Freddy - Finding out you're pregnant

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(A/N) And here's Freddy finding out that he's gonna he a dad! I thought this was pretty cute, and I apologize for any inaccuracies. I've never had an ultrasound done so I don't know how that would work. Next up will be Bonnie. I'm still open for requests if you have any, otherwise I'll keep going with this line of stories. Thanks, and as always, I don't own the artwork or the characters. Enjoy!

It was 4 months after you got together with Freddy and things were going so well. He was so sweet, singing for you and making sure you had company for your shifts, not to mention the manager let you take him out on your days off so you could spend time outside the pizzeria. But lately you really hadn't been feeling well, forgetting a lot of things and you'd been sick for a while. But now you had a bit too much energy and you didn't know why, not to mention you wanted to eat the weirdest things at odd times, but you'd ignored it for the time being. It was your day off and you were getting ready for Freddy to come over again when you got to thinking. Forgetting things, random sickness, cravings, and sudden energy. Could you be pregnant? You never were... regular with your cycles, but you would've noticed missing them, right? Panic flooded your mind as you searched for your keys, aiming on heading to a walk in clinic nearby to get tested because you needed to know for sure. You couldn't remember for the life of you where your stupid keys were though, taking a good 15 minutes to remember that they were in your pocket the whole time. Sighing in defeat, you drove off to the clinic, trying not to think about the possibility of you carrying Freddy's child. Not that you wouldn't want to, it was just that you were so young and you didn't know if you were ready for it yet. You got lost on your way there, forgetting the turns that you needed to take as you drive around for maybe half an hour aimlessly. Once you got there, you walked up to the front counter nervously.

" Um, hi? I need to get a pregnancy test done please." You were shaking as you spoke, scared out of your mind as you waited for the receptionist to respond to you.

"Sure, I'll give you this cup and you'll just need to head to the washroom. It'll be a bit of a wait for the doctor though." You nodded and did what you had to do, trying your very best to stay as calm as you could. Now it was just time to play the waiting game, which really just involved you reading through the various magazines in the waiting room to try and keep your mind off things. It didn't really work and when they called for you to go to the office, you jumped and walked over with your head hanging.

"Hello Ms. (L/N), I have your test results here. Just let me know when you're ready to hear them." You took a deep breath to try and relax yourself, but it didn't work and you knew that nothing would.

"Okay, I'm ready." Ye doctor nodded and flipped the page to see what it said.

"Well, congratulations Ms. (L/N), you're pregnant. I have a free ultrasound room that Id like you right to so that we can see how far along you are, if you have the time?" You checked your watch, 7 pm.

"Yeah, I have the time right now." You got up and followed the doctor out of the room and into the ultrasound room. (I don't know if it would actually work this way, but I want it like this for my story) While walking there, you began to think about how to tell Freddy about this, and how he might react. What it if wast human? What would you do? What would the doctors do? You took another deep breath and tried to relax, your hands moving your stomach. There was a tiny life in there and you knew you'd protect it with everything you had. The ultrasound tech had you lay down and looked around.

"Well, looks like you're about 3 months along. I just want to check the heartbeat first, then I'll get some pictures so you can show the father." A while 3 months, huh? That would explain a lot of things. You'd have to tell him tonight, you didn't want to keep it a secret. The tech printed off the scans and gave them to you before sending you on your way. You got in your car and didn't move for a while, gently hugging your stomach and staring at it.

"I'm going to have a baby..." You whispered to no one before driving home in silence. You finished tidying up before looking at the scans. Everything seemed normal so far, but you weren't sure if you'd have to hide the baby later on because of what it was. You shook the thoughts out of your mind. This was time for you to be happy, time to get excited to tell Freddy that he was going to be a father! And... time for a nap because you desperately needed one now. You set an alarm for 10 and curled up in bed, dreaming about a baby in your arms.

*timeskip to when you get to the pizzeria because it's easier*

When you got to the pizzeria, you saw Freddy and the manager already waiting for you.

"Hey Y/N, you feeling better now? You were sick for a while there." The manager was still nice to you both and he cared about his employees, something you really respected about him.

"Yeah, I'm doing better, thanks for asking. I'm just gonna steal Freddy now if that's okay?" You always joked that you were stealing him away and the manager just laughed.

"Yeah, you two have fun tonight. You know the rules, just bring him back before opening!" Freddy followed you into the car and kissed you gently.

"Hey beautiful. How was your day?" You smiled at him, not exactly sure what to say.

"It was good. I've got a surprise waiting for you. No hints! You get to find out when we get back to my place." You saw him look like he was going to ask a question and shot him down quickly.

"Aw, can I try to guess?" You laughed, decoding to throw him a bone.

"Sure, you can try." He looked thoughtful for a few seconds while trying to think of what the surprise could be.

"Is it my favourite food?" You giggled, shaking your head as you got closer to home. Thinking about that, you'd have to find a new place soon. Or you could make your current place work, but that brought up another issue of taking care of the bay and working. Maybe the manager would let you bring the baby to work with you? Freddy rapped your shoulder and pulled you out of your thoughts.

"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about something." He rolled his eyes at you as he smiled.

"Yeah, I could tell. We're almost back to your place, so I get to see my surprise soon." You we're hoping that he'd be okay with this, because you wanted to keep the baby more than anything and you wanted Freddy to be apart of the baby's life. Once you parked, you got you your apartment and grabbed the photos.

"So, you ready for the surprise?" You asked, your hands shaking behind your back as you hid the pictures from view.

"You know I am. Did you want me to close my eyes?" You thought about it for a second before nodding. He shut his eyes and you grabbed his hands, putting the pictures in them.

"Okay, open your eyes Freddy." He looked down at his hand, thoroughly confused.

"What kids of pictures are these? They're all fuzzy. Then there's a black spot and a funny looking outline almost like a..." It started to click in his mind as he looked at it a little longer, tilting his head and the picture around. It took him a good minute before he stared up at you with wide eyes.

"Is this what I think it is?" You played with your hair as you glanced away from him.

"Th-that depends on what you think it is." He set the photos down on the counter, one hands cupping your face while the other rested in your stomach.

"Is that a baby? Is that... Our baby?" Tears welled up in your eyes and you cried, nodding as you smiled up at him. You couldn't stop the tears as he wrapped his arms around you carefully, allowing you to nestle your face into his shoulder.

"How far along are you?" He whispered, gently rubbing your back to try and help calm you down.

"3 months. I guess we just weren't careful enough." You laughed weakly, hugging him back as you took shaky but deep breaths in and out.

"God, Will the baby even be human? How do you look after a newborn? How much time will you have to take off? Will you be coming back? You'll bring the baby to the pizzeria, right?" He was rapid firing questions at you that you didn't have the answers to.

"Freddy, we'll figure this out. And of course I'll come back with the baby. But first we'll have to tell the manager to prepare for maternity leave for me." Freddy nodded, smiling down at you and pressing his hand back on your stomach.

"Our baby. Our precious baby. Nothing will ever hurt you, I promise." And you knew he'd stick to his word, because he was Freddy Fazbear, the man you loved more than anything, and the father of the tiny life grows inside of you.

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