Springtrap - Meeting your family

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Warning! Deals with toxic family and mentions past abuse! If this will trigger you, please DO NOT READ!

(A/N) Sorry for the wait, things have been getting a little out of hand for me and I'll be honest, I've been napping way too much. But here's the next chapter! Also, thank you all so much for 5.9K reads! It makes me really happy to see you all enjoying this! Next up, the babies are born! If you have any name suggestions, please let me know! As usual, I don't own the characters or artwork, enjoy!

You were 7 months along and you felt enormous, which was probably because you were having twins! 1 baby boy and 1 baby girl, which Springtrap was excited for because he wanted to do everything in his power to spoil them. You wanted to say that you'd be the responsible parent, but you wanted to spoil them just as bad. Thankfully, you didn't have enough money to do any spoiling, so it would have to be with love and affection, which worked just fine. Every shift you had, Springtrap would barely let you leave your chair due to your cramps in your legs, your difficulty breathing, and your swollen feet. You appreciated it, but you'd also gotten a little bored since your entire shift was spent in a chair and you just wanted something to do while in the chair. At least you were able to do things off shift since you were all alone, but sometimes you wished you could bring Springtrap with you because it got a little lonely as times, and you really missed him. Like when you were shopping for groceries recently and you could've sworn that you saw someone from your family, you were scared and wanted him beside you because he made you feel safe. But since they didn't try to talk to you, you thought everything was just fine and went on with your week. You did mention it to Springtrap though and he didn't like the fact that he couldn't keep you safe outside of the attraction and he almost wanted you to ask the salvage guy to come with you places because at least you wouldn't be all alone then. You were taking the bus to your shift because you couldn't handle walking all that way anymore  and you could've sworn that you'd seen someone else familiar recently, but you brushed it off as paranoia as you rang the bell to hop off the bus. What happened with your mother had been bothering you lately, but no one had come to ask you about her or ask you any questions at all, so after several months you felt safer. After all, you'd been in the cameras blind spot and you didn't actually do anything, but it still bugged you that someone might come looking, shaking your head, you stepped out to get into work. You had to admit, the bus was much nicer than walking, but you just didn't like how much you had to pay to ride all the time. You looked down at your bulging stomach, sighing because the cost was worth it for them, to keep them healthy and safe. You still felt someone watching you as you unlocked things and got inside, remembering that you'd be alone since the attraction had been closed for cleaning that day, but you still needed to keep things safe that night. Almost as soon as you got inside, Springtrap wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him. He'd already gone into his human form because he wanted to be able to hug you as soon as you walked in.

"Hey beautiful, how you feeling?" You shrugged, trying to decide whether you'd tell him about the feeling of being watched, and decided that he needed to know.

"Springtrap, I feel like someone's watching me, especially on the bus, and I hate it. I almost don't want to go home right now." Tears were filling your eyes as you felt scared, but you wiped them away. You'd decided that you were going to he as strong as you could, you were going to stand your ground if someone from your family came to you. Before either of you could say anything more, there was a loud banging on the door that was supposed to be a knock.

"We're closed!!" You yelled out, hoping that they would just go away, but the knocking continued. You rolled your eyes, assuming it was someone who had dropped something recently and wanted to check the lost and found, or something similar. Walking over to the door, you opened it with a sigh.

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