Make-up sex

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           "Red isn't my color" Jimin says looking at the outfits Taeyong had handed them "Jimin that should be the least of your worries," "well if it's gonna be on the news I wanna look good at least" "about that." Taeyong laughs pulling out another box.

      It was masks, of course it was, they weren't gonna go in head first and have their names and faces all over the headlines just yet. "I'm excited" baekhyun says a smile on his face as he grabbed one of each. "Same" Chanyeol says nudging the other softly.

        "You know you would be cute" "would be?" "Yeah if you didn't smell like cigarette smoke, it's a turn off trust me" "so if I didn't smoke then what?" At that baekhyun just shrugs "well actions speak louder than words so stop smoking and you'll see."

   Jimin seemed more and more annoyed as the day went on. His whole life he's hated having to apologize first. It got so bad to the point where he was good at convincing himself he did nothing even if he had done something horrible.

      But as he sat on the bed in his room staring at a wall for what seemed like hours he didn't care anymore.

      "Can you open the door?" "No!" "I'll fucking break the door down" "go ahead" Jimin was getting ready to walk away before the door opened up. "What?" "We should talk."

     Jimin sat on one side of the bed Lisa on the other. The atmosphere feeling awkward and neither of them knew what to do about it. "What'd you wanna talk about?" "I'm sorry, happy now cause that's all you're getting" Lisa laughs at the other.

      "You're still so stubborn" "always" "you really don't know the full story Jimin hell I don't even think I do but I know jennie's sensitive about it and I hate seeing her broken" "you love her" "yeah, I do."

     "Kinda how you love jungkook" Lisa says seeing how jimin's face turned red. "I don't love Jung-" "save the bullshit for someone else, I was your best friend I know you, go find him" "thanks Lisa you can be a real bitch but I kinda miss our friendship kinda."

     "And you're still a petty whore, and same kinda" it was weird of course but this was the first time they've had a real conversation in what seemed like years.

      But it was nice, who knew how long it would last though. As Jimin shut the door behind him across the hall he saw jungkook. A small smile spread across his face as he walked towards the other. The smile dropped what seemed like a second after it appeared on his face seeing who jungkook was with.

        He was talking to Haechan, laughing with him and smiling that damn smile that made Jimin fall for him. The two's conversation was short lived as they saw Jimin standing there. They must've been able to tell the look on jimin's face since Haechan walked up to him grabbing his arm.

       "We were just taking about you" "sure you were" Haechan rolled his eyes placing Jimin in front of jungkook. "Now talk to one another or have make-up sex or whatever y'all do I'm bout to go find Markie the rich bastard" the two laugh at the younger who skipped down the hall a silly smile on his face.

        "That kid is hilarious" jungkook says still laughing even after Haechan was downstairs. "Yeah" "I'm mad at you Jimin" "I didn't even do anything" "here you go with this convincing yourself you did nothing." Jimin hated how well jungkook knew him.

      "All I asked from you was one thing one simple thing, yet you couldn't keep your hands off of Taeyong" "well you would never tell me shit so I had to find out some way."

     "Jimin you're not my boyfriend so I don't have to tell you anything really" "still a douche bag" "unfortunately, you can be all over another guy like it's nothing yet I talk to Haechan and you're throwing a hissy fit and getting all jealous."

        "Listen can we save this arguing for later and skip to the part where you fuck me and we forgive each other" jungkook rolled his eyes but still proceeded to drag the other into his room locking the door behind them.

      "Hey Markie" Haechan says walking up to Mark who sat at the counter on his phone. "Why're you calling me that?" "cause you're cute" "are you ok?" "I'm more than ok, Markie."

       "Oh my god idiot take the hint he's horny and wants you to fuck him" baekhyun says since he was also sitting at the counter and quite disgusted by the two of them.

     So he left and went outside where he saw Chanyeol staring into the distance. "Not smoking I see" "Nope" "where's Taeyong?" "He said he had to go get some things he'll be back soon" "mmm."

        "I wanted to ask you about something if it's not too personal," baekhyun asks now standing right by Chanyeol's side but not making eye contact with him.

    "I want to know about your son" a short silence spread between the two of them before Chanyeol spoke up "it was an accident, I didn't mean to get her knocked up nor did I plan on leaving her or my kid."

       "I'm not ready to be a dad I can barely take care of myself, I know it's not an excuse but trust me he's safe and once this heist is over and I have enough money I'm gonna go and find him, he's in foster care" "you'll find him" "I hope so, I want to make up for all the lost time" "and you'll get the chance too."

      Taeyong was 'out' he was never really at the house always busy doing something. This time he was getting something they desperately needed, guns.

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