Thirty-eight hours in

56 4 0

These hostages really thought they could escape. The eight had alarms placed everywhere one being right by the button that would open up the doors. So the alarm would go off and the doors wouldn't open, only they could open them and they weren't planning on telling the hostages how anytime soon.

          "Fuck!" Jimin whispers under his breath as he grabs his mask and gun and yanks the door open walking out.

        "Oh little hostages~ you ruined my fucking sleep! So you can beg for forgiveness or...I can just kill you, maybe give the police another surprise?" Jimin says his voice just sounding bored.

        Jimin keeps walking towards the doors where the alarm has been set off, while a few more go and check on the rest of the hostages to get more information.

          As he continues walking he could hear faint whispering. "You guys really can't whisper," Jimin begins as he starts to take a step forward before something yanks him back.

      Something then was wrapped around his neck, tightly. He was trying so hard to not let his grip on his gun loosen. Jimin tried kicking back but nothing was working and he was slowly losing consciousness.

        A deafening gun shot rings, it seemed like time had stopped and everything went silent just for a moment. Jimin hadn't pulled the trigger this time around.

      "You're welcome,cutie" Taehyung says smugly as he walks over to Jimin who was trying to catch his breath. "I didn't need your fucking help" Jimin rolled his eyes, even though he knew he did need the help he wouldn't admit that.

         "Sure you didn't," Taehyung looks over at the man on the ground. "He's my foster dad, I hated him" Taehyung sighs and looks up at Jimin. "Let's find the rest of the hostages, yeah?"

       Jimin decided to save his questions for  later and just find the hostages so he can go to sleep. He starts to lead the way but didn't make it far when Taehyung reaches an arm out in front of him, moving the other behind him.

       "I know where they're at," "and so do I!" "Shut up and stop trying to be in control for once" Jimin couldn't help but scoff at that. "You fucked my boyfriend and suddenly you know me, wow."

         Jimin didn't even properly process what he had said before Taehyung grabbed his forearm and dragged him forward. Where did Taehyung get a gun from? Jimin didn't know and barely had time to think about it.

        "Since the alarm went off they panicked and now if I'm not mistaken they're hiding there," Taehyung says pointing to a dark corner that was somewhat hidden, since it was squished on the other side of the two big doors and what seemed to be a janitors closet.

         "We have to options little Minnie-" "don't call me that" "we can shoot until there's no sign of life left or lure them out and keep them locked up in a vault so that they can....reflect on their poor actions" "I will not take any orders from you, little hostage."

        Jimin walks towards the near pitch black corner. "If you come out now I won't shoot, if you make me wait I'll lock you up and torture you and if you refuse well then I'm sure you know what happens."

       After he said that he could hear the whispers of an argument.

      Yes, please argue just hurry. Jimin mentally groans to himself.

      "Don't go he's bluffing"

           "I know him,he doesn't bluff"

"They won't shoot"

     Jimin's patience was growing thinner and thinner as he listened to the possibly three people argue. He aims his gun right by the corner making sure to not hit any of them.

       "That's just a warning" was all he has to say before sure enough three people slowly move out of the corner.

        Of course one of them had to be hoseok the other two Jimin didn't recognize. Actually come to think of it he did....

"It's smurf!" Jimin yells a bit to excitedly. The other boy standing next to the two Jimin for sure didn't recognize. He was tall, taller than Jimin at that. He wasn't bad looking to say the least, he had plain brown hair and cute dimples that Jimin didn't fail to notice.

"I said to stop calling me that" "you said that I didn't have to you never told me to stop," Jimin said smiling smugly, he loved being right.

"Well since it's two of my least favorite people the punishment will be less harsh" "what about him?!" The blue ha- well smurf yelled, pointing to Taehyung who stood behind Jimin silently but still observing.

"He's um...." "I'm with them" Taehyung says suddenly standing beside Jimin. The look on jimin's face said otherwise. He was almost disgusted at what he had just heard the other say. The guy who had sex with his "boyfriend" was suddenly saying that they worked together?

As much as he didn't want to, Jimin kept his mouth shut and stiffly nodded. "So I suggest you get back in there with the rest like good little hostages, try this again and he won't be so caring."

Jimin was in complete shock at what just happened. "What the fuck?!" "I saved your ass, again."

"Well I didn't need you too, I had the situation under control" "you weren't intimidating them you were letting them off easy which will just make them try again and possibly succeed the next time around, so me being the person I am stepped up to the plate since you were beating around the bush, now because of me there will be no next time."

Jimin couldn't respond as the other male was already walking away. All he could think of was how much he hated that guy.

As Haechan was walking back to the main room, mostly looking for Mark. He was met with a sight that made him want to gauge his own eyes out, with a fork. It was that stupid girl talking to Mark.

"Fucking hell!" Haechan yells storming over to the two and yanking Marks's arm as he was now next to him. "We were just talking, hyuckie."

"What'd I say about calling me that?!" "Right cause only dad can call you that" the girl says nodding softly as she spoke. "He was never your dad, ever! He was mine and mine only I was his son! You are not my sister!" Tears now streaming down his face but not even out of sadness but anger, lots of anger.

"You're right, I was just another foster child. But you're a psycho bitch hyuckie does he know that?"

"Does he know about all of the times you tried to fucking kill me! You're not mentally ok! You tried poisoning me, pushed me down the stairs, suffocating me in my sleep! And why?! Cause you're an attention seeking whore who couldn't handle not being in the spotlight!" The girl yells her words only being laced with hurt.

He was my dad
He was my dad
He was my dad!

Haechan finally broke.

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