Springtrap - Finding out you're pregnant

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(A/N) Thank you so much for the reads! I've been trying to update regularly and I apologize if it's taken a little while. Side note, finding the art for the chapters is getting a bit harder since I only go for the human versions. Anyways, I don't own the characters or art, enjoy!

It was maybe a month since you and Springtrap had gotten together and not a whole lot had changed except the fact that you got laid almost every single night. You'd started keeping a secret stash of condoms in the office so that you always had one on hand, which was perfect when you didn't have one in your pocket. And no one had come looking for your mother yet either, so you hadn't had to deal with that either, something you couldn't be more thankful. But now you had another thing to worry about. Your period was 3 days late and you were freaking out because you weren't ready to be a mother yet. You all but ran to the drug store and bought 3 tests to take before your shift because you wanted to be sure, no false positives or negatives for you to panic over. Once you got home, you took the tests and wrapped them up so you couldn't see them before shoving them into your bag. You didn't want to see the results without Springtrap beside you, you needed his support if they were positive. Getting to sleep was a huge pain, but you managed it for maybe 5 hours before you woke up and couldn't fight your need to be up and active. So, in order to calm yourself down, you decided to work out a little to keep in shape. You'd started working out pretty seriously not long after moving into the apartment that your manager rented out to you, just to make sure you didn't get weak in case something happened. You didn't trust people at all and wanted to be ready in case someone tried to hurt you. Things had only gotten worse after your mother found you. Your lack of sleep didn't go unnoticed by your coworkers or Springtrap, but there was nothing anyone could do about that. Once your workout and breakfast were done, it was time to get walking to the attraction. You still didn't have a vehicle, but walking wasn't too bad since it kept you active and it gave you a chance to listen to your music on your own. As you walked, your mind wandered to what you would do if you were pregnant. Would you keep the baby? Would they even be human? If not, could they live a normal life if you hid that fact from everyone? And the most important question, what would Springtrap think? Would he be okay with being a father? If not, would you be able to keep the baby away from him? You didn't want to have to do something like that, but to protect your baby you would. Well, the emotion that came bubbling up at the thought of protecting the baby answered the first question, you'd be keeping it. Sure, you were young, but thanks to a massive amount of babysitting for both family and friends, you were great with kids of all ages. Now, you needed to think of how you'd tell Springtrap that you might be pregnant? Clutching tightly to your bag, an unwanted thought went through your mind and sent a shiver down your spine. Would you end up like your mother, a cruel parent who used her kid to make herself look better? You shook your head, banishing that awful idea. Of course you wouldn't be like that, you could never treat another person that way, least of all your own child! Before you knew it, you were outside the attraction and, after taking a deep calming breath, you opened the door.

"Hey Y/N, how's it going?" It was the salvage guy, who made a point to talk to you whenever he could. You had a feeling that he might be interested in you, but you were most definitely taken.

"Hey (pick a guys name), not too bad. How was your day? Still looking for more animatronics?" He nodded, looking defeated.

"The rabbit is the only one we've found to date, the rest were made by you. I just don't understand why they're so hard to find." You shrugged, putting your bag in the office and sitting down with a sigh.

"Something on your mind? You still look like you're not sleeping." You looked up at him and the concern on his face bothered you.

"I'm fine. I just need to figure out what's bugging me so I can fix it. Now, you need to get going. My shifts about to start and you need to be out of here by then." You watched him get nervous and clear his throat before speaking.

"Listen, did you want to have coffee sometime? I've been trying to ask you out for a little while and I didn't know how to do it." You looked down, wishing he hadn't said anything.

"Look, you're a nice guy and all, but I'm not interested in you like that. Not to mention I already have an amazing boyfriend. But thanks for the invitation." He left and you really hoped that was gentle enough because you didn't want to break his heart. You were digging the tests out of your bag when the clock struck midnight and Springtrap was in your office.

"So, he asked you out, huh? Glad you weren't too hard on him, he's a good kid." You couldn't have been happier that he wasn't so possessive anymore. He looked down at you and saw you searching for something. You saw the confusion on his face and decided not to beat around the bush.

"Springtrap, I think I'm pregnant. I took 3 pregnancy tests earlier and I haven't looked at them yet. I didn't want to see the results without you." The look on his face was like nothing you'd ever seen. He was shocked, confused, but also slightly happy.

"You might be... pregnant? I mean, yeah, we weren't careful the first time. But, you're actually saying I might be a dad?" You nodded, biting your lip as you picked up the bag with the tests in it.

"Are you ready to see?" He nodded, his arm wrapping around your shoulders as he squeezed to reassure you. You opened up the bag and looked at the results. 3 positive tests. No doubt about it, you were pregnant and the panic was coming back again. But before you could have a meltdown, Springtrap pulled you into a tight hug.

"I can't believe it! I promise, I'll find a way to help you however I can." In his arms, you knew everything would be okay. But you did have a feeling that Springtrap would become overprotective. Oh well, it wouldn't kill you to have someone taking care of you. The warmth that filled you was from the feeling of having your own family again, something you would care for and protect with your life.

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