Toy Chico - Meeting your family

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(A/N) Here's the newest chapter! Things have been getting bad at work lately so I haven't been able to focus. Customers are getting aggressive and I'm scared I'm going to get hurt, so that's why it took a bit longer to get this chapter up. Id also like to say thank you so much for 3.9K reads! You guys keep reading this book, so I'll keep writing it for you! As usual, I don't own the characters or artwork, enjoy!

You were 5 months along for sure since you were finally able to go to the doctor and you also knew something really exciting. You were having twins! 2 baby boys were going to be your little angels in a few months and nothing could have made you happier. But, now you had to deal with introducing TC to your dad. Of course your dad knew about him and knew about you being pregnant, but that didn't make him anymore eager to meet with TC because he was protective. And why shouldn't he be? Your mom just up as left when you were maybe 3 and you've only had your dad for as long as you could remember, so he made sure that nothing and no one hurt you if he could help it. But now TC was in the picture and he couldn't protect you from heartbreak, no matter how hard he tried, and your dad really didn't like that. It had happened before and his protectiveness got annoying after that, which was one the main reason you went off to live on your own in the first place. You pushed your thoughts of the past aside as you waited outside by the car for your dad to come to the pizzeria, since getting TC out of there wasn't something you could do unless it was the middle of the night. And if that was the case, why not do things in the comfort of a familiar place? It was 11:50 when your dad showed up, and you could tell that he didn't understand why you wanted him with you for a shift, but he still came because you said it was important.

"Hey sweetie, gonna tell me why I needed to meet you here yet?" You shook your head as you took his hand and dragged him inside, not giving him a chance to change his mind as the door shut behind you.

"So, this is where I work, and I wanted some help tonight because things have been getting harder for me. You'll see why soon, but we have to get to the office before midnight." This might hurt your chances of getting your dad to like TC, but everyone thought that it would be a fun game to play. And that was the game that you would be playing if the animatronics decided to attack. All of you had spent hours searching for 2 spare Freddy masks so that this would work and you weren't excited for the lecture that was sure to come afterwards, but it would be so worth it just for the look on your dads face.

"What could you need help with sweetie?" You clicked on that old recording that never got deleted and let it play for him as you watched the clock tick down to midnight. Once it was finished, your dad stared at you in horror.

"What are you doing here?! We need to get out before-" He couldn't finish his sentence before the midnight chimes rang out and the game began.

"Because I need the pay, and once you get the hang of things it isn't so bad, trust me." Yeah, you were in so much trouble,!but it was so funny.

"So, what did you need me to do? I'm so glad I took a long nap earlier so I wouldn't be tired." He was so ready to do this for you and you loved him for that because he was willing to be put in the line of fire to protect you.

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on the vents and keeping the music box wound up, you watch the cameras and deal with the hallway, got it?" Your dad nodded and things started moving. Somehow they had gotten those old animatronics moving as well, so it was a little unnerving for you purely because those things were creepy. While you were flashing the vents, TC showed up and winked at you before backing away. Time to make some small talk with your dad.

"I was going to introduce you to my boyfriend, but he's a little busy tonight sadly." Your dad hugged in annoyance.

"Does he know what kind of job you have? And if he does, why doesn't he help you?" You didn't like that tone of voice coming from your dad as he flashed the old Foxy animatronic in the face along with Mangle.

"He's working tonight, and he helps when he can. Have I ever told you what his name is?" Your dad glanced back at you with confusion on his face.

"Yeah, you said he was TC. Are you finally going to tell me that that stands for? Because that's been bugging me more than I'd like to admit." You nodded as TC appeared in the vents.

"It stand for Toy Chico. And it just so happens that he just showed up." TC walked in front of your dad and the scream that was let out made you laugh harder than anything else ever had. Here was your big tough dad, screaming like a little girl because of TC.

"Why didn't you warn me?!" Your dad pulled you off the chair and under the desk and your laughter stopped because he was genuinely scared right now.

"Dad, it was a joke. None of them will ever hurt us. TC is a sweetheart, and I'm sorry for pranking you. In all fairness, this was Toy Bonnie's idea and we shouldn't have listened to him!" The last part was yelled out so that Toy Bonnie could hear that he made a mistake. But all of the others were currently shutting the old animatronics down so that they wouldn't keep coming because that would be pretty bad. You managed to pull yourself away from your dad and crawled out of the hiding spot so you could look up at TC.

"Think I should shift and properly introduce myself to your dad?" His robotic voice threw you off because it had been so long since you had heard him speak like that, but it was only a second.

"That might be the best idea. But move slowly once you get here, he's actually terrified right now." You looked back at your dad and held out your hand for him.

"None of them will hurt you, I promise. And if they try, they know that they'll have me to answer to and no one wants that. Come on, out you come." Your dad grabbed your hand and slowly came out from under the desk, but he was still on high alert as TC in his human form sat down on the floor in front of you.

"Dad, this is TC, and he won't hurt you. And he has never nor will ever hurt me. Unless you count giving birth to his children, because I'm sure that's not gonna be fun." Your dad looked up at TC with anger in his eyes.

"All of you animatronics have always creeped me out. Just putting that out there." TC chuckled weakly as he didn't know how to respond to that.

"Um... sorry? We really don't try to be creepy. And I'm really sorry for scaring you sir, but it did seem a little funny at the time. And I promise, we've never made your daughter play that game before." Your dad relaxed once he knew that this was the first time you'd ever had to do that.

"So, how do you spend nights here usually then?" The others had finally finished up with the old animatronics and had swapped into human forms.

"Well, we watch movies or play games for the most part. Or we just chit chat while your daughter sleeps, but that's a more recent thing because she's been tired lately." It was Mangle who spoke up, and that was what brought your dads attention to everyone else and he looked really uncomfortable again.

"Which one of you is Toy Bonnie?" Everyone, including you, pointed at the blue bunny boy without hesitation and your dad stood up. He walked over to the boy and stared him right in the face. Without warning, he grabbed Toy Bonnie by the collar and pulled him so that Toy Bonnie's face was right up against his own.

"You're a little shit and if you weren't a robot I would slap you. But since that would probably hurt me, I won't." And here was your dads protective side. At least he seemed okay with TC, so that's about all you could ask for right now. The rest of the night was spent with your dad getting to know everyone. Yeah, things were going to be just fine, and you gently touched your stomach as you felt movement. Those little boys were going to have the best family you could ask for, you just knew it.

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