Chico - Finding out you're pregnant

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(A/N) Holy crap guys, over 1K reads? I'm really happy about this, thanks so much! I might end up writing a little less soon because things are slowly being shut down where I live because of the virus, but I'll do my very best to keep it up! As usual, I don't own the characters or the artwork!

It was 4 months after you and Chico had gotten together and things were just wonderful. He was sweet, caring, and he still made sure that you ate all the time because he wanted you to be happy. The others loved seeing the two of you together because you were laughing and smiling so much. But lately, you couldn't explain the bad mood you were in or the random foods you wanted to eat. Sometimes you could ignore the cravings, but other times you raided the kitchen for olives or stuff like that because you couldn't stand it anymore! First you were sick, and now you want to eat weird things. It was only when you woke up at 4 o'clock before your shift that it dawned on you. You might just be pregnant, and the idea didn't scare you as much as it probably should have. Sure, you were young, but you'd always wanted to be a mother. But before you got your hopes up, you ran out to grab a pregnancy test and some buns. If you were pregnant, you had the perfect way to let Chico know. So you bought everything, along with apples and peanut butter because you NEEDED peanut butter right now, and headed home to take the test before you went to the pizzeria for the night. Once you made it home, you drank a whole lot of water until you had to go to the bathroom and took the test. After you took it, you set it on the counter while you sliced up your apples to dip into the peanut butter so you wouldn't just be eating peanut butter by the spoonful, which you have done before and you felt ashamed of yourself because you'd been trying to eat healthy and that didn't work out in the end. Around 10 minutes later you had half a dozen apples slices and packed up along with the peanut butter for your shift because you wanted to snack while you were there. So now it was time to check the test, which made you nervous and excited at the same time. Slowly turning it over, it read positive, and you jumped for joy. You were sure that Chico would be excited too, but thinking harder made you worried because you started to overthink things. What if he didn't want the baby? What if the others hated the baby? Oh god, what were your parents going to say? How will you introduce them to Chico? You started to stress out, but calmed down as you took deep breaths and closed your eyes. Everything was going to be fine, and everything with Chico would be sorted out tonight. You set an alarm and went for a quick nap, wanting to be all rested up for the night ahead, seeing as it was going to be a long night for you.

Once you woke up, you got changed into comfortable pants and a shirt. Looking at your stomach, you swore you could see a bump there, but it could also be your imagination, so you shook your head and ignored it. You packed up everything into your car, making sure to wipe off the test before putting it into your pocket. Once you got to the pizzeria, your first thought was to set up your reveal. To do that, you went to the kitchen and put the bun on a plate before putting it into the oven. It was a bun in the oven, and you wondered how long it would take Chico to figure that out. It was almost midnight, so you went back to the office and started to snack on your apples and peanut butter. The clock sounded midnight and you heard everyone start moving around, so you sat up straight to wait for Chico to come find you. He always came right after the shift started to bring you to the kitchen. That way he could talk to you while cooking, something that made both of you happy.

"Knock knock Y/N, how was your day?" You looked over at the right hand door and saw Chico standing in the doorway just like e always does.

"Hey babe, not too bad. How was yours?" He shrugged, letting you know that it wasn't exciting but not too boring either.

"A usual day, so nothing to complain about. How about we head to the kitchen? I'm sure you're hungry, even with the peanut butter that you're scarfing down right now." He teased you, but you knew he did the same thing with pizza. And you had an excuse now, but he didn't know that yet. You had your fingers crossed that whatever he wanted to make needed the oven because that would make this perfect. Chico held his hand out to you and you took it as he led you to the kitchen. Once you got in. He immediately went to the fridge to get something out.

"While you had a nap yesterday, I premade something for today. That way we don't need to spend as much time here cooped in the kitchen. Great idea, huh? I just need to stick it in the oven for a while." He went to open up the oven and saw the bun, very confused.

"Okay, and what's that doing in there?" He reached in to take it out, staring at it in his hands. You were very thankful that he had a habit of checking the oven before preheating it.

"You put it in there." Chico looked at you, absolutely baffled as he stared at you.

"No, I definitely didn't." He put it down on the counter, crossing his arms while looking right into your eyes.

"Oh yes you did. You put a bun in the oven." He held his face in his hands for a few seconds before looking at you again.

"No, I didn't put that in there. I just woke up, that wouldn't even make any sense." You couldn't help the giggle that escaped.

"Chico, you put a bun in the oven. I know it was you." You cocked an eyebrow, making him think a little harder about what you were saying. Chico looked down at the floor as he thought hard for several minutes, muttering to himself.

"I put a bun in the...." He looked up at you with recognition across his face.

"Figure it out yet?" A small smile played at your lips as he looked from your face to your stomach, and back up again.

"There's a bun in the oven... Are you really... Pregnant?" You took the test out of your pocket and held it out to him.

"Just found out today. It kinda explains my bad moods, which I'm so sorry for. And my late night pantry raids. That's also the reason for the peanut butter. So, what do you think? I have to set up appointment to go out just how far along I am." Chico didn't say anything for a minute, falling to his knees and wrapping his arms around your waist to rest his head on your stomach.

"There's a baby in there. My baby. Our baby..." You gently pet his head, trying so hard to get a read on how he was feeling. After a few moments like this, the others came into the kitchen.

"Sorry, just wanted a snack... What's going on here?" Goldie looked completely confused as he stared at the two of you. Chico got up and held you close to him, careful to be gentle.

"I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" He yelled, making sure to move away from your ear as he did. You were thankful about that because his voice was loud. It took the others maybe 5 seconds before they all cheered for you two. It was decided that Goldie would go out for your favourite food in celebration, the premade food from Chico being put away for the next night. All of your worries melted away because you knew that that people would support you and that your baby would always have people who cared for them.

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