Conversation #6

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Taeyong was currently standing outside of Jungkook's house. It wasn't an extremely big house but a decent sized one. One that obviously wasn't being paid by himself.

He didn't take time in looking around instead heading straight towards what he assumed was Jungkook's room.

Now he understood what jungkook meant. The room was filled with lots of things indeed. Let's just say they were all sex related. It wasn't really surprising knowing jungkook.

He continues walking towards the closet where jungkook has explained there was a safe. He opens the closet doors and sees piles of clothes and a pile of boxes that were stacked too perfectly which only made Taeyong assume there was something hidden behind them.

He was right.

He picks up the safe and sets it on the bed so he could scope out the others house. He couldn't remove everything since that would most definitely look like someone came and cleaned up.

So he picked up the safe and left. Leaving all of the dirty condoms on the ground for the police to find.

"Hi detective how's your day been?"

"You're driving me insane!"

"I'm sorry to hear that, detective perhaps let someone else take on the case."

"No! I will solve this and you will rot in jail for the rest of your life"

"How's the questioning going?"

"How'd you know about that?"

"It's all over the news sweetheart."

"I don't even think you're behind this. I think your just one of jungkook and jimin's puppets."

"Maybe you're right maybe you're wrong."

"Well guess what?"

"What detective?"

"We have yet another lead professor which just means one step closer to catching you."

"But then again it could be one step away."

"But whatever floats your boat, detective."

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