Golden Freddy lemon

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(A/N) 4100 words later and here's the last lemon for the FNAF 1 characters. I've been on the bus a lot more since I have to work so much, so I have more writing time! Yup, I write these on a city bus because I'm weird like that. Anyways, please enjoy and let me know what you think! I don't own the characters or the artwork!

It was 3 months after you'd started this job, and it took a little while to get used to the animatronics. For the first couple of weeks you still slammed the doors in their faces because they frightened you. The only one able to talk to you at that point was Golden Freddy because he was able to teleport into the closed off room, so he'd come in and talk to you for a while. He was the reason you'd been able to calm down enough to have a normal conversation with the others. Now you'd hang out with all of them, but once a week Goldie teleported you to his secret room so you could be alone together. He understood that sometimes the other animatronics were socially draining, so you needed a recharge every once in a while and he was more than happy to give you that opportunity. After a month or so, Goldie wasn't draining for you, his presence actually helped you relax and you looked forward to your little 'dates', as you thought of them. You had a massive crush on Goldie at this point, but you couldn't bear the thought of losing him as a friend, so you kept quiet. But that didn't mean you ignored how you felt, it just meant that you kept it to yourself. Today was your birthday and you were excited that it happened to land on your day with Goldie, so you woke up earlier to dress up for the occasion. Tight jeans that hugged your curves perfectly, a cute crop too in the perfect colour to make your (e/c) eyes pop, hair in your favourite style, and simple black flats that were easy to walk around in. Once you were all ready, you headed to the pizzeria to see everyone. As soon as you clocked in, Goldie came and grabbed you, bringing you back to the room that he'd slowly been decorating so that you'd be more comfortable in it. There was a mirror, a big comfy bed, a tv with a few different game systems hooked up to it, and a dresser with spare clothes for you since sometimes you spilled things on yourself. Once you got your bearings back, you looked at Goldie and saw his face. He looked a little upset at your outfit, which really disappointed you since you wanted to look good for him, but you couldn't bring yourself to say that.

"H-hey Goldie, how's it going!" You tried to act normal, but with the way he was looking at you, it was hard.

"Hello Y/N, who'd you go out with?" He didn't even answer your question. You sighed and sank down to the floor to get comfortable.

"No one, I slept all day. It's just that it's my birthday and I wanted to look good." He nodded, understanding wanting to look nice, before he realized what you'd said.

"Oh god, I forgot! Did you want me to bring you back to the others to celebrate? I don't want to take up all your time..." You shook your head violently, waving your hands in front of you.

"No! I'd much rather spend my birthday here with you. I wouldn't miss out on this for the world! I really like coming here with you so often, it's great to have someone who doesn't drain me and understands that I need to recharge my social battery sometimes." He perks up as you keep talking.

"I don't drain you? That's a pretty big compliment. Be careful, or I might start thinking that you have a crush on me or something." You felt your cheeks heating up at that, not liking the feeling of a joke on your behalf. Goldie noticed, but he didn't say anything because he wanted to make sure that you did actually like him before making a move on you.

"W-well, you'll just have to keep dreaming." You retorted, only half meaning it. Goldie laughed as he stood up to grab a pizza box from nearby.

"I got this from outside the pizzeria, so it's bound to be amazing by comparison." You noticed that it was from (favourite pizza place) and you got excited.

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