Bonnie Lemon

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(A/N) I originally planned on this being shorter than the others because I'm not a huge Bonnie fan, but it ended up being just over 4000 words... Anyways, Enjoy! An as usual, I don't own any of the characters or the art!

3 months after you found out the animatronics could be human, you'd found the best friends you could imagine. They helped you when you were feeling down, made you laugh, and you just clicked. Although, a certain purple bunny might have been closer to your heart than the others. He was fun to be around and he always knew just what to say to make you feel better, not to mention he was really attractive. You two spent so much time playing small jokes on the others that you'd become really close. Between whoopie cushions, swapping sugar for salt in Freddy's tea, and other harmless pranks, you'd driven the others crazy at times. But they had a plan to get back at the both of you. You'd gotten to work, already wearing your light blue security guard shirt and black dress pants, only to have Bonnie drag you off to the janitors closet, your preferred place to plan things. You couldn't help but start giggling, knowing that meant he had a prank planned. You sometimes wished that the closet meant something else, but you hadn't even managed to tell him how you felt, so that was completely out of the question.

"What are we doing this time?" You asked, excited to be having some fun on your birthday since you hadn't been able to book the day off. Bonnie grabbed your shoulders and made you look directly into his red eyes. It was a struggle to keep from blushing as he stared into your (e/c) eyes for a good 30 seconds.

"We're stealing Freddy and Goldie's hats." He said in the most serious tone you'd ever heard him use. Freddy and Goldie almost never took their hats off, so this would be amazing!

"Bonnie, those things are practically glued to their heads. How are we going to get them off?" You asked, curious if he'd thought this through at all.

"I've got it all planned out Y/N. I'm going to trip you while you're carrying something so that they have to go and clean up. Once they're in the washroom, it'll be easy! We'll hide the hats in the office and give them back before 6. Sound like a good plan?" You nodded before hugging Bonnie tightly. What you didn't see was his blushing face as you held him close. He managed to fight it down before you let go of him.

"I get to wear Freddy's hat though." Bonnie laughed at you, but not in a mean way, it was more of a 'you're adorable' kind of way.

"Of course. I'll be wearing Goldie's. We'll even get a selfie to commemorate the occasion." And with that, your plan was put in place. You went to the kitchen to whip up something easy to spill, but also easy to clean off. You decided on just some juice, making a full pitcher before coming out to the stage area. Freddy and Goldie were playing a game of chess together and they seemed completely focused on it, so now was the perfect opportunity. You were carrying the juice over and saw Bonnie wink at you, so you knew that he was ready for the plan to be put into motion.

"Hey guys, I made some juice! Do you want any-" You were cut short as Bonnie stuck out his leg to make you fall forward. You spilled the juice all over them and immediately started apologizing.

"Shit! I'm sorry guys! I really didn't mean to." They both smiled at you and stood up. You were pretty good at acting upset, mostly because it came in handy with your older siblings/cousins.

"Things happen. Don't worry about it Y/N. we just need to go get cleaned up." Goldie said after helping you up off the floor. This entire time, Bonnie had been trying not to laugh because this was going perfectly. You brushed our (h/c) hair out of your face as you looked at the ground, trying to look as sorry as you could. Freddy and Goldie headed to the men's washroom and you made it seem like you were going for the women's to check and see if you'd gotten anything on yourself. After they went inside, you gave it a couple minutes until you saw Bonnie. He put his finger to his lips, his ponytail hanging over his shoulder as he signalled for you to stay quiet as you both went to try and get the hats. What you didn't know was that Chico had heard you two talking in the closet and told Freddy and Goldie what was going to happen. They just barely had enough time to plan their revenge before you enacted your plan. As you got into the washroom, you were met with both Freddy and Goldie holding water guns pointed right at you.

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