Golden Freddy - Finding out you're pregnant

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(A/N) And here's another one. Schools got shut down here, so I might get dragged off to babysit, so I want to write while I still have the chance. Also, 1100 reads, thanks so much! I actually had to check each chapter and add the numbers together because I'm so excited! Please enjoy this chapter,  don't own the characters or the art as usual.

You and Goldie had been together now for about 7 months and things were perfect. You still had one day a week where you stayed in his room alone with him, but you spent a lot more time together when you were with the others as well. Sure, your parents had been constantly asking about who your boyfriend was, even though you never mentioned having a boyfriend directly to them, since the marks on your neck were clearly made by someone else. You just didn't know how to bring up the fact that Goldie wasn't exactly human... So you just avoided the question and tried to go about your normal life. Well, things had been a little tricky lately because you must've caught a bug of some sort, seeing as you were feeling nauseous all the time and then hungry right after. Goldie had been particularly concerned about you and he's gotten ahold of a computer recently, so he used it to research what could be making you sick like this. He said he'd let you know what he found on your next shift, so you just relaxed and curled up in bed for the day. Even though you weren't feeling well, you still went into work because you couldn't afford to take days off for no reason. You still needed this job and you couldn't bear the thought of not being able to see Goldie anymore, so you hadn't really been looking for something else for work. You woke up at around 8 in the evening running to the bathroom to throw up. God, you hoped Goldie had found something out because you didn't know how much more of this you could take. You cleaned yourself up and got something light to eat so you wouldn't upset your stomach as you picked out some simple clothes for the night. It seemed like a lot of your pants weren't fitting right anymore, which was weird seeing as you had a hard time keeping things down, but you shrugged it off and put on a pair of comfortable leggings and a shirt. You packed up a lunch and sat down to read for a little bit. This nocturnal lifestyle was really nice for you, keeping you away from people that stressed you out and letting you have peace and quiet all the time. Of course, you made sure you stayed out in the morning sun all the time and that you didn't become a hermit, but you always went to bed at around noon to make sure you were well rested for the night ahead. After you got a decent way into your book, you checked the time and saw that it was 10:45, time to get ready for work. You got everything in your car and left at 11, giving you time to get to work and clean the others up just a bit before Goldie took you to his room, seeing as it was your day together tonight. The other workers had gotten better about cleaning the animatronics before night shift because you'd had a talk with them once or twice, but there was still nights where you had to clean them up before they woke up. So once they were all clean, you clocked in and waited in the office for Goldie to come and get you, but more nausea came bubbling up and you ran to the bathroom as fast as you could, almost bowling Chico over in the process.

"Hey Y/N, are you okay?" You couldn't respond to him as you got into the bathroom and threw up again, hating the feeling so much. You left the bathroom after rinsing out your mouth, almost immediately being grabbed by Goldie and you were teleported to his room. Thank for teleporting didn't make you feel worse.

"Hey Goldie, hows it going?" He looked unusually serious and you waited for him to say something, anything, to make it better.

"Y/N, could you be pregnant?" Your heart sank as you looked down at your stomach. Your pants not fitting, the nausea, and thinking about it you might have missed a period or two, but you never were regular so you sometimes didn't pay attention to it. Goldie gently made you look up at him and you got lost in his black and gold eyes for several seconds.

"I... I might be." He nodded, taking a box off of his dresser.

"I went and got this today, here. Mind taking it so we can be sure?" The box was a pregnancy test. You'd learned not to question how he got things, assuming that he was just teleporting in and out. He brought you back to the bathroom and you had to wait a few minutes before you could take it. Once you cleaned it and your hands off, you came out of the bathroom to just be taken back to his room again. You put the test on his dresser to wait for results and cuddled into Goldie's chest.

"What are we going to do if I AM pregnant? I mean, it'll be hard to keep my parents from nagging about meeting you if there's a baby involved." You both sighed, Goldie's grip tightening around you.

"Well, I'm willing to meet them if you'd like. And if they don't like me, that's okay. Because I'm staying by your side no matter what, doesn't matter if they don't approve. And I'll do everything I can to help you as the baby if you are pregnant. If you wanted, I would even leave the pizzeria all together for you." You looked up at him in awe. Of course he'd offer to take care of you, but you didn't expect that from him. Moving in together? That was a big step and you were so ready for it. Checking your watch, you realized that 5 minutes were up and that it was time to check the test. Taking a deep breath in, you grabbed the test and had your hand covering up the results. You both sat on the bed, with you between his legs and your back on his chest.

"You ready for this Goldie?" You could feel him nod against your shoulder, so you uncovered the test. And there it was, the big obnoxious plus sight that meant you had a baby growing inside of you. Neither one of you moved, staring at the white plastic thing in your hands like it was the most fascinating thing in the world. Goldie was the first person to speak.

"So, when are we telling the others?" You blinked, coming out of your panicked thoughts to look back at the golden blonde man holding you.

"Tomorrow. And I'll arrange a dinner or something with my parents so you can meet them and they can get the news as well. Wow, guess this is really happening. I'll have to make a doctors appointment, get a lot more sun, take vitamins, what am I supposed to eat? What am I not allowed to eat anymore?" Your rambling was cut off by Goldie's soft lips connecting with your own to stop you from talking.

"One step at a time, okay? Tonight, let's celebrate and take some time for this to sink in, okay?" You took a nice deep breath and tried to relax.

"Okay. I guess I'll need to find a new place too, one with room for all three of us." You gently touched your stomach, not sure how to deal with the fact that there was a tiny life inside of you, but knowing that you would give your life to protect your new baby. And you knew that Goldie would do the same.

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