Puppet - Meeting your family

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(A/N) And here's Puppets chapter. Also, thank you all so very much for 4.7K reads, I couldn't be happier! Next up will be Springtrap and then the babies can be born finally! And this chapter doesn't have accepting parents, sorry. But the way that I wrote them before didn't fit having them be okay with things. If that bothers you, please don't read. I don't own the characters or artwork, please enjoy!

You were about 5 months along now and you had finally arranged for your parents to meet Charlie, which you knew wasn't going to go well once they realized that you were obviously pregnant. If you were being honest with yourself, it was quite likely that your parents would both be disowning you and that you'd be on your own. But you had Charlie and all of the other animatronics with you, so you wouldn't really be alone with them around. And they had all promised to be there for you and your daughter, who you found out about just a couple weeks ago since every other time you went in for an ultrasound, she decided to be turned in the wrong direction ad she would just be generally uncooperative. You managed to talk your mom and dad into coming to your work for the night, but that had taken weeks, and now everyone was scrambling to get ready. Charlie had tried to find a way to look a little more human, but that wasn't possible and he gave up. You had talked to him the night before, trying to help calm him down enough that he didn't have a panic attack. But it didn't work very well because he was pacing back and forth at the entrance to the pizzeria. You grabbed his hand and held it tightly.

"Charlie, everything going to be fine, I promise. If they don't accept us, I don't care. I've kind of written them off anyways because I'm pretty sure they regret having me in the first place." He sighed, pulling you in for a hug and allowing your head to rest on his chest. His heart was racing, but with each deep breath Charlie took, it slowed down.

"I know, but that doesn't make things much easier for me. I'll try to meet that in mind." Your phone rang and you sass that it was your mom calling you.

"Hey, you guys outside?" Your mother sighed and you knew this was already off to a fantastic start as you rolled your eyes and headed for the door.

"Yes, we are. I still don't know why you insisted on us coming here. I know you work a lot, but that doesn't mean you should ignore your family young lady!" You hung up the phone and opened the door, seeing your parents car.

"Come on inside, I do t have a lot of time before I have to alarm this thing. There's someone I want you to meet." Getting out of the car, your father looked just as annoyed to be there, not setting a good mood for meeting your boyfriend. They walked in silently as you locked the door behind them, setting up the mechanisms that you had insisted on.

"So, what's so special about this place that you insist on not seeing your parents anymore?" Your father spoke up, a gruff tone in his voice as he leaned up against the wall.

"It's got to have something to do with the fact that she's been getting free food. I mean, look at all of the weight she's gained." And that's what you were expecting, a dig at your weight as usual.

"Okay, seriously mom? Do you really have to put me down about something every single time you see me?" It had always annoyed you that she insisted on pointing out something bad about you every single time she saw you, and with the animatronics surrounding you, you finally had the confidence to speak up about it.

"Yes, I do. Because you've always been a disappointment and In trying to fix that. I mean, look at you! Working the night shift at some stupid pizzeria that should have been shut down years ago. This place is just horrible. And the food is never any good either." You could feel the anger radiating off the others and you signalled for them to calm down.

"What was that?" Your father pointed to your head that you had just used. You didn't feel like lying and you thought that maybe, it would chill him out.

"Oh, I was just signalling for the animatronics to chill out because you're managing to piss them off. This is their home and you just called it horrible. I thing you made Toy Freddy the most mad though because he likes to cook the recipes here and we all love them." A crook of your finger let them know to come out from the shadows, all of them in human form, but something was definitely different than usual. Their eyes had silver specks in the centre of the pupils, reminding you that they aren't human at all.

"And you putting me down pissed someone else off. Meet The Puppet, my amazing boyfriend." Charlie stepped out from the shadows, and you saw that you were right in your assumption. His silver eyes were flowing just like the others, anger burning behind them as he stared at your parents without blinking.

"I'd say it's nice to meet you, but that couldn't be further from the truth at the moment. You come in here, call the love of my life a disappointment, insult the only place any of us have ever been able to call home, and then you expect us to be fine with that?" Your mother had shrunk down, scared because there were so many odd people around her. Your father, however, would not be intimidated by them and stood his ground.

"She knows she was never wanted in the first place. Why we didn't give her up for adoption, I'll never know. And she's wasting her life at this dead end job, someone needs to knock some sense into her!" Your father raised his hand, looking like he was going to smack you, and out of pure instinct you covered your stomach, protecting your unborn daughter. But no blow ever came because Charlie stopped it, moving faster that you could imagine as grabbing your fathers wrist.

"Don't you dare think you can touch her. Because if I hadn't stopped you, the others would've been on you in an instant. Look around you, look at them closely. Their eyes are red because you almost committed a crime. They're programmed to protect people from criminals and you almost made yourself into one. Nothing could have stopped them at that point, not that I would have. They all see Y/N as a sister, and you tried to hurt her, while I see her as the woman that I love. There's nothing to protect you right now, so I suggest you back off." The tone in Charlie's voice was something you had never heard before, and it would have scared anyone else, but you knew that he was protecting you and your baby, so you couldn't be scared of him. Your mother had noticed that you protected your stomach, and while Charlie was speaking, she had put 2 and 2 together.

"The little skank is pregnant! Oh, that's just rich, as for herself knocked up by some freak who likes playing dress up! That's just what you deserve, and I bet he'll be a deadbeat too. I hope you enjoy raising a baby on your own because we aren't going to help you with anything!" You wish you could say that you couldn't believe what you were hearing, but you could. It was what she'd told you over the course of your entire life. And you had the perfect plan to shut her up. You held up your hand and snapped your fingers loudly, the signal that you had all agreed on, and watched the horror on your mothers face as every one of the boys shifted into animatronic form right in front of her.

"They aren't freaks who dress up, they're animatronics with a shifting ability. And I'm not a skank, thank you very much. Puppet would never leave me to raise my daughter alone, and I'll have the others to help as well. As for you not helping, good. I don't want you in my life again anyways, not after the way you treated me tonight. Now, lucky for you I can let you out without too much trouble. You're going to get in your car, drive home, and delete my number from your phone. You aren't welcome in my or my little girls life. And no one will ever believe you that the animatronics can become human like this, so don't bother trying to tell anyone. Besides, I'm sure the company knows already. I wonder what they would do to someone who tried to leak their secret?" The fear in both of their eyes assured you that the secret wouldn't be spilled. Mangle opened the door. Being the most intimidating naturally and once everything was locked up again, you collapsed into the ground.

"Y/N! Are you okay?!" Charlie was right by your side, holding you up as he checked you over.

"I'm fine. I can believe they're finally gone from my life. I don't have to worry about them anymore..." Happy tears filled your eyes as you cried into Charlie's shoulder, a smile spreading across your face. Now your daughter would grow up with nothing but love and support from her parents and uncles. A slight movement from inside of you said that she was happy with that idea as well.

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