Springtrap Intro

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(A/N) WARNING! Mentions abuse! I felt like this was a way for Springtrap to connect with the reader. Please don't read unless you are emotionally capable of handling it! Also, 400 reads, yay! This one is just over 4000 words, and the second part will be coming soon! Thank so much for reading, I don't own the artwork or the characters! Enjoy!

It'd been 8 months since you left home and everything you knew. You just couldn't stay with your mother anymore, they way she treated you a then acted like she was a perfect angel to everyone else in the world. You knew no one would ever believe you that your bruises weren't from you being clumsy, so you decided to write everyone off all together and run away as soon as you turned 18, taking anything you could sell out of the house along with all your money and several sets of clothes. All in all, you managed to collect $3000, but it didn't last as long as you'd hoped and you were running on empty. You'd started off just trying to get away, running as fast as you could along back roads, sleeping during the day and only travelling at night when no one would recognize you in the darkness. After long enough, you came to a big city where you cut and dyed your hair to hide better and got a pair of reading glasses before getting used to life on the streets. You desperately needed a job now, and you had no idea how to get one since you had no resume to speak of and your last job was miles away from here. But just as you were panicking, a flyer came fluttering down at your feet.

"Fazbears fright security guard opening. Hmm, guess I have nothing to lose really." You packed the few things you owned and headed to clean yourself up a bit before changing into your nicest clothes and heading to the attraction, clutching the flyer close to your chest. When you got there, you saw that it was a horror style place, themed after some old pizzeria that you'd never heard of before. You knocked on the door and waited for an answer, shifting your weight back and forth to try and calm yourself. When the door opened, you put on your smile and tried to stand up tall.

"Hello, and what might you be here for? We aren't exactly open right now." You held up the flyer you'd found, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear with your free hand.

"Hello, my name is Y/N and I noticed your position as a security guard. I was wondering if the position was still available. If it is, I would really like to apply for it please." You put on your professional voice, the one you used to save for customers that needed calming down, and it seemed to work.

"Oh, you're here for that! Perfect, when can you start?" You were taken aback, he was asking just like that?

"Um... I can start as early as tonight if you'd like." You weren't going to pass this up since you had no other way of making money right now and we're down to the last of your reserves. The man that you assumed was the manager held his hand out to you. You took it and shook.

"Welcome to the team. I'll have my head of salvage call you tonight and let you know what's going on. So far, we have no original animatronics, just cosplay. Do you know about Freddy Fazbears pizza?" You shook your head, never having heard of it before.

"I'm sorry sir, I can't say that I have." He nodded at you, thinking for a few seconds.

"You might be too young to have heard of this. It was a pizza restaurant where they had animal animatronics as entertainers, and it was pretty successful for a while. Until the missing children's incidents. Then things went downhill until kids started getting hurt by the robots. I've decided to make it into a horror themed attraction! I've actually got a salvage team going out tonight I check out a hot lead! Anyways, here's a uniform that you can wear if it fits, your shift starts at 12 tonight. Go get some rest." He shut the door and you were left standing there, slowly realizing that you now have a job and that you can finally not have to worry about money as much. You let out a celebratory woot as you took the uniform and left, determined to get cleaned up before your shift. When you first came, you got a gym membership for cheap because it meant you always had a place to shower and keep clean, not to mention you could work out when you got too stressed and needed to blow off some steam. So you decided to have a nice long shower and get all cleaned up, allowing you some time to think about the job you'd gotten. They were obviously desperate, since they put out flyers and accepted you right on the spot, so you assumed that you had to be worried about something. Luckily, you'd learned a lot about fighting off creeps since coming to this city, so you felt like you'd be fine as long as you brought some kind of weapon with you. Once you dried off and pulled your wet (h/c) hair back, you set off in search of your hiding spot for anything you didn't want to be caught with if you had a run in with the cops. Once you got there and checked to make sure no one else was around, you searched through your stash and took a large knife out as well as pepper spray. You'd won the knife in a game, the blade being longer than your hand and extremely sharp, so if you ever went somewhere you didn't feel safe, you brought it along with you. Thankfully you hadn't actually had to use it yet, but that didn't mean that it didn't make you feel better just having it on your person. The pepper spray was one of your first purchases after you ran away, since you had a deep seated distrust of everyone around you and wanted to make sure you could keep people away. After putting everything back and locking it back up, which you knew wouldn't help against anyone really determined, you went to find something to eat before your shift. It took a bit to find something hot and cheap, but you showed back up to Fazbears Fright with a bunch of hot Chinese food. You helped the owners clean up a lot so they gave you food in payment, a perfect trade off for you. When you got the attraction, you were given a tour of the facilities, which was retro looking and not entirely safe as you got told. The attraction was opening in a week and they wanted someone to stay the night to make sure everything was in working order. And you also found out that they wanted you to be part of the attraction as the security guard. You still had no idea what the deal was with this place, but the manager knew that and gave you newspaper stories with every mention of Freddy Fazbears from over the years.

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