Fourty-three hours in

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     That would be a good way to describe how Haechan looked right now. He refused to speak to anyone since he was released from that vault. He didn't look normal and Mark felt like he was the only one who was worried about the younger. 

   "Haechan" Mark calls out, sitting next to the boy who watched the hostages as if he was staring right through them. Even though Mark got no response he still continued to talk. "You know I'm not mad at you right?" Mark studies the others facial expression to see if anything changed, but once again nothing.

      "Thing like this...things like this happen, ok?" Did they though, Mark had never seen that happen right in front of his eyes but he couldn't bring himself to make Haechan feel any more bad. "I didn't want you to know" Haechans' small voice speaks. "Didn't want me to know what?" Mark asks turning to face Haechan.

     "Didn't want you to know that I was a psycho Mark!" Mark couldn't help but laugh at that. "Really, that's what you're worried about?" Mark, again breaks into another fit of laughter confusing Haechan even more. 

    "I don't care what you've done or if you're some 'psycho' but you're not, not in my eyes" the youngers eyes couldn't help but glimmer in hope. He never had someone comfort him like this before, but he loves it. "Don't leave me, Mark" "Wasn't planning on it, where would I go, in a vault?" Mark says, smiling when he sees that Haechan smiled at that.

    "No...I mean when this is over, will you leave me then?" to say Mark was shocked would be an understatement. He never considered that Haechan would become so...attached, they weren't even dating yet. They're supposed to split up once the heist is over, he knows he can't stay with him, so why does Mark feel so bad?

     "Haechan..." Mark trails off, before he can even continue speaking Haechan shoots up from his seat. He wipes his eyes harshly before beginning to walk away. "Wait!" Mark grabs the youngers hand trying to get him to stay, though he didn't even know what to say.

      "Just forget I said anything K?" Haechan says as he yanks his hand away from the older walking away, his hand clutching his gone a little too tightly.

        "You know, I never liked you" "glad we're on the same page."

       "You're a fuck-up" "you're a kiss up."

     "Oh really to who?" "Oh, you know, your crazy girlfriend."

     "You're one to speak! Jimin whines a little and there you are kissing his ass, quite literally!" 

        "Am I interrupting something?" A low voice breaks between Lisa and Jungkook who were left in a room alone and well...things got a little heated. 

      Lisa didn't even hesitate to raise her gun at the supposed to be hostage. "Taehyung, what're you doing in here?" Lisa eyes Jungkook from the side, her gun still raised directly at Taehyung. "Looking for you of course, you're the only one I can stand in this place" Taehyung says making his way over to Jungkook, placing himself on the others lap. 

      "Who the fuck are you?" "I'm Taehyung, and you're Lisa."

         "How the fu.." "he knows everything Lisa" Jungkook says simply as Taehyung couldn't help but feel his ego grow as he leaned more into Jungkook. "How exactly?! Did you talk?" 

    "No! Why does everyone keep asking me that" Jungkook rolls his eyes, was he really that untrustworthy. "I don't know maybe because you're the reason the police are on Jimins ass!"

    "Whatever you guys would've done the same!" The two were back at it again. The problem with the two of them were that they always used one another's past against them, and well of course Jimin and Jennie. 

    "Are you guys done arguing?" Jimins' sweet voice echoed through the room as he walks in. His sinister smile fell quickly once he saw Taehyung sitting on Jungkook's lap "Move" Jimin ordered. "No" Taehyung says smiling at Jimin with that carefree smile that Jimin hated. 

    Jimins blood was by now boiling as he clenched his fist at his sides. "Hey, just move" Jungkook whispers hoping to save an unneeded fight, though something was quite arousing to him to watch the two fight over him. 

     "He won't do anything I know" "you don't know Jimin," Jungkook warns as they turn their eyes back to Jimin who still stood in the same spot waiting for the other to move.

      "I won't move, he's not yours Jimin, get that through your head alright?" "So what if he's not mine, he's surely not anyone else's, you genuinely think that because you guys fucked one time that you're suddenly special, well reality check, you're not!" Jimin was now yelling as anger was the only emotion he felt. 

     "You're just like every other bitch, he doesn't love you and he never will so I suggest you move or I'll do it for you, and you won't like what I have in mind." 

      Taehyung wasn't the least bit fazed, that was until Jimin aimed his gun at him. "Move or I'll shoot" "Jimin! Come on, calm down" Jimin couldn't help but scoff at the others comment.

     "Maybe if he stopped acting as if he's your fucking husband I could calm down, he's a hostage! Not one of us, he will never be one of us no matter how much he knows!" "He's acting as if he's my husband?! Have you not seen or heard yourself these past hours."

      "I'm. Not. Your. Boyfriend." Jungkook says, making it as clear as he could. "You're right." Jimin smiles sweetly as he lowers his and walks over to Lisa who was watching everything unravel from her seat. "Hey don't take your anger out on-" Lisa's complaints were cutoff once he yanks Lisa and kisses her like there's no tomorrow. 

     Jungkook only glares at the two from his side of the couch. 

       Jimin finally pulls away and smirks at the two who sat still on the couch in shock. He makes his way out of the room Lisa following after. "What the fuck was that?!" "a kiss perhaps" Jimin says as if he didn't care one bit.

     "I have a girlfriend Jimin!" "It was just a kiss for fucks sake." "It won't be just a kiss to Jennie."

     Before the two can argue any further, a gunshot rings through the building. 

     Jimin screams out in pain as he feels he bullet pierce his leg. Jennie stands behind a small smile on her face. "Don't kiss my girlfriend, or next the bullet won't be in your leg."

    It's been so long I'm so sorry eee, I'm back for real this time lol, thank you for reading, love youu -me <3

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