The night before

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Their planning became more and more serious as the days progressed. It's like the realization was just then hitting them that they were actually doing this.

A worried expression spread across Haechan as his knee can't seem to quit shaking. "You good?" Mark asks in a near whisper. "It's weird but I'm kind of nervous" "it's not weird, it's normal I'm surprised you though cause you always act all badass" Mark laughs softly looking at the other.

"I'm still a badass, it's just I'll be screwed if we get caught and go to jail I just got off probation" "for what?" "just dealing drugs" Haechan said with a shrug.

      "'Just dealing drugs'?" Mark repeats in a questioning tone. "I've done worse so yes just that" the two smile at one another before quickly breaking eye contact.

       "Hey channie" Jimin says swiftly while grabbing a water out of the fridge. "Yeah?" "You and Mark are cute, jungkook and I were the same way when we first started talking."

All the color seemed to drain from Haechan's face as he glanced at Mark who was fighting back a laugh. "Mmm?" was all that left Haechan as he looked over at Jimin with confusion.

Jimin merely shrugged taking a drink of his water. "It's cute really" Haechan almost wanted to gag at being compared at the unstable 'couple' "Mark and I are nothing like you and Jungkook" "sure you're not, I'm gonna give you a little story time so get comfy."

Haechan rolls his eyes mumbling 'fuck this' as he was quick to stand up out of his chair. He could feel Jimin glaring at him in a not so friendly way, with that he sat back down.

"So you're probably wondering how jungkook and I met and became this," no he most definitely was not, but that didn't stop Jimin from continuing.

"Well a couple years ago I was a major hoe," "what's changed?" Haechan chimes in making Mark laugh beside him. Jimin glared at the younger but nonetheless continued on.

"It was different I mean like I was sleeping with someone new every night while I was in like three relationships" Haechan pretends to be shocked as he fake gasped a hand covering his mouth, eyes wide as he said "so you were like a maximum hoe? Nobody likes those."

"Pretty much, anyways I met jungkook through a friend, well he was dating my friend and then him and I hooked up, which I know is really fucked up but hey the friend was fake anyways," Jimin told his story the younger two somehow had slipped in and were now listening, fully intrigued.

"And usually I just double f aka fuck and forget, but with jungkook it was different we exchanged numbers that was the first mistake," "shouldn't the first mistake be you hooking up with him in the first place?" Mark asks like it was common sense.

"Oh I don't regret that anyways, we never really had any deep convos just random pictures and some sexting and then we started to FaceTime, our second mistake, never had I kept in contact with a one night stand but with jungkook I did, the two of us basically only went to one another when we were needy and ran out of options," Jimin admitted not sounding as proud as usual.

"We got close, too close neither of us have ever been in a stable relationship so us just being what we are seems to work" Jimin says shrugging and taking another drink of his water. "It sounds dumb but there were actually times where jungkook treated me like something more, like one night I was having bad nightmares and he came over and we stayed up all night and cuddled and watched movies and nothing sexual ever happened" Jimin said feeling nostalgic as he remembered their old times.

"I don't want you guys to end up like jungkook and I, me and him are..." "a mess" "horrifically unstable" the younger two say not letting Jimin finish his sentence "I was gonna say complicated but those work too."

"Jiminie, me and Mark have this under control no feelings are involved right Mark?" "For sure, don't worry."

Jimin only nodded knowing that was exactly what him and jungkook had said a week into their thing. "Good for you guys, I'm gonna go run a bit gotta stay fit, Taeyong said meeting soon" the two were both kinda taken aback but by the time they took in everything the other had said he was already out the door.

The nine had been together for what seemed to be forever but was only on the brink of four months. They planned almost every night with the occasional drinking or story telling. Taeyong always made sure they all felt at home and the eight had grew a trust for him, a trust that seemed to be holding them all together.

A trust that if they lost everything would for sure fall apart, but that wouldn't happen, Taeyong wouldn't let it.

"Guys!" A yell rung through the place as multiple footsteps were heard throughout the house. "Woah" many of them murmured seeing Taeyong had cooked what seemed to be a feast.

"Come on, everything's ready" Taeyong said a smile plastered on his face as he handed them plates and let them treat themselves.

Soon they were all seated at the table laughs filled the atmosphere as they passed around glasses and soon drinks.

"I wanna make a toast," Taeyong stood up from the head of the table, all of their eyes ending up on him. "This will be our last dinner together as the heist is beginning," tiny chants could be heard from the others.

"I know you guys are excited but don't let that cloud your judgement, I'm trusting you guys and we got this alright?" They all nodded and lifted up their glasses.

"Well then, let the heist begin."

Now it's the beginning.

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