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Grace's POV:

*6 months later*

"Take as long as you need honey, we'll wait here." Julia says from the passenger seat.

"Thank you both again for bringing me here." I thank both John and Julia.

"Oh Grace it's no problem at all, now you go do what you've got to do." John replies from the drivers seat.

I let out a small sigh as I mentally prepare myself before slowly making my way out of the car, letting the cool spring air surround me.

I tighten my grip on the bunch of blooming sunflowers that I brought with me as I look towards the rows upon rows of different gravestones, making my way to the one grave that matters the most to me.

No matter how many more gravestones have appeared here over the years I will always know exactly where my mother's gravestone is as it's positioned right under the most beautiful cherry blossom tree which just so happened to be in full bloom right now.

I feel a lump in my throat make an appearance as I make my way towards my mothers small gravestone.

I smile sadly as I look down an the dusty gravestone and empty plant pot that I once put there all those years ago.

"Hi mom." I mumble as I get down on my knees and place the freshly bought sun flowers in the pot, taking my time to sort them out so they sat perfectly. "I'm so sorry I haven't visited you in a while... I've had a lot going on." I chuckle dryly as I wipe the dirt off of her gravestone.

I let out a shaky breath as I look around the empty graveyard.

"I've missed you so damn much mom." I say quietly as I look at the gravestone intently as if she's going to speak back.

How silly can I be?

I feel a shiver run through my body from the cold breeze in the air causing me to wrap my arms around myself tighter.

"You don't have to worry about me though mom, I'm doing great actually. I have been staying with the Adams and no not The Adams from TV." I chuckle lightly. "John and Julia Adams and their five sons and yes I said sons. At first I thought being surrounded by five boys would be hell but it's so far from it, they all treat me like I'm their real sister." I say, a smile appearing on my face as I continue to tell her in detail about each of them.

"You would love them mom. I just know that you would get along really well with Julia, you both would probably enjoy gossiping with one another while sipping on wine to your hearts content." I chuckle.

I find myself growing quiet as I think about just how much I have missed my mother's presence in my life. How I missed her warm hugs and her melodious laughter that never failed to bring a smile to my face.

"I've also made a couple of friends mom, Alison and Nora we met at a party, I was sitting by myself and they just came up to me and started talking to me and well ever since then we've been joined at the hips. You know I always found it hard making friends growing up but with them it was just so easy. To easy I thought to begin with." I say.

"I uh.. I also have a boyfriend now." I blurt out quickly, thinking about just how much my mom would tease me if she was here right now. "I know I can't believe it either. His name is Matthew, he's Lucas and Logan's friend." I decide to skip telling her the bit about us getting in a car crash together... she doesn't need to hear all that. "I know you would love him mom, he's just so sweet and caring... a true gentleman." I smile as I can feel my cheeks going a little rosy at the thought of Matthew.

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