Freddy - Meeting your family

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(A/N) And here's the next part! Sorry I'm taking a bit longer now, but I hope you enjoy these anyways. I don't own the characters or artwork!

You were now 7 months along and you'd put off meeting your parents for too long already, so now it was time to bring Freddy over for dinner for the first time. You'd both talked about it and decided not to hide what he was from them because it would only cause problems later if they found out you'd lied to them. As for everyone else, they'd been overjoyed by the news, with the manager in particular loudly cheering for you and immediately trying to figure out your maternity leave. He'd agreed to have Freddy 'get repaired' for the day so you could take him to meet your parents and you couldn't thank him enough for that. So that's how you ended up here in your car with Freddy beside you, on your way to meet your mother and father while praying that they wouldn't freak out too much. What didn't help was the cramping in your legs and feet that just wouldn't go away no matter what you tried.

"Cramping up again? I wish I knew how to drive so I could help you here." You smiled at him, glad that you weren't dealing with this alone.

"Yeah, but I'll be okay. We're almost there, so are you ready for this? Your mission, should you choose to accept it, making a good impression on my parents." You changed your voice to sound more like the boss in a spy movie and neither one of you could resist laughing loudly.

"Ah yes, my most dangerous mission yet, dealing with my girlfriends dad." You couldn't stop the laughter because sure, your dad was protective, but he had nothing on Freddy. It suddenly dawned on you that you'd have 2 protective men in your life who weren't going to let you do much aside from rest now that you were pregnant and you groaned.

"You okay Y/N?" Freddy suddenly looked increasingly concerned as you parked in your parents driveway and gave him a look.

"Between you and my dad, I'm going to be stuck in bed for the next 2 months." Freddy opened his door and rushed to get yours as well so he could help you out of the vehicle.

"Well, is that such a bad thing? I mean, you've been a lot more tired lately, maybe it's almost time for you to stay at home?" You have him a glare because you'd talked about this and you were fine without going on your leave yet. You needed to work as long as you could so that you could stay at home with the baby, who you'd found out was a boy, for longer.

"I'm fine you silly bear. Now come on, let's get inside. Brace yourself, I have a feeling that we're going to be bombarded with questions the moment we walk inside." Freddy nodded, taking a deep breath to calm himself down before helping to up the steps and knocking for the door. Of course it was your father that opened the door.

"My little angel, look at you! Oh, you need to visit more often! And this must be... Freddy, right?" Your fathers voice started out warm and happy, but froze into ice the moment he looked at Freddy. Oh boy, here we go.

"Yes sir, it's a pleasure to meet you." Freddy smiled and held out his hand, not flinching at the tone of voice or the death glare your father gave him. You expected nothing less considering he died once before.

"So, you're the one who knocked my little girl up? And what are those thin on your head young man? Bear ears? Y/N, you couldn't have picked someone better than... this?" And he didn't waste any time before bringing that up, did he? You walked inside and pulled Freddy by his hand to drag him with you.

"Dad, we're only gonna explain it once, so wait until Moms here. Now, I'm gonna go find her, so can you please try to be nice to Freddy?" You could hear Freddy trying to start up a conversation while you wandered into the kitchen to find your mother. She was just finishing up with dinner when you walked in, and she gave you a huge hug as soon as she realized you were standing there.

"Oh Y/N, my little darling! It's been too long. How harsh is your father being on your boyfriend?" You sighed, shaking your head.

"The usual ice king. I mean, does he really have to act like that to every guy I bring over? Even just friends, he went all frozen on them." Your mother just laughed as she finished serving up dinner.

"That's just the kind of man your father is. How about we go rescue this Freddy of yours?" You nodded and followed your mother out to the dining room to put the food down before heading out to the living room to see how things were going. Well, it wasn't good because your father had a tight hold on Freddy's ears and was trying to pull them off.

"Dad, what the fuck are you doing?! Let him go, you're hurting him!" You ran to help Freddy and pulled your father off. Once he was free, Freddy simply pulled you close and rested his head on top of yours before sighing.

"Thanks. I didn't want to pull him off because I was afraid I might accidentally hurt him." Your father growled before turning to your mother.

"Those bear ears are actually attached to his head. And he doesn't have results ears either, so I don't know what he is!" You turned to face your father with pure rage in your eyes.

"First you hurt my boyfriend, the father of my baby, and then you insult him to his face? You're lucky Goldie isn't here because he wouldn't have been okay with you hurting his little brother like this. Guess it's time to just come right out with it, huh babe?" Freddy nodded before a blinding light signalled his shift to animatronic form. When your parents opened your eyes, Freddy was behind you in all of his robotic glory, simply wrapping his arms around you again. But since he was a lot taller now, they mostly just rested on your shoulders.

"Y/N... Get away from that thing!" Your father moved to pulled you away and Freddy moved to put you behind him in an effort to protect you. Your peeked out and stared into your fathers eyes, not blinking as you spoke.

"Mom, Dad, this is Freddy. As in Freddy Fazbear. He's... not exactly human as you can see. He was a human once, then he got killed in the pizzeria that I work at. All the animatronics at that pizzeria are like this, and they can all shift from animatronic form to human form like you saw earlier. Babe, mind changing again please?" The metallic scraping that accompanied his nod made your parents back up a bit as another flash of light came and he was now in human form again.

"I'd never hurt your daughter, either of you two, or my son. Yes, the baby is a boy and we couldn't be happier. I'd say I'd give my life to protect the people that I care about, but since I'm already dead, it doesn't have the same effect. But all of us at the pizzeria will do everything in our power to keep Y/N safe." Your father went to say something, but your mother interrupted him.

"You poor thing, you're stuck inside a robot? And how many others are there, if you don't mind me asking?" You had a bad feeling that your mother was going to try to be their pseudo-mom and you didn't mind.

"There's 4 others, aside from me. Foxy, Bonnie, Chico, and Goldie. Maybe we'll have to bring you to the pizzeria to meet them all sometime." You could feel the tension easing in the room. Thank of your mom was able to calm things down the way she did. The rest of the night went well after that, even though your father was still wary of Freddy after realizing that your robot boyfriend could have really hurt him. Although the the fact that didn't was a good point in your fathers book. Now all you needed to do was wait a couple months for the baby to come.

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