Six hours in

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         All eyes were on the two who stood their with their mouths slightly agape while looking at the tv screen.

         "You guys are fuck-ups!" Jennie yells storming out of the room Lisa following behind her. "How did they even-" Haechan's confused voice spoke up making the rest who remained in the room crane their necks to look at him.

          But suddenly his eyes turn dark as it suddenly clicks. "Who the fuck snitched?!" The yell pained something in Jimin seeing the younger who he had considered a close friend be so angry as his eyes went from jungkook to Jimin and back again.

        "Was it you?" His eyes trailed to Jimin who was mostly speechless. Jimin slowly turned his head to look at jungkook who stared back at him, expressionless.

        "No, it wasn't" Jimin then takes his leave also following the girls who had left before him. "Jungkook," Chanyeol starts calmly looking at the other.

         "You've fucked us up, how does it feel?" "Chanyeol, shut up!" "You're ruining the plan and you're bringing Jimin down with you, also may I say fear isn't a good look on you."

       "I'm not scared of you" jungkook says making sure that his eye roll is evident for the other. "Not of me, dumbass, you're scared of losing you're freedom, you're scared to rot in jail so you aimlessly thought that the police would help you," Chanyeol let out a small laugh that sounding more like a scoff.

          "You don't know what you're talking about, nor am I gonna explain it, just stay out of my way and let's do this" jungkook says walking out of the room though he knew Chanyeol was right, he was too stubborn to admit it.

       "That fucking idiot!" Chanyeol yells as he searches around the room for a cigarette to relive his stress. Everyone had left the room by now, all angry and disappointed at jungkook. All besides baekhyun who quickly took Chanyeol's hand in his before he could grab his lighter.

       "Don't you remember I have asthma?" Was all baekhyun has to say for Chanyeol to sigh defeatedly, throwing the lighter across the room.

      Chanyeol hadn't smoked a single cigarette since that day with baekhyun. The other knew that he needed someone to be there for him more than tell him what to do.

        "What're we gonna do once we're out of here?" The other asks softly. "We're gonna leave with our money," Baekhyun nods as the other continued to speak. "And then find my son and find a home far far away from here.... together."

      That was Chanyeol's new way of relieving stress. Whenever he wanted to pick up a cigarette baekhyun would be there reminding him that he had asthma, and the last thing Chanyeol would want was to hurt the other, he would then make him say what their plan was once the heist was over. And oh did that keep Chanyeol going.

           Haechan sighs, he was very annoyed at just about everyone. Anything someone would do, he would snap at them, he even threatened a few hostages, having to be dragged away by the others.

        He wasn't exactly sure what made him feel like this. Maybe it was the betrayal from the people who he had grown to trust, or because he wasn't used to having friends so he felt connected to the other seven including Taeyong.

      This just set something off in him, something that should've been in his mind since the beginning. These people don't care about him and would drop him the minute the heist is over.

    He felt the need to fend for himself. He didn't need anybody, never did and never will.

      Suddenly the same thought plays over in his head constantly. A thought that makes his grip on his gun tighten.

     'This is your heist.'

    And with that he storms off looking to find jungkook. He was absolutely livid as he passed by Mark who tried to reach out to the boy but only got shrugged off.

        He finally sees the other in a corner having a hushed conversation with one of the hostages.

      Not hesitating one bit, Haechan walks up to Jungkook pointing his gun directly to his forehead.

      The hostage looks at the other with fear in his eyes as he quickly walks away leaving the two alone with Mark standing a distance behind the younger, making sure he didn't make a mistake he'd regret.

      'This must be how Chanyeol feels about me'  Mark thought to himself as he watched Haechan intently.

       "Listen here, you can be a dick to Jimin or give Chanyeol shit for leading us but you will not mess this up I don't care if after all this is over you rot in jail but we swore that we wouldn't betray each other and this is what you do!"

     "I knew that you were selfish but come on, so now we're gonna follow my rules k? I'm tired of this bullshit so either you get your shit together or I'll pull this trigger myself, less money to share and less money to make," Haechan presses the head of the gun even harder to jungkook's head.

       "Now let's get along, how does that sound?" Jungkook looks at the younger with what seemed to be admiration. "So the little baby grew some that's nice to know," his bitter laugh didn't go unheard by just about everyone around them.

        "Yeah, fine whatever but point a gun at me again and there'll be consequences, little one,"

        They were definitely all going to kill each other soon.

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