Toy Bonnie - Meeting your family

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(A/N) And here's the next part, and only a day later than usual, so I'm pretty proud of myself. Thanks for the support everyone! This story has gotten to 3.4 K reads! Not to mention that you guys were so understanding about me taking a little longer to write. So thank you all so much, in particular to -cuba-still-here- and GoldenAdrien. So please enjoy, and as always, I don't own the artwork or the characters.

Here you were, 4 months pregnant and about to tell your whole family at once. It was your annual family bbq and your entire family was going to be there, so now really was the perfect time to come out. Was now the best time to introduce everyone to Bon? Maybe not, but you wouldn't have another chance like this until after the baby was born, and you weren't about to go to everyone individually because that would be exhausting and annoying. So you'd convinced the manager that the pizzeria was due for a full cleaning and he shut down everything so that a cleaning crew could come in and deep clean absolutely everything. This gave you the chance to sneak Bon out to the bbq without having to tell the manager that you were with an animatronic. So you were at your place, finishing getting ready while Bon made sure anything you could possibly need was packed up in a messenger bag that he kept close to him at all times.

"Bon. I appreciate your concern, but you know I don't need all the stuff you have there, right?" The playful glare you got from that made you giggle, easing your nerves more than just a little.

"I just want to make sure you don't have to worry as much. I know how this has been worrying you. And I promise, I'll be in my best behaviour." He held up his hand like he was swearing an oath, a serious look in his face as he tried to keep from laughing.

"Okay. Well, if you're finished packing, I'm all ready to go too. Are you ready to meet everyone else? I mean, we could always skip out still." Bon shook his head, grabbing your hands and staring into your eyes.

"I want this Y/N, I want to be able to see your family, to be apart of it. I'm not backing down and I'm not gonna give you that option either, let's go." He pulled you along and you were shocked by what he said. He rarely talked like that and every time he did it made you fall a little more for him. So, you grabbed your purse and the potato salad that you were asked to bring, and away you went to your aunts house since she had the biggest backyard and bbq, so it made sense to hold it there. While driving there, Bon kept making jokes and getting you to laugh, which really calmed your nerves and helped you relax instead of panicking about this whole thing. Once you arrived and parked the car, you saw a couple of your younger cousins come running to the car, many other members of your family hanging out in the front yard talking,

"Y/N! Y/N! You're finally here!" They crowded you slightly, but you didn't mind because they were just excitable kids. You'd have your own soon enough, and that thought filled you with warmth as you hugged your cousins and sent them on their way. Bon came out of the car and all conversations stopped at that point.

"Well, that was a pretty big change in atmosphere, wasn't it?" Bon asked while looking over at you. Of course you expected this, but you didn't realize that it would be such a sudden change. Nor did you expect your favourite uncle to come running to you, crushing you with a hug.

"Y/N, we haven't heard from you in far too long, it's so good to see you again! And who's the guy with the funny ears? No offence, just trying to break some of the tension." The last sentence was whispered so that only you and Bon would hear it. Both of you appreciated his attempt to break the ice and you pulled away from your uncle slightly.

"Right everyone, this is Bon, my boyfriend of over a year now. Sorry he hasn't been able to come to anything before, but there were certain circumstances that kept him away. But, here he is now!" Your parents came out of the house and saw you, waving and coming to hug both you and Bon.

"Hey you two, hope the drive wasn't too bad?" Bon smiled and shook his head.

"Nope, traffic was a breeze, thanks." You smiled as well before taking a deep breath and smelling the food on the barbecue. Your stomach let out a really loud rumble and your uncle laughed hard. This eased a lot of the tension and the others started quietly talking again.

"Well, glad someones hungry!" You blushed as others joined in laughing at you, most of them still staring pretty intently at Bon.

"Well, I'm eating for 2, so I'd better be hungry." Again, a complete stop to all conversation as everyone stared at you. Your uncle looked the most shocked until he picked you up and spun you around.

"Our little Y/N is all grown up and starting her own family!" He put you down and turned to glare at Bon, a playful gleam in his eye while the rest of his face was serious. To someone who didn't know him, like Bon, he looked threatening. Putting hand on Bon's shoulder, your uncle spoke with a gruff voice.

"You better be taking good care of her bunny boy." Bon flinched at the tone of voice before grabbing his messenger bag and showing it to your uncle.

"I sure am sir! Got everything she could need in here. I've been trying to make sure anything we might need at short notice is packed up before we leave anywhere." The sudden laugher had Bon taking a step back, confusion obvious across his features.

"I'm just giving you a hard time son. But I am glad you're doing your best to take care of Y/N, she's pretty important to us." Now your aunts, other uncles, and older cousins started closing in. And the questions came flooding in so fast you couldn't respond to any of them.

"How did you two meet? How far along are you? What kind of circumstances could keep him away? Is the baby a boy or a girl? Have you come up with a name? Do you have any pictures for us?" You were feeling crowded and it was overwhelming you, Bon noticed and tried asking everyone to back up, but they didn't listen. Tears formed in your eyes as questions were repeated and they kept trying to touch your stomach. This was your family, pushy and sometimes inconsiderate, and it was really bothering you this time. So Bon had the brilliant idea to swap the attention to himself. And how did he do this? By swapping into animatronic form right then and there, of course. The sudden change made everyone look over before backing right up in shock and fear, with at least 2 people screaming.

"So, if I can have your attention for a few seconds, I can answer your questions since Y/N is getting overwhelmed by all of you pouncing on her like that." He changed back to human form and sat down on a nearby chair, crossing his arms across his chest as he glared angrily at several people.

"First of all, I'm not human, as you saw. My full name is Toy Bonnie and I'm an animatronic at Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria. Even to get me here today was a struggle, so circumstances have to be perfect for me to come out. Y/N and I have known each other for almost 2 years now and she's been friends with the other animatronics as well. We met at work and once she got swapped over to the night shift, we'd spend most nights together. And before any of you ask, yes, these rabbit ears are my real ears, I don't have human ones like the rest of you. Now, I think Y/N can answer the rest of the questions, but keep away from her if you please. We don't want her stressing, so we?" A few people shook their heads before turning back to you. Well, not how you expected that to ho, but it seemed to work, so you went along along with it.

"I'm 4 months along, I have ultrasound pictures on my phone and I'd be willing to show you one by one. I'm having a boy, but Bon and I haven't talked about names quite yet. And no touching my stomach unless I give you permission, or I will smack your hands, got it?" Nods from your family showed that your threat got through. Well, that could've gone a lot better, but it also could've gone worse because someone could've called the cops. So on went the BBQ with all sorts of questions from people, but they were all careful to give you space now. You needed to find a way to thank Bon for that later. Right now you needed to eat up, and that's exactly what you ended up doing.

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