Foxy - Having your baby

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(A/N) And the baby is born! Since I didn't get any name suggestions, and I didn't want to lock something in place, I decided to leave the name blank. The song featured in this chapter is "daughter of the sea lullaby" by Sharm, and you can find it in Spotify if you wanna listen. I'll be working in the next chapter soon, but I don't have an exact time it'll be up. And thank you all so much or 6.6K reads, it still amazes me that you're all enjoying these! As always, I don't own the characters or artwork, please enjoy!

Your due date was 2 weeks away and your little girl was getting pretty active lately, which meant that you weren't getting much sleep. Coupled with the false contractions you'd dealt with, things were getting pretty hard for you, but you were managing to still work. Foxy had been against it, but after you told him that it meant he'd had a 50/50 chance of being nearby when your daughter was born, he'd been okay with it. You were getting ready for your shift at around 9 when you felt a bad contraction, but brushed it off since it wasn't too different from the others you'd been dealing with, so you just brushed it aside as you tried to take a short nap before heading over to the pizzeria. It didn't work sadly, and you'd had some more contractions, but again you brushed it aside as you got in the car and drove to work, excited to see Foxy again. You'd been off for a few days, an even though you loved the chance to rest, you wanted to e with him again, so your heart was pounding once you finally got to the pizzeria. Midnight hit and everyone started to move around, with Foxy wasting absolutely no time getting to the office.

"Hey lass, how ye feeling?" You smiled at him, knowing that he had been waiting for you as well. You hugged him and giggled.

"I'm fine Foxy, just more false contractions which made it hard to take a nap." Just as you finished speaking, you felt something pop inside of you and trickle down your legs. That's when you realized that maybe those false contractions weren't all that false in the first place. Your face must've given something away because Foxy was gently shaking you.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" You looked up at him with fear in your eyes, grabbing your bulging stomach.

"Foxy, my water just broke! We need to go to the hospital." You'd been bringing a large messenger bag everywhere with you, and it had everything that you needed to be in the hospital for a while.

"I'll grab yer things, ye need to call the replacement." You nodded, glad that he was being so level headed about things. Picking up the phone, you dialled his number and waited for him to answer.

"Hello?" His voice sounded slightly groggy, as though you'd just woken him up.

"Hey, it's Y/N, can you please come to the pizzeria? My water just broke and I need to go now." The sound of him scrambling on the other end of the phone told yo that he was going as fast as he could.

"Be there in 10 minutes!" You thanked him and hung up, waiting for him to come. It was only then that you realized that you would be driving yourself to the hospital, and that sucked, but your parents were sick right now and couldn't help you. The other guard got there in 5 minutes, just like he said he would, and gave you a strange look once he realized that you had all of the animatronics around you.

"Ask them what's going on, but Foxy is coming with me. I'm going to need my boyfriend with me when my baby girl is born." And with that, you left the building, clocking out on your way. Foxy was quick to get in the car with you, no wanting to waste any time. Thankfully, you'd memorized the fastest route to the hospital a few months ago. So away you went, with your contractions slowly getting worse and closer together. Once you got to the hospital I'm 20 minutes, you parked up an Foxy helped you in the door just as a bad contraction hit you.

"We need a nurse or doctor, please. Her water broke maybe half an hour ago." Again, you were floored by how calm he was about everything, while you were honestly panicking inside. A nurse helped you into a room, where you could finally lay down and take a breath.

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