Meet Professor

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"You see I dropped out of school for a reason" Jimin says as he looks at Taeyong who was standing at a chalkboard,while they sat in desks like students all over again.

"Let's be honest I have the cleanest record out of anyone a spotless one actually and that's exactly why I'm the leader of this,I'm also the smartest and I know what I'm doing so today we're going to finally start planning,though I already have a plan there's little things you guys won't get that I'll have to explain."

"Sorry but school and listening isn't really my strong suit" jungkook says from the back of the somewhat classroom. "That's ok and since you guys are somewhat my students I guess I can be your....professor" "is that a kink?" Jimin asks who was sitting in the front of the classroom.

"No, anyways I guess we should talk about the most relevant, what to do if we get caught" "why think about that we won't right, I can't go back to jail" jungkook says worry in his tone. "I pray that we won't but nothings promised,now first lesson what to do if we're caught what do you guys think?"

"We rot in jail together"

"We don't say a single thing"

"We escape together"

"Well we should make allies on the outside to come and get us out"

"We should trust you to get us out since you are the 'leader'"

"We should sacrifice one person.....preferably Jimin and say they threatened us so only they go to jail"

"We should beg for a reduce sentenced"

"Well we shouldn't get caught that's that"

The eight start to throw around their ideas ignoring Taeyong who was writing on the board. "If one of you guys is to ever in any form get caught they will try and manipulate you into telling them our plan giving you bullshit like a 'reduced sentence' don't believe them,"

"They're lying, they lie a lot actually all that I ask is that if you guys do get caught is to not crack under pressure I chose you guys specifically because of the personality traits you guys carry, you guys are special all of you guys are strong in some way,"

"That's why I wanted you guys to bond I'm not asking you guys to be best friends but if we're all so quick to snitch on one another this plan will go down quicker than it should, the police will get to you if you guys don't share even the tiniest of bonds we need to trust each other with our lives,"

"We have to outsmart everyone and I know just the way to do it."

As the minutes soon turned into hours it was like they couldn't turn away as Taeyong continued to speak. They even took notes which only surprised them more. "I have somewhere I want to take you guys,your new home well until we start this plan at least."

"Anything's better than the hellhole I live in" Jennie speaks up. "Relatable sis" Haechan smiles at her and she can't help but smile back. "Hey Haechan" Mark whispers to him throwing a paper off. "Mm?" "My dad's losing all his money" "what?" "that's why I need to be here because his money is the only thing supporting my family and without it we'll be on the streets."

      "Oh and doing this will help you get it to your family?" Haechan asks his voice somewhat holding sympathy "Fuck no this money will help me move away far from them," Mark laughs bitterly "they're just rich bastards really so I've promised to never be like them" "weird time to tell me your life story" "thank you for coming to my ted talk now shut up and listen to Taeyong." The two exchange smiles before turning back to the green headed boy who stood in front of them all.

         This was surely the longest amount of time the eight had gone without insulting one another, or arguing, or threatening each other so they were somewhat making progress.

       "So that's it for today I'm going to take you guys to our new place and then from there we'll continue" "any idea of when this plan will go into action?" "Give me a few weeks to a month."

     "A month?!" Jimin yells the peace now being gone out the window. "A few weeks to a month," Taeyong repeats cooly "planning takes time like I said, I refuse to put you guys into something you're not prepared for."

      "Yeah Jimin stop being so impatient and needy" jungkook says but they all could tell he wasn't talking about the plan. Surprisingly Jimin doesn't argue back but instead rolls his eyes and simply flicks him off like it didn't bother him.

        "So this new place...if we get caught can't they just trace everything back to there or even here?" Baekhyun asks looking up from his three pages of notes. "That's a good question, well no I won't leave evidence I'm smarter than that trust me."

      "Those notes though," Chanyeol says laughing yet it sounded more like a wheeze due to his non-stop smoking. "I'm a college student all we do is take notes" baekhyun says blushing slightly. "Cute" Chanyeol mutters before turning around in his seat.

       "Aw so cute grandpa has a crush" Haechan says from across the classroom after watching the two's interaction. "Funny child not shut up" "but he didn't deny it..." and so the six spent the rest of the time making ship names for Chanyeol and baekhyun.

      Taeyong watched them bicker but then finally agree on one ship name. He wanted to get the plan started soon but he knew that not a single one of them were ready for what was coming.

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