Nine hours in

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They only had to survive one more hour before they could make their phone call to Taeyong. They were all on the brink of losing their sanity and were just keeping their distances.

        "Fucking work!" Haechan yells at the machine in front of him. He had already engraved the money and now he was printing it. Since he was so frustrated it wasn't exactly running as smoothly as usual.

      "Calm down, it's probably just jammed" Mark says assuringly stepping in front of the other and restarting the machine, it soon started to run smooth the money coming out a bright green that made a small smile form on Haechan's face.

        "Thanks, I'm so mad right now!" "I know cause so am I, but going around taking it out on everyone else isn't going to help you now is it?" Haechan just rolled his eyes but couldn't hide the smile on his face as he walks towards Mark.

     "No, it's not" Mark wraps his arms around Haechan's waist. "Since everyone is breaking the rules, can't we?" "One person broke the rules but I mean-" Mark kiss Haechan quickly before pulling away to look at him.

       "Yeah we can definitely break the rules" the two walk out of the room hand in hand. As they stumble into a random room not checking it before connecting their lips again.

      "Um ew" a voice from the corner of the room breaks them apart. It was the same girl who was staring at Haechan like she had seen an angel and a ghost at the same time.

       "What're you doing in here!" Haechan yelled annoyed since she had just ruined the moment. "Nothing much" she shrugs like she wasn't supposed to be with the rest of the hostages. "If you're trying to escape you won't a fair warning," the girl scoffs waking towards the two.

       "You really don't remember me, hyuckie?" The nickname made Haechan's face turn pale. "No, I really don't now leave me alone and go with everyone else!"

           "Come on hyuck, look at me and tell me you don't remember!" Haechan was still avoiding the girls gaze as he looked at everyone else but the girl in front of him.

          "Listen if he said he doesn't remember you then he doe-" "I do" Haechan says as low as a whisper. A small smirk forms on the girls face as she studies Haechan. "I know you do" and with that she walks out of the room leaving the two alone again though it was a different atmosphere than before.

       "Who's s-" "don't ask, I don't wanna talk about it."

       "Guys it's time!" Chanyeol yells as the rest follow in. It was time for another check in with Taeyong. They knew that this one was important considering what had happened over the past few hours.

       They all felt guilty knowing they had let Taeyong down. Even jungkook felt heaviness on his chest as he entered the room.

       As they clicked the button waiting for any kind of sound from the other side. "Guys" they all sighed or relief hearing the only person they trusted answer the phone.

       "Um hey, Im guessing you saw the news," Chanyeol started to talk considering he'd start the conversation. "I'm sure everyone has" "I'm sorry Taeyong I really am" Jimin moves to the front as he spoke his voice nearly shaking.

       "Oh jiminie it's ok, I always have back-up plans you should know this" "what about once this is over we'll be wanted even if we escape" "when you escape just come and find me, I'll be waiting for you with new identities and passports and of course you'll have your money."

     "I don't want anyone stressing, stay calm and finish the job I'm not angry with anyone, I've gotten everything under control, but where's jungkook" everyone's eyes roam to jungkook who was standing behind them all.

       "He's right here" Haechan says not hiding his glare to the other one but. "I would like to talk to him alone, please." That took everyone in the room by surprise, expecting him to yell or get angry at jungkook or just something, not to talk to him in private.

        They were all beyond shocked but still none argued as they walked out of the room leaving jungkook to himself with the radio they talk to Taeyong through.

     "Taeyong I'm sorry, really" "don't be jungkook I get it honestly, I wanna share a little secret with you actually" Jungkook's ears perked up hearing this.

         "But you can only tell the others about this plan if everything falls apart," "wait what do you mean?" "If there's ever a time where I don't contact you wait two hours and if I still don't and you guys are hopeless I need you to use this plan and for you to lead it."

     "Tell me then."

          Lisa and Jennie were currently seated in a vault counting money. They had been doing that recently which was why they had been disappearing randomly together.

            They had only finished one vault previously since their was so much to count. But as the brains of the heist the two didn't mind since it gave them time to themselves like it had been before they got into this.

        It was refreshing being together and counting the money. "Lisa, do you think I'm a murderer?" Jennie asks out of the blue the silence no longer there.

        Jennie didn't even look up from the stack of money she had been counting but Lisa has already stopped counting hers to look at Jennie.

       "Of course I don't, why would you even say that?" Jennie just shrugs "that's what everyone else thinks, it might as well be true" "stop it, that's not true."

       "I wanna kill jungkook" Lisa laughs softly after hearing Jennie say that. "Don't we all right now" "no seriously he's ruining the plan and I refuse to let him do that to us, so I'm gonna put him in his place" Jennie says emotionlessly as she still doesn't look up from the stack of money she'd been counting.

         Lisa looks over at Jennie "whatever you say."

     What seemed like hours later they had completed counting a good half of the stacks of money in the vault. But it wasn't even the fact that they had completed so much that had them shocked, it was what had been hidden behind the stack of money.

       It was a small door but big enough to fit them. As Jennie opens it she sees it continues on for looked like forever. She smiles as she looks back at Lisa.

      "I found the escape tunnel."

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