Toy Freddy Lemon

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(A/N) And here's the next part! Also, almost 200 reads? I'm super excited about that! Thanks for the support and I'll try to get the chapters out a little faster. I've just been working a lot of overtime lately and I'm tired, but that's no excuse. This one is almost 3800 words, so enjoy! I do not own the characters or artwork!

It was several months after moving to the night shift, and things were going well. After a nice long talk with the manager about endangering children with an employee with a criminal record and endangering you with the animatronics, you were able to get a few strings pulled for you. As long as you kept the kitchen clean for the morning staff, you were allowed to use it whenever you wanted. So some nights you'd use the oven to bake things like bread or pies. You'd bring some of it home, but other times you cooked purely for the animatronics since they seemed to like eating with you at night. But the only person that liked to come and keep you company in the kitchen was Toy Freddy, or Teddy as he'd asked you to call him. He'd come in and help from time to time, but you just appreciated the fact that you weren't alone cooking. And since he did that so often, you let him have first tastes and you'd also started to fall for him because of that. After a little while longer, you realized that you liked him for other reasons too, such as his laugh, the flirty way he'd ask what you were up to, his singing, and a lot of other things too. He was amazing and you had a massive crush on him now. Maybe that was why you were trying to make his favourite kind of bread right now. You'd started it before you left your house and brought it with you to rise on your way to work, not wanting to spend all night in the kitchen waiting. You took it out of the bowl and were kneading it when Teddy appeared in the door, watching you hum to yourself and sway your hips to the music in your head. He loved seeing you when you thought no one was around, because it was when you were free to let go. Your (h/c) hair was pulled away from your face with a (f/c) ribbon and you were wearing an apron over your sundress. You looked beautiful to him and he couldn't bring himself to interrupt your moment as you kept on kneading the bread. You turned and noticed him leaning against the doorframe.

"Hey, what's cookin' good lookin'?" You blushed, still caught off guard by him sometimes.

"O-oh, Hey Teddy. Just making some bread since I was running low at home and I thought you'd like some too." You saw his eyebrow arch when you mentioned that you were planning on giving him some as well.

"Just me or the others too?" He asked with a smirk on his face. You realized your slip up and cursed in your mind, not wanting him to catch onto your feelings for him.

"W-well, it's for whoever wants it the most?" You hoped that was enough of a dodge to keep him from realizing your crush. What you didn't know was that he had a massive crush on you as well. You were always smiling, trying to make everyone happy and your cooking was amazing as well. Your energetic personality drew him in and he fell in love with everything about you over the past few months. He knew that you sometimes got lonely in the kitchen, so he always tried to make an effort to come and see you, helping if he could. Your face lit up when you saw him and he hoped that meant you saw him as more than a friend, but he'd never been able to ask because he didn't want ruin things. But today he decided he was going to push his limits with you and see where that went.

"Well, I always like your baking, but let's see what we have here." Teddy said, his smirk shrinking to a small smile, wanting to put you at ease. He looked down and saw what kind of bread you were making.

"Wait, are you making honey bread?" You smiled, knowing how much he liked the sweet bread that you'd found a month ago.

"Yeah, I've run out at home, and I thought I'd make some for you too. I know that it's your favourite." You started to put parchment paper in the bread pans, really not wanting to deal with stuck bread or struggling to get it out and ruining it. Teddy just looked at you with a happy smile on his face.

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