Chapter 4

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Grace's POV:

I was woken up the next morning by voices coming from downstairs and then followed by a car engine starting up from I'm guessing the driveway, I sat up searching for my phone to find out the time. 7:00am it read, I was never an early riser on a Saturday but it doesn't seem like I'll be able to get back to sleep now since I was wide awake.

Thinking back to dinner last night, it went better than I expected although from the glares and snarky comments sent my way I got the idea that Logan really didn't like me. However the other boys seemed more polite and welcoming but it was to early to judge yet since they could just be doing that because we were in front of their parents.

Not wanting to leave the warmth of my cosy bed just yet I decided to play a fews games on my phone and before I knew it, it was already 8:30am so I decided to go have a shower and get dressed.

Once I was ready I decided to head downstairs, there was no noise coming from the boys rooms as I walked past signalling that they were most likely still asleep.

Walking into the kitchen I saw Julia with her back to me making pancakes and Henry sitting on the counter opposite her, noticing me before I got a chance to speak.

"Grace, mum's making pancakes for breakfast!" Henry said excitedly. Now having a better look at him I could see he was still wearing his adorable dinosaur pyjamas.  

"Good morning Grace, I hope you slept well last night." Julia said now looking towards me.

"Yeh I did, thank you." I replied walking over to stand beside Henry.

"Thats good to hear, theres some orange juice in the fridge if you would like some." I nodded heading over to the fridge.
"Henry go and wake your brothers please, breakfast is ready and I don't want them sleeping all day." Julia said getting a heap of plates out from the cupboard, I gestured her to give them to me and she sent a thankful smile my way as I went over to place them at the table.

Henry seemed more than happy to have been giving permission to go and wake up his brothers as he leaped off the counter and was out the kitchen in a flash.

"John and William have already left for work so they won't be joining us for breakfast today. John owns his own car mechanic shop in town, its been in his family for years and now since our Will has left school he is also working there too as he wants to carry on the family tradition." Julia said as she plated up the pancakes. It must have been them I heard this morning.

"You must be proud." I said smile trying to keep the conversation going.

"Oh of course, especially since I don't think any of our other boys are wanting to work in the mechanic shop. Logan's dream is football and not to boost his ego but he is extremely good at it, Lucas loves music and I know he will go far with that kind of career, Oliver is the genius of the family although he doesn't like to admit it so I know he will go far in life and our little Henry.. well he still believes in santa so I don't know what his wishes for the future will be yet but we will support him no matter what." I smiled looking at Julia rambling about how proud she was of each of her boys. An ache of jealousy washed through me as I longed for someone to talk about me the way Julia talked about the boys, it was times like these that I wished my mom was still here to tell me how proud she was of me.

We fell in comfortable silence as Julia passed me some cutlery to place on the table. The smell of the fresh pancakes making me grow more and more hungry by the minute. Seriously can these boys hurry up?

"They are just coming mom." Henry said skippy back into the kitchen. "You can sit beside me again Grace." Henry said smiling up at me making my heart warm as I slid into the seat next to him.

Oliver and Lucas came strolling into the kitchen bidding a good morning and taking a place at the table. Lucas reached over to heap some pancakes onto his plate before he was interrupted by Julia.

"Lucas! Don't eat, not everyone is here yet."

"Mom chill it's just Logan, serves him right for taking ages." Lucas replied back while stuffing pancake into his mouth as Logan comes strolling into the kitchen. "Speak of the devil." He mumbles.

Once Logan takes a seat Julia allows everyone to start eating, there isn't much conversation at the table as everyone is munching down the food Julia asking the boys an odd question here and there in which she gets no more than mumbled responses.

"Mom there's an end of summer party tonight at the falls to celebrate the last weekend of summer before school starts on Monday, is it alright if us three go?" Logan said casually motioning to him, Lucas and Oliver, as if this was a regular question to ask at the breakfast table.

All three of them were looking over at her expectantly awaiting her reply, for a second I wasn't sure if Julia heard their question as she was looking down at her plate of pancakes however she then slowly looked up at me sending me a small smile and then turned her attention back to the boys. There was something about the smile she sent me that made me suddenly feel nervous.

"On one condition." She said simply, her attention going back to her pancakes.

"What condition?"
"Please mom." The three of them exclaimed.

"I will let you guys go if you take Grace with you." She said nodding over to me, making me shake my head. The last thing I want to do is go to a party that will be full of people I don't know.

"What no mom, she doesn't even know anyone there." Logan angrily moaned in disgrace as he looked towards me for first time this morning.

"That's exactly my point, you boys can help introduce her to students in your year so she won't feel as alone on her first day of school on Monday." Julia said proudly as if this was the best plan she has ever came up with.

"But mo-"

"No Logan this wasn't up for negotiation, this is final." She said, Logan was about to say something else but was interrupted by Lucas.

"That's fine mom, we will take her that's if Grace wants to go." Lucas said looking over to me while ignoring the glare he was getting from Logan. "You should come Grace, you'll have a great time and mom is right it's a great place to meet people before school."

Although I feel like I should be saying no since I'm feeling very unwelcome by Logan, theres just something comforting about the way Lucas said that where I find myself agreeing to go. I have never been to a party before but I have watched plenty cliche films and tv shows to know what goes on at them, somehow I feel rather excited yet already know that I'm going to regret it.

Chapter 4 done, I hope you guys liked it!

Next chapter should be up by the 9th of April, which will be all about the party.

P.S. I hope everyone is staying safe and staying in doors :)

~ Lou

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