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"Needed my help right?" Chanyeol asks peeking his head into the dining room where Taeyong sat. "Yes I do," Taeyong begins picking up the papers that we're placed on the table.

"Follow me" and so he did they walked towards a back door which Chanyeol assumed to be the basement. The walk down the stairs was silent until Taeyong spoke up.

"I know how much this means to you," Taeyong begins catching Chanyeol off guard. "The heist, I mean, and I know you want to get your son and I promise you will" "don't make that promise Taeyong,"

"But a promise I do want you to make is that if we get caught and you don't promise me you'll find him and take care of him" Taeyong nods assuringly "I promise."

"Now what do you need my help with?" "I want you to help me build something, like a communication system" "do I look like a fucking handy man?" Chanyeol laughs, Taeyong along with him.

"Not exactly, but you can help me out right?" "I can see what I can do, what's this for anyways?" "This is how I'm gonna stay in contact with you guys and the police."

"Wait what do you mean the police?" "I'm gonna associate with them" "how much?" "Just enough but not enough to where they find anything out, basically teasing them."

"Why won't you just use a phone to stay in contact with us" "you should know why, phones are so easy to track and everything about a phone could ruin this plan because truly you can't erase anything from one of those things."

Chanyeol just nods along to whatever Taeyong said as he started to help him out in this so called communication system.

Baekhyun walked into the house after being outside with Chanyeol who had already headed in. As he stepped inside closing the door behind him he was met with a pair of eyes staring at him and Mark and Haechan making out on the couch.

"Yes?" Baekhyun asks as Lisa and Jennie stare at him. "So is Chanbaek official?" Jennie asks a silly smile on her face. His face turns a deep shade of red, "we're not dating, just close friends" "we saw y'all holding hands" Lisa chimes in.

"All friends hold hands," baekhyun says defensively. "Mhm but we see the way you look at him" "instead of worrying about me are we not gonna say anything about that?" Baekhyun asks pointing towards the two on the couch.

         "It was bound to happen" Jennie says shrugging. "They're still not anything though."

      "We can hear you" Haechan says as he had somehow ended up in Mark's lap. "We know so when are you guys gonna be official?" "Never, we're not dating markie here isn't even my type he's just an amazingly good kisser."

       "Whatever you guys say, we'll go upstairs so y'all can continue" Lisa says grabbing Jennie and baekhyun dragging the two up the stairs.

        "You're ok with just being associates with benefits right?" Haechan asks uncertainty in his voice. "Of course the last thing we need is a relationship with this heist starting soon, we need to take it more seriously anyways" "yeah, you're completely right, but we can still make out occasionally right?" Haechan asks sounding concerned.

Mark laughs softly "yeah we can, but let's not end up like Jimin and jungkook" "I assure we won't, they're both old and complicated we're both young and non-complicated, well besides you because you got major daddy issues and my dads dead and my moms a whore so never mind forget what I said we're gonna end up like Jimin and jungkook."

Haechan says sounding scared as he hides his face in the crook of mark's neck. Mark chuckles softly. "We're not gonna end up like then cause all they do is have sex we just make out, simple."

"Well we can't possibly become a couple" "definitely not I still think you're a spoiled rich kid and a total dick" "and you're still a bit of a hoe who's stuck up and loud mouthed so we won't work."

They both agree to stop talking about things before they got in their heads. Them both shivering at the thought of ending up like jungkook and Jimin.

Jennie, Lisa and baekhyun sat in Lisa's room talking. The atmosphere calm almost like old friends just hanging out, well until baekhyun's curiosity got the best of him.

"What happened?" Baekhyun says catching the two who laid on the bed laughing at something that was said a few minutes ago. "With your step-brother I mean," jennie's face noticeably pales.

"I'm sure she doesn't wanna tal-" Lisa begins "it's fine, I trust him" Jennie says smiling softly as she sits up crossing her legs.

"Promise not to tell loud mouthed Jimin?" "I promise."

        "Um so my parents just recently got married well about two years ago and my stepdad if I even want to call him one had a son and they both moved in and it wasn't a big deal, Lisa and I were together we have been for almost three years now," a smile appears on both of their faces.

        "So I had her and that's all I really needed but that's until one day I was in my room and he came in there and I thought he just wanted to get to know me since we never talked much but then he got too touchy so I pushed him off of me and then he kept trying and I just got so angry and when I get angry it's almost like I don't even remember what I do and I snapped and I killed him, but I would never just do that to someone I hope you don't think that of me, he tried to rape me baekhyun he was my fucking step brother."

       Jennie's voice, shaky as she spoke. "Jimin wasn't lying about everything though after that happened I guess something snapped in me and I did dumb shit and just dragged Lisa along and I already feel bad about that."

      "Why didn't you just tell him then I would've been pissed" baekhyun says in disbelief. "Cause if I talked about it I would've gotten angry and I don't wanna make the same mistake twice."

       The heist was in exactly two weeks and they couldn't be more excited and nervous. Excited because this was what they had been waiting for and it was their turn to make their names memorable.

     And nervous because once they locked themselves in they didn't know if they'd ever come out.

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