Chico Lemon

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(A/N) Sorry it took a little while, I really haven't been feeling very well lately. I already feel bad that it's only 3200 words, but it's up now! So enjoy! I don't own the characters or the art!

3 months after the terrifying ordeal that was your first day on the job, things got better. The animatronics didn't scare you as much, especially since they changed into their human forms when you arrived. And they all were really nice, however one of them went above and beyond to help you. When Chico heard that you couldn't afford food, he took it upon himself to make sure you had something to eat every night. And it wasn't just pizza either. He managed to make all sorts of foods, like stews, pastas, salads, and simple dinners too. Now it was your birthday, but you'd asked everyone to not go overboard with it. You hated big celebrations because they never seemed very personal to you, so you always wanted to just have a small family get together. Sadly, your parents weren't feeling well so you couldn't even go spend time with them before work. Chico noticed your slightly bad mood the night before and set out to fix it however he could, prepping a delicious meal for the 2 of you. The other animatronics didn't like to eat, mostly because they didn't have to, but Chico still loved food and enjoyed eating too. Especially when it was with someone else, since it was the perfect time to talk about how your day went. From your conversations over dinner, he's learned a lot about you, like how you visited when you were younger, what subjects you struggled with in school, and even your old boyfriends. Sure, you'd dated in high school like any other girl, but none of those guys ever felt right to you. Something about them just always seemed off, like they just wanted to date you so they could say they had a girlfriend. But hanging around with Chico made you feel something different, like he really just wanted to get to know you and be around you. So you made sure to always have time to talk to him about anything you could think of. Thinking about Chico like this made your face heat up, so you sat outside the pizzeria in the cool night air to try and calm yourself down before going in. You took a deep breath and walked in after a few seconds, confident that your face was back to normal as you went to punch into work. The boss was out of town for a while, so you used that to your advantage and didn't wear the uncomfortable uniform that you'd been given. Today you had a cute (f/c) off the shoulder dress that reached down to your knees, with with comfy black flats on your feet. After setting your things down in the office, you heard the clock strike 12, meaning it was time for the animatronics to wake up for the night. You waited in the office for one of them to come and find you, smoothing out your hair beforehand. Goldie came and chatted with you for a while, keeping you occupied with card games while you waited for the others. After maybe half an hour, you started to wonder why there was only Goldie with you, since the others usually came to hang out, not to mention you hadn't seen Chico in any of the cameras all night. Suddenly, there was a knock on the right hand side door. Chico was standing there in a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black pants, looking really dressed up as he leaned against the doorframe. He had one arm above his head on the frame, the other holding a black jacket that was slung over his shoulder and resting on his back. God, why did he have to do that?! He had no idea how hot he looked, did he? You tried to keep those thoughts out of your head as he spoke to you.

"Hey Y/N, mind coming with me for a bit?" He asked, pushing himself off the doorframe to hold his hand out to you. You took it without hesitation, allowing him to help you out of your chair as he lead you down the hall to the kitchen. Holding his hand tightly, you noticed that he looked a little red as well, so you were wondering what he had in store for you. He brought you to the kitchen before letting go of your hand, with you taking a second longer to let him go. Now that you were here, you could smell something delicious had been cooking and you wondered how you could've missed it! There was a small table set up and 2 plates on it, with an amazing dinner on both of them. Perfectly cooked steak, fresh steamed vegetables, and delicious looking mashed potatoes. Your stomach growled and you remembered that you hadn't eaten much today, your face turning bright red as Chico turned to look at you with concern on his face.

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