Conversation #1

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"Well hello detective Jung"
"So it's you again, what's your agenda?"
"Just thought I'd give you and your team a heads up,"
"Oh yeah and what's that?"
"You won't be able to stop them they've been training for this"
"Who are you? Are you in the bank?"
"So many questions, pick one please, a question for a question, fair right?"
"Are you or are you not in the bank?"
"No I am not in the bank, now my question, are you married?"
"If you're not in the bank you could be fucking with me, don't waste my time!"
"Oh but detective, you didn't answer my question"
"No, I am not"
"Cute, well I guess I can give you a tiny bit of info to keep you sane, your little news report was wrong, there's not 10 or 12 there's 8 and there's not multiple masterminds behind this there's one and one only"
"Are you the mastermind?"
"Guess I'll have to answer that at our next chat, see ya detective."

Money heistNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ