A lock-in

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"I think it's time for another lesson you guys," Taeyong says as he walked towards the dining room sitting in the head seat of the table. Soon the rest flooded from different places of the house.

Jimin and Jungkook being the first to walk down the stairs basically glued to each other's side. Jungkook's hand wrapped around his waist once making eye contact with Taeyong, jungkook just pulled him closer. "Hi taeyongie" Jimin said sweetly taking a seat at the table.

     "Hello, Jimin" Taeyong said blandly looking at the stairs seeing the rest start to come down. "I see you two made up" Lisa says sitting down on the opposite side of Jimin. "They made up quite loudly, when I said have make-up sex I was joking!" Haechan said as he shivered in disgust at the memory.

       Soon the eight were seated at the table Taeyong in the center. "So I've come to a decision that we will start the heist in exactly one month" he honestly expected complaints. Yet none came and they all nodded along to what he said.

        "You guys are awfully quiet today, what's that about?" "I just think we're all scarred from some noises" "like?" "Moans lots of them actually" at that they all started to laugh but soon got serious when Taeyong left and went to his car saying he had something to get.

The eight created small talk amongst one another but of course an argument broke out. "Well it seems to me that you're trying to make it seem like you're better than me, which you're not!" Haechan yelled rolling his eyes soon after.

     "I wasn't even saying it like that but if you bring it up I did actually finish high school and make it to college did you?" Baekhyun asked innocently like he didn't already know the answer. The other scoffed laughing softly "Well I wouldn't be surprised if you fucked all your high school teachers, that's probably how you graduated."

      "It was one time with my professor thank you very much!" "Doesn't make you any less of a whore."

      "I leave for two seconds and you guys are already arguing, a time record honestly" Taeyong says calmly though they were all staring at what was in his hands. "What're those?" Jimin asks standing up from the table a mischievous smile on his face.

        "Something I'm trusting you guys to not misuse" Taeyong says and with that they were all now staring at the guns on the table. Along with other things. "We can't go in unarmed obviously" Taeyong says shrugging like it was normal to have these things.

        "Where'd you get these?" Jungkook asks not in awe like the others. "I have connections, Jungkook."

       "I'm trusting you guys to not use these on one another" "we would never, right guys?" Haechan says looking directly at baekhyun who he was just arguing with a second ago. "I mean accidents happen" baekhyun replies smiling sweetly.

         "I thought I was the petty one guys" Jimin says crossing his arms and pouting. "Don't worry you still are" jungkook says reassuringly. "Awe thanks" "was that really a compliment?" Lisa asks looking at the two in confusion.

       "Do you guys know how to use these?" Taeyong asks as he was now once again at the head of the table. "Of course we do, who doesn't?" Jennie says like it was a basic thing to know how to use a gun.

         "I don't" Baekhyun says a pink blush spreading onto his face. "See, not everyone knows how to use one" "maybe I could test out how good I am on Haechan" laughter erupts from the dining room.

        "So do you know how to use one or...?" "Of course I do I used one to kill my dad" the laughter soon died down since now only nervous laughs were heard. The look on Baekhyun's face was unreadable so no one knew if he was joking or not.

     "Jokes guys, it's called a joke" Baekhyun says laughing though no one joined in. A pout formed on his face, "guys come one, y'all acting like I'm gonna murder you guys in your sleep I'm not by the way, Haechan a maybe but the rest of you guys are fine."

     "Enough of that how about we go ahead with today's lesson" Taeyong's voice snaps them away from the weird stares that they had proceeded to give baekhyun.

       "Since we will in fact start soon I need you guys to know what to do once you're inside, since I will not be in there to lead you guys like I am now."

     "Wait you aren't coming with us?" Lisa speaks up confused yet again. "No of course not, I have to manage things from the outside but we'll still be in contact."

       "How?" Chanyeol asks though he had been mostly silent the whole time usually just observing things and everyone around him he didn't get what went on in Taeyong's mind.

     "Actually something that you'll have to help me with later, now like I said I won't be with you so I guess someone has to be in charge of what goes on inside."

     "Me! I know what I'm doing!" Jimin speaks up hoping no one else will challenge him. He was dead wrong "it should obviously be me I have more experience with these kinds of things" jungkook says.

     "Kookie could you please do me this favor and let me have this, I'll repay you for it later" "if we were left in the hands of you, Jimin we would probably all be porn stars" "I don't see anything wrong with that."

       "I think it should be me honestly" Mark says bluntly. "My dad's a business man I've been to countless meetings and know how to handle pressure."

      "Guys, though all of you would be fit in some way I've decided myself who to leave you guys in the hands of."

     "I bet it's Jennie, he always favored her" Jimin says pouting as he sulked into his seat. "I've chosen Chanyeol" "huh?!" Even Chanyeol himself was in shock.

     "He's the most calm one out of you guys," "yeah cause he's always smoking and is an old man probably dying of lung cancer as we speak" Haechan says still not getting Taeyong's reasoning.

       "Listen this is what's best for you're guys benefit so please just let it be," though they were all confused they decided not to push it. "So we're just gonna break into this place and then what?"

       Taeyong laughs that same laugh, the one where he reassured everyone he had no care in the world. That laugh that was so eerie yet such a sound to the ear, Taeyong was overall a puzzle that none of them were close to figuring out.

      "Oh, you won't just be 'breaking' in ya see you'll be locking yourselves in."

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