Twenty-three hours in

69 4 8

All they needed was the ok. They had all gotten generous amounts of sleep and were  all up and waiting for that call from Taeyong.

         Jennie has told them the plan and how she compromised with him a bit. He agreed that he would simply contact them and that would be the time for them to put the dead hostage onto a poor excuse for a stretcher.

         "For fucks sake what is professor doing?" Jimin groans annoyedly as he sat bored waiting for professor to contact them. "Exactly, like that body is really starting to stink up the place" Baekhyun complains sitting next to Jimin on the couch.

       The two of them had grew some weird bond and were now glued to each other. It was random but greatly needed since things only seemed to get worst so it wasn't shocking that they needed someone there, someone who'd be there for them.

        Chanyeol walks towards the two before leaning down and pressing a kiss to baekhyun's lips, smiling softly. "Trust Taeyong, he'll tell us whatever time he finds fit and I'm sure that'll be the right time."

       All Jimin could do was watch with envious eyes, he longed for something like that. Not just with jungkook but in general since he genuinely thought that in the long run he would always be alone. He can only last on one night stands for so long.

          Baekhyun saw the look on jimin's face and understood with no words needing to be said. While he was in college he did take up a few psychology classes. It's weird for him to think about that now since he hadn't thought about his home life since the heist started and if he's being honest he'd rather keep it that way.

"Have you talked to him?" Was all baekhyun has to ask for Jimin to already know who he was talking about. "No and I don't plan on it he's been an asshole since we got here" "I get that but if he means something to you you'll set it straight and if he doesn't then... let him go."

       "Baekhyun, sweetie, I don't care what he does" "envy isn't a good look on you, you can have anything you want Jimin even if jungkook isn't the one to provide that for you it doesn't mean you deserve it any less."

       Jimin scoffs still trying to not listen to what  Baekhyun was saying. "And what's that I deserve?" "Love" Jimin turns pale as he stands up from the couch scoping out the room to make sure jungkook wasn't around.

     "I don't love jungkook if that's what you're implying" "sure you don't bub" Baekhyun pats jimin's shoulder before pecking his head and walking away hand in hand with Chanyeol.

        Before the two can make it out the door they heard what they'd been waiting for.

       "He gave us the ok!"

        They needed two hostages.

      The police were idiots if they thought that the professor didn't have a plan. So he did in fact give them the ok but told them to not lay a single hand on the body.

         Jimin being his petty self picked Taehyung and his ex boyfriend, hoseok to do the job. "Why do we have to do your dirty work?" Taehyung asks raising an eyebrow at Jimin.

         "What do you mean my dirty wo-" "I know you're the one who did this jiminie it's ok I won't tell" a wash of relief flushes over him after hearing that. That relief went away once the other spoke up again.

       "Only if you pick someone else to do it" "no I-" "pick someone else."

        Jimin storms away from the other who still had that cocky smirk on his face that Jimin just wanted to smack off of him.

       He scopes out the rest of the hostages trying to find someone who could be of help. His eyes land on a male with blue hair that didn't at all match with the bright red jumpsuits they had on.

         "You! Come here" Jimin crosses his arm as the other looks up and looks around like he didn't know who Jimin was calling.

     "Me?" "No the bitch behind you, yes you!" The boy with blue hair doesn't even laugh but just stays in his spot. "What do you want?" "Just come with me" "how do I know you're not trying to kill me."

       "I wasn't planning on it but if you keep standing here I will, now follow me." Jimin turns around and walks out of the room knowing that the other was trailing close behind.

        "What're we supposed to do exactly?" The blue-haired male asked an eyebrow raised. "Yeah ji-" "you shut up!" Jimin yells to hoseok. "Unless you wanna end up like him down there I suggest you shut your mouth!"

"Anyways you two just have to put the body on here, strap it down and push it out the doors when I tell you to" "wait you're opening the doors?" The blue-haired asks his tone sounding so shocked Jimin laughed softly.

"Don't get your hopes up, try anything and you'll be dead, smurf" "I- I wasn't even planning anything" "sure you weren't now hurry up, smurf."

"You don't have to call me that you know that right? I in fact do have a name" "I know you do and it's smurf now chop chop."

Hoseok and the blue-haired who's now been re-named smurf look at one another before looking at the body.

Hoseok felt like he was going to throw up any second as the two picked up the lifeless body setting it down on the platform. Then taking the straps one by one strapping them to the opposite side securing the body in place.

"Follow me boys" Jimin says as he walks towards the front part of the bank. None of the hostages were allowed out here or even really allowed out of that sickening room unless it be for bathroom breaks.

Hoseok who was pushing the 'stretcher' couldn't help but gawk at Jimin seeing that he had changed a lot since the last time he saw him.

It was a while ago and people change but never in a million years did he think he'd see Jimin here. His jiminie would never have the guts to kill someone or even be in this bank. If anything he could see his jiminie being a scared hostage fighting for a way out. The tables have turned for the two of them.

His jiminie was sweet and funny and so, so angelic. But something changed in him, and he hurt hoseok a lot. Even when the boy would try and reach out he would get no reply. Only to see that he had moved on quite quickly.

No one truly knows what happened, only Jimin. Let's just say how he is now wasn't how he was then. And that heartbreak and trauma can change a person, drastically.

So, they have walkie talkies now. It's so much more convenient that they feel stupid for not doing it sooner.

"Open the doors Jennie!" Jimin spoke into the walkie talkie to Jennie who stood by the red button that stood a few feet away from the doors.

As soon as the doors opened the slightest the two pushed the 'stretcher' with all of their power. The police who all had guns pointed to an empty bank since they all quickly moved away from the doors hiding to the sides.

"COME OUT AND WE WONT SHOOT!" They could hear them yell from a megaphone. Jimin made eye co fact with Jennie from across the room nodding to her twice giving her the 'ok' signal.

She grabbed the black duffel bag next to her pulling out multiple smoke bombs throwing two at a time. That completely threw the cops off their games as they aimed shots at nothing but the emptiness around them.

Because as all the chaos subsided and the smoke faded, the doors to the bank were sealed shut once again.

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