the stall door open. "Really jungkook?!" He yelled his voice a completely different contrast from jungkook's previous hushed whisper.

         "What the hell!" Jungkook says pointing towards the phone that still had the police on the line. "End the fucking call!" Jimin yelled his anger not ceasing one bit. "Jimin I-" Jungkook pauses realizing what he'd done.

        Realizing what they'd just both done. He quickly hung up the phone throwing it in the toilet attempting to flush it.

        "Are you fucking stupid revealing my name like that! My names obviously in the system and so is yours!" "I'm the stupid one? Aren't you the one who just tried to give information to the police asking for a 'reduced sentence'" Jimin spat bitterly making sure to make air quotes around those words.

          "Knowing damn well what Taeyong taught us, I can't believe you would throw everything away so soon, I would never do that to you."

       "Because Jimin, you don't have a desire to survive like I do, if anything you have a death wish."

       Jungkook was already out of the bathroom leaving Jimin furious.


              "Today you're gonna learn a simple lesson which is, how to print money" Chanyeol started looking  around to the others. His words were soon cut off by one that he wished would've stayed gone.

             "You will print this money and we will teach it to you once and one time only" jungkook says as he walks towards the machines. The hostages eyes followed him of course knowing that this would be their only time to learn how this would work.

         Chanyeol was furious with jungkook.

  Jimin was disappointed with jungkook.

    If anything they were all disappointed already. They had broken their first rule by Taeyong.

       'Do not betray each other.'

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