Mangle - Finding out you're pregnant

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(A/N) Oh my god. 1.8k reads? I didn't expect this when I started posting, thank you all so very much! I've been having fun writing these and I hope you all have been having fun reading them. I might take a little longer to update because of things gradually shutting down around me and losing my free time. Anyways, I don't own the art or the characters, enjoy!

During the 7 months that you and Mangle had been together, things had changed. When you had finished fixing him, he was able to go back into actually performing, but everyone still saw him as a take apart toy. You weren't about to let that happen, and the manager saw that you really cared for this animatronic in particular, so he simply put Mangle in the back for storage in case an animatronic is needed on short notice. What this meant was you were able to bring him out and about every once in a while, like to that fair an a few other small places where he wouldn't stand out too much, though you wore your fox ears to make it look like something that you two just did together. You still spent most of your time at the pizzeria along with the others, usually having little parties and just messing around. They were the best friends you could've asked for and they meant the world to you. But lately a lot f things were making you cranky, along with the random food cravings that were getting on your nerves. You'd asked to be left alone a couple of nights, but you felt bad because you didn't know why you were so easily annoyed right now. Coming up to the end of your shift, it dawned on you that those were symptoms of pregnancy, but since you'd been told before you couldn't have children, you'd never really thought about it until now. You noticed that you'd gained a bit of weight, but you just assumed it was the pizza. Now, your heart skipped a beat at the idea of maybe having a child. So as soon as you were off, you went as quickly as you possibly could to a medical clinic because you wanted to be 100% sure about it. While you sat in the waiting room after doing what you had to for the test, you thought about how Mangle might feel about the possible baby. Of course he'd be shocked, since you told him about not being able to conceive, but would he be happy? Yeah, you thought he would because he loved playing with other kids, why should yours be any different? And with the fact that you could sneak him out if you needed to, he could be there for you if you needed him. The idea of maybe having a baby was getting to you and you couldn't stop your excitement at the thought.

"Y/N, please follow me." The nurse called out your name and you got up quickly, following her in silence to an office while you waited a little longer for the doctor to tell you what's going on. After a few more minutes, you heard a knock at the door. The doctor came in and sat down, holding a clipboard with various papers in her hand.

"Hello Miss (L/N), I have your results here. Did you need a moment to prepare yourself for whatever the answer might be?" You took a deep breath to try and calm down before smiling.

"I'm ready Doctor." She nodded before flipping one of the pages up and reading.

"Well, it looks like you are indeed pregnant, congratulations. If you have the time, I'd like to send you for some more tests to get a better idea of just how far along you are." The warm smile on the doctors face helped you to relax, but you were still so incredibly excited that you couldn't stand it.

"Of course I have time. I... I never thought this would happen. I was told if I wanted a baby, I'd have to adopt, but this just feels like a miracle..." Tears welled up in your eyes as you gently placed your hands on your stomach. You'd protect this baby with everything you had, you just knew it. The doctor did several more tests before sending you home to rest, which you needed because you had another shift tonight and you just had to tell Mangle in a fun way. You'd get the results in a few days, and that was just fine with you because you had to think up some fun ideas anyways. After making something to eat, you wrapped yourself up in a blanket and fell asleep, your arms wrapped protectively around yourself.

*timeskip to a couple weeks later because why not?*

When you finally got the results back, it said that you were around 3 months pregnant and you were overjoyed! Once you had a chance, you got Mangle a new shirt to break the news to him. It said "Be nice to me, my girlfriend is pregnant". You were going to make him put it on with his eyes closed and have him check the mirror, so he'd have to read it backwards. You'd started to hang out with everyone again because you knew what was going on as you did your best not to get upset at anyone, and if you did, you excused yourself for a few moments to calm down. Now, as you finished making sure you had everything for your shift, you took a deep breath because you were about to find out how Mangle felt about being a father. Once you got to the pizzeria, you did your usual tidy up before the shift and waited in the office for Mangle to come and find you like he did every single night. It only took 5 minutes for him to show up, dusting himself off before hugging you tightly.

"Hey foxy lady, how was your day?" You smiled, loving the pet name he gave you based on your love of your fox ears.

"Hey you. Good, I've actually got something for you. But there's a catch. You have to close your eyes and put your arms above your head." The confusion was obvious on his face, but he just shrugged and did as you asked because e trusted you. Unfolding the shirt, you slipped it on him and giggled.

"Okay, open them up and go look in the mirror!" You both went to the bathroom, Mangle not caring that it was the women's washroom because you were the only woman in the pizzeria right now.

"I have no idea what this says, gimme a minute." You watched him look down at his shirt and try to read it backwards for a little bit, the smile not leaving your face the whole time. Once he made out the word 'pregnant', the rest came easily.

"Y/N, are you saying you're actually..." You nodded, a small hiccup escaping as you began to cry.

"I found out a couple weeks ago, but I wanted to really surprise you. I'm about 3 months along. Are... you happy about it?" Your nerves started to act up as his expression was almost impossible to read.

"Y/N, I told you I'd protect you before, and that hasn't changed. I'll protect both of you, I promise. I just didn't expect this at all. Do you know if it's a boy or a girl yet?" You shook your head, a smile breaking across your face again.

"Not yet, it's too early to tell. Now, why don't we tell the others? Let's just walk in and let them read the shirt, how does that sound?" His laugh told you everything you needed to hear. And now you knew that your little miracle would have the best protectors possible with you and all the animatronics taking care of them.

Fnaf Lemons And One-shotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora