Escape tunnel

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An escape tunnel, that's how they were gonna get out. But they shouldn't be focusing on how they were gonna get out if they hadn't even got in yet.

         Today was the day, all of the lessons and work would finally pay off. Today they were going to break into 'The Mint' not only was it one of the biggest banks in the world but it was where money was printed. So once they got in they would print 10 billion and leave through the escape tunnel, simple and easy.

       Taeyong picked this day in particular because he knew security would be low to none. Today they were holding a meeting, a big one, business men and women and their children were going to be at this meeting. The owner of the bank demanded the low to no security since what they would be talking about was highly confidential.

But that didn't matter since they would all become hostages.

Ten minutes, was all they had left, adrenaline was the only thing they were running on. They were all spread out, waiting for the exact moment. All that was going through their heads at that moment was that they were actually doing this.

They were executing one of the biggest heists in history. Jimin and jungkook who were waiting right by the door, the masks covering their identity and red jumpsuit hard to miss.

Mark and Haechan who were seated on the other side held their guns tight. As they looked at one another the masks covering their faces. They nodded, looking for the rest, one nod was all it took as the eight emerged from different spots of the building busting into the doors.

Chanyeol and Lisa the first two in, though no one could tell as their outfits were identical. Well besides jimin's who has glammed up his jumpsuit as he said he refused to wear it plainly. As they marched in they quickly locked the doors behind them. Not just locking but putting an entire barricade in front of the door.

Ones that were originally meant to only be used if the bank was closed. A button, was all you had to press for the barricade in front of the door to come down. But they would let no one but themselves near that.

Their guns held tight in their hands as they walked close to one another. Faint laughs could be heard coming from down a long hall.

As soon as they turned the corner their laughs turned into screams. It was two adults,men, dressed in expensive dress wear. And the other three seemed to be teenagers. "Move and I'll shoot" jungkook says walking to the front of the group.

The five seemed to be paralyzed as they put their hands up, while the younger three cried. Baekhyun walks up to the five handing them red jumpsuits and masks, the same as the ones the eight were wearing. "Two stay here with them, and the others will go find the rest" Chanyeol says.

Distracting them from their low spoken conversation was a voice. Not from the five who were shakily putting on the jumpsuits but from someone else who had a phone close to their ear in an attempt to whisper.

"Hey!" Lisa yelled walking up to the girl "put the phone down" the girl easily complied dropping her phone at her feet. "Go join those five over there" Lisa says her gun never leaving the girls forehead.

"Channie and I will stay here" Jimin says to the others as they nodded and made their way deeper into the bank.

While Jimin and Haechan made low conversation, one of the six looked around quickly. It was the girl Lisa had found on her phone possibly calling the police.

While the two were in their conversation the girl got up off the ground and made a run for it. She ran towards the button that would open up the doors.

Knowing that he couldn't kill her he shot at the ground beneath her making her jump. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" Jimin says as he made his way towards her.

"The police are on their way! You won't get away with this" at that Jimin laughs. "Let them come if they even attempt to come in they'll find multiple dead bodies" Jimin laughs once again. "Now, unless you want to be the first one they find I suggest you go back."

Her confident front still not coming down as she made her way back over to the other five who seemed to be mortified.

"We should go find the others" Haechan said and Jimin nodded. "Get up!" Jimin yelled which of course they complied knowing better than to not.

As they walked Jimin and Haechan behind them they heard more voices from throughout the building.

"Bring them over here!" A voice called the two recognizing it quickly. It was Jungkook's voice, him and Lisa went and gathered up more people.

Some sat their scared for their life while others were still putting on the jumpsuits. The eight knew the reason why they were going to make all of the hostages wear the same thing as them.

What was Taeyong's idea, if the police ever decided to try and take fire on them. They wouldn't know who were in the heist or who were innocent hostages.

The six joined the others what seemed to be 10-15 people. Jimin scanned over the scared faces of people, but one caught his eye as his eyes widened behind his mask. "Hoseok?" The name simply slipped out of his mouth.

The boy who was fighting back tears looked up the voice sounding too familiar. "Jimin?" Jungkook observed the interaction not liking it one bit.

"Remember, no associating" jungkook says walking in front of Jimin.

Mark and Chanyeol had the most hostages so far. They had a little over twenty but of course one familiar face was close to making the plan fall apart. "Dad," Mark whispered though Chanyeol heard it clearly.

"Mark, No" Chanyeol said to the younger remembering what he had said when they had all first met. Mark ignored Chanyeol as he made his way towards the man who seemed to not even realize that it was his own son.

Fed up, Mark lifted up the mask off of his face. All that could be read on his dads face was pure shock. "Son, are they threatening you too?" Mark could've laughed if he wasn't so angry.

"No they're not" "then why're you doing this!" "Just like why you cheated on mom, because you wanted too," Mark still had the gun pointed to his dad's head.

"Put the gun down" Chanyeol ordered, the hostages eyes not leaving the sight once. "Do you know how hurt my mom was while you were out getting other women pregnant!" "I'm sorry" was all he could say the sight was pathetic.

"My last warning Mark, it's not worth it" Chanyeol said trying his best to convince the younger. "What would Taeyong do?" Those words was what made Mark put the gun down as he stormed off.

Soon baekhyun and Jennie join them more hostages following. They grouped them all up and counted how many they had to work with. "67, not bad guys" Haechan says as the hostages all sat there identical to the person beside them, in front and behind.

"You're probably wondering what's going on and why you're here" Chanyeol started to talk but jungkook quickly cut him off. "But you should be thinking about what you can do to keep yourself from catching a bullet."

"Those rules are simple, all of you are gonna help us print out 10 billion dollars and once finished you guys will have your freedom" "and what if we don't?"

"Simple, you die."

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