Nineteen hours in

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They were beyond tired. Not knowing how long they had been in that bank but all of the adrenaline that came with it was soon catching up to them.... not so kindly.

Some of the hostages collapsed since they hadn't been fed the entire time. Some practically passed out from being so tired, soon they were all sleep. Besides one.

As the eight sat in the room that had cameras to every vault and every room in the bank they ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

"We should feed the hostages, they need to be energized."

"We also need to take shifts on watching, while some of us sleep some of us can watch the hostages, I'm not dumb and I know for a fact they will try something" jungkook says before taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Well I'm going to sleep I'm tired as hell, and we'll continue this later cool?" Jimin says looking around to everyone before getting comfortable on a red couch that was placed awkwardly in the room.

"You and I can take first watch?" Haechan asks jungkook who didn't even seemed surprised at the younger request.

"Fine with me," Jungkook was no fool and could see that the younger had no good intentions.

Plus he saw the way Mark had a proud glint in his eyes as well. This was going to be a long night watch.

Jennie was overlyexcited to run her idea by professor. She was the one who helped Taeyong with some ideas with the heist so she only thought it'd be fit if she was labeled the brains of things.

Though she still was a bit angry about her somewhat calm argument with Lisa, she wasn't going to let that stop her or affect her in any way. This isn't the first time they've been like this, the two did try to kill each other at one point.

As everyone else slept or was watching the hostages Jennie sat on the ground waiting for Taeyong to answer her call.

She had been waiting for a good hour before finally hearing his voice from the other end.

"Yes guys?" Taeyong asks his voice sounding raspy like he just woke up out of his sleep. "It's actually just me" Jennie says her voice not sounding as confident as she had wished.

"Well Jennie what do you need?" "I have an idea, to shake up the cops" "shoot."

"Ok, so what if we killed a hostage?" Taeyong didn't even sound the least shocked, he wasn't kidding when he said it took a lot to shock him.

"No, I'm sorry but no it completely deceives the whole point of the plan, to make it rememberable we aren't going to hurt anyone that was the plan and the rules" all Jennie could do was sigh in defeat.

She felt bad for what she was going to do next. "I'm sorry Taeyong but the damage has been done, and I'm going through with this plan, trust me on this."

"Whatever you say, but don't forget who's in charge" "how could I? Goodbye professor, look out for us on the news."

Haechan and jungkook sat next to each other the tension between the two skyrocketing. "So you indirectly threatened me," Haechan began "oh it wasn't meant to be indirect, sorry for the misunderstanding" jungkook says smugly only annoying Haechan even more.

The two didn't even face each other only watching the hostages eat the food that had been given to them. "I'm genuinely curious why you hate me so much" "because you're an asshole!"

"Right, and you're not?" "Once this is over don't come anywhere near me or I swear you'll be dead" "wasn't planning on it one bit but I might just make an appearance only to test my theory."

"And what's that bull shit theory exactly?" "That you don't have the balls to do anything but just hide behind Mark."

That pissed Haechan off greatly. He hated being told he that he needed anyone let alone hid behind someone. If anyone knows anything about Haechan it's that he knows how to fend for himself, after all it's all he knows.

That anger was what made him stand up knocking the chair down as he put the gun up to jungkook's head who only stares back at him. "Do it." Was all jungkook said as he studies the younger knowing for a fact he wouldn't.

Haechan shoots right beside Jungkook's head making him jump slightly. "You think I won't huh?" "I know you won't."

"Let's calm down now guys" a deep calm voice separated the two from their little one sided duel.

It was Taehyung, of course it was. Jungkook couldn't help but feel annoyed yet joyed of the others presence. Annoyed because after the two had sex in that vault Taehyung seemed to be glued to him like a leech. He wasn't surprised it happened to all of them.

But joyed at the same time as he saw the confused and angry face of Haechan. "Shut the hell up and go away!" Haechan yells.

"Why don't I introduce myself," Taehyung begins walking closer to Haechan who wasn't having it one bit.

"I'm Taehyung, don't mess with me or get on my bad side" Haechan scoffs his eyebrows raised as he studies Taehyung.

"Listen little hostage go back and eat and maybe I'll spare your life" "you'd be that generous huh Haechanie?" Taehyung says whispering in the younger's ear.

Haechan's face turned pale as he looked over to jungkook who was just as shocked as him. "You blabbed didn't you?!" "No! I swear I didn't."

"He didn't little one, just know that I know and I have connections, so like I said before don't get on my bad side and don't kill him." Taehyung says glancing towards jungkook sending him a wink before walking away.

"So you made a little friend huh?" "Guess you could say that."

He ignored the voice in the back of his head telling him that Taehyung was not his friend but his enemy.

Which he hated because in the end that voice was always right.

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