Bonnie - Finding out you're pregnant

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(A/N) So, tons of people at my store and others are getting sick, so I've been having to fill in at others stores the past few days. So I finally had the time to write this today. I hope you like it and remember, requests are open if you want something specific. Also, thank you all so much for 900 reads, it really means a lot to me since I do this for you guys in the first place. Please let me know what you think so I can get better, thanks! I don't own the characters or artwork, please enjoy!

It was maybe 6 months after you and Bonnie had finally gotten together, and it was amazing. You didn't play as many pranks, much to the relief of everyone else, but it was replaced with you two getting it on in all kinds of areas of the pizzeria. You'd also started to stop by on your days off to sneak Bonnie out for the night and bring him home with you so you didn't have to worry about being interrupted by the others. So, all in all, a wonderful time. You'd grown much closer to the others as well since you stopped playing jokes on them all the time, with all the bots feeling like older brothers to you, something you'd always wanted, but never had. However, you were really worried right now because you were late. Yes, thank kind of late, and you had to think if it was possible you were pregnant? You thought back to all the many times you'd slept with Bonnie and, after the first time, you'd made sure that you always had protection on you so you wouldn't make a mistake. You even went on birth control as a secondary measure, which was a pretty good idea in your personal opinion. But you knew that sometimes things happen anyways, so that's how you found yourself at the drug store buying a few tests. You didn't want a false positive or false negative, hence the reason for multiple tests. You waited in line, shifting your weight from one foot to the other as your nerves started to get to you as you fiddled with the boxes in your hands. Once it was your turn, you set them on the counter as you avoided eye contact with the cashier. She must have noticed your discomfort because she spoke to you gently.

"Hey, don't worry. Here, take this card. It's got numbers of people who can help if you need it." She handed you a card along with your receipt, and you took it because you were scared. You got in your car and went to the pizzeria, since you had a shift tonight and it was almost time for that to start. Before it did though, you ran to the washroom and took all of the tests while trying to calm yourself down. You wiped them off and covered them up, hiding them in your pocket while you waited for midnight. You didn't think you'd be able to handle looking at them without Bonnie beside you. You went to the office and sat down, rubbing your arms because you just felt so cold you couldn't stand it, when you felt another pair of hands trying to warm you up.

"Hey beautiful, are you okay? You seem really out of it right now." You sighed, looking up at Bonnie as he spoke. You took the tests out of your pocket, placing them face down and taking the box out of your bag.

"Bonnie, I'm late. I took these pregnancy tests maybe 5 minutes ago, but I can't bring myself to look at them alone. I'm too scared." You started to shake and he wrapped his arms around you, holding you close as you let out several shaky breaths before calming down fully.

"Okay, so do you want to check them now? We can look together, okay?" You nodded, reaching out for the first test while Bonnie grabbed the other two.

"On three?" You asked, wanting some sort of signal before you flipped them.

"Yeah. One. Two. Three!" You flipped yours around and checked it. Positive. Looking over at the ones in Bonnie's hands, they said the same thing. All three tests were positive. You and Bonnie looked at each other for a few seconds, letting it sink in that you were indeed pregnant.

"Okay then. Wh-What did you want to do?" He asked, holding your hand tightly as you started to panic inside.

"I... I don't know! Oh god, I'm pregnant. My mom's gonna kill me! But..." You trailed off, thinking about the small life now starting to grow inside you. You were terrified, no doubt about that, but the more you thought about, the less it scared you.

"But what?" Bonnie gently made you look at him so that he could get a better feel for what was going on.

"But... I want to keep the baby. I know that's not the best idea as that I should be thinking about my future, but I've always wanted to be a mother. I don't care if the baby isn't human, I just want to keep them safe, keep them happy. Are... are you okay with this?" You asked, unsure of how Bonnie night react to suddenly being a father like this. He smiled gently at you and carefully placed his hand on your stomach, almost like he was afraid a single tough could destroy the spark of life inside of you.

"I want to keep the baby too. Hell, I'll break out of this place to help you raise them if I have to. Nothing's gonna keep me away from you two. Not even this stupid pizzeria, I promise." You smiled, your eyes watering as you leapt forward to hug him, happy beyond words that he was ready to be with you like this. You took the card out of your pocket, the one you'd gotten from the cashier, both sides showing options for terminating pregnancy or adoption centres to drop them off at. After a few seconds of looking, you stood up and ripped it to shreds, tossing all the little pieces of paper into the garbage.

"What was that?" Bonnie asked, looking incredibly confused as you brushed the last of the paper off your fingers.

"Just something a cashier gave me today wen she noticed I looked scared about possibly being pregnant. I won't be needing it." A smile found it's way into your lips as you thought about a little baby that looked like you and Bonnie.

"Oh, okay then." He stood up and wrapped his arms around you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder and his hands cane to your stomach again.

"So, when did you want to tell the others?" You asked, sighing happily at the feeling of his arms around you.

"Maybe wait to find out just how far along you are? Let's make it a big thing, surprising then all, okay? I'm sure they'll all think it's just a prank too." You thought for a second before nodding.

"I'll have to bring proof, but that's okay. Oh, our baby will have so many people willing to help care for them. We'll all be one big happy family." You gently put your hands on top of his, wishing that one would speed up so that you could hold your baby in your arms already. This was going to be a wild ride, but you were in this together and you wouldn't have it any other way.

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