Chapter 5

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Grace's POV:

I spent the rest of the day trying to figure out what to wear to the party tonight, Oliver told me that it was an outdoor party so to dress warm as it will get colder at night. After changing my mind multiple times I finally decided that I would wear a red off the shoulder top and pair of black jeans, which was the most 'teen party' outfit I owned. Like I said I've never been to a party before which is probably the main reason for all these butterflies currently in my stomach. I know that I will most likely be on my own all night since I can't expect the boys to hang around with me all night since I know they will want to go socialise with their friends and won't want to drag around the foster child all night and I don't blame them. Once thing I'm definitely not looking forward to is all the awkward introductions that will take place tonight.

After we all had dinner tonight where both John and William joined as they had finished work, I went up stairs to slowly start getting ready as I was told by Lucas that we were leaving at 8pm. After having a shower I decided to straighten my out of control hair and do some simple makeup, surprising myself by how good it actually turned out if I do say so myself. Once I got changed and gathered everything I needed it was around 7:30pm so I decided to just head downstairs and wait for the boys.

When I got to what the Adams liked to call the 'family room' John and Julia were sitting on one of the the sofas watching some sort of reality tv show, Julia seeming more invested in it than John who was sitting reading a newspaper.

"Hey sweetie come take a seat." Julia says now noticing me standing in the doorway of the room. Smiling at her I walk over to take a seat on the other sofa opposite the two. "So are you excited for the party?" She asked.

"Yes I am." Giving her the answer I know she would want to hear when truly I was nervous as hell not knowing what was going to happen tonight. All I know is that I couldn't wait to get back to the house and back to the warmth of my bed.

"Here is our phones numbers and the boys phone numbers just incase you need to get in touch, if anything bad happens or you just want to leave and can't find any of the boys just phone me and I'll come get you, ok?" John says in a fatherly tone, one in which I have never been accustomed to. Nodding my head I put all the numbers into my phone hoping that I won't need to use them tonight.

By the time I finished putting their numbers into my phone the boys were all ready and waiting in the doorway for me, quickly checking the time on my phone I realised it was almost 8pm. Great time to go.

"You ready Grace?" Lucas asked me as he hopped about the room while trying to put his shoes on. Looking over at the boys I noticed that they could definitely clean up well, I would never tell them that thought we don't need any of their egos being boosted.

"Yeh, just let me get my jacket quickly."

"Ok guys, lets set some rules for tonight." John said to us all, in which the boys groaned in reply.

"Dad make it quick we need to go." Logan mumbled.

Ignoring Logan John carried on, "Firstly look out for one another, Grace obviously won't know anyone at the party so make sure your looking out for her, secondly be responsible no drinking and driving and no drugs it may seem a good idea at the time but you'll face the harsh consequences of it afterwards and lastly be back by at the latest 1am."

"Yes sir." Oliver saluted jokingly.

"I'm being serious Ol." John said giving him a stern look.

"I know dad." Oliver said rolling his eyes.

Once we bid our goodbyes to Julia and John we headed out to the car and we were off, I took a seat in the back beside Oliver as Logan drove and Lucas called shot gun. The drive there was pretty awkward I was silent for the most of it not knowing what to say as the boys mainly talked about people from their years that were going to be there, mentioning too many different names for me to remember and girls who they thought were hot. I felt extremely out of place.

"So Grace are you excited to see how we party in Haven Falls?" Lucas asked me turning around in his seat to get a better look at me.

"Ehh.. Sure." I mumbled back, making Lucas chuckle.

"When was the last time you were at a party Gracie?" Logan asked keeping his eyes on the road.

"It's Grace." I said irritated when I saw him smirk from the front seat. "And not long ago." I lied not wanting to admit that this would be the first party that I would be attending.

"Ok well we are here." Logan replied pulling the car up beside many other cars.

Getting out the car the first thing I heard was loud booming music, looking around I see the sunset shining through the trees eliminating the crowd of teens dancing with drinks in hand. I see Logan already walking away from us into the crowd of people. Well at least I won't have to spend the night with him.

"Oliver meet us back here at 12:30 and phone me if you need me. Let's go Grace I want to introduce you to my friends." Lucas says in a brotherly tone, as we watch Oliver run off to a group of boys greeting them all.

I follow Lucas through the crowd trying not to loose him while attempting to keep up with his large strides, I could see him greeting multiple people as we walked past and just by this I could already tell how popular he must be at school, which made me wonder if the rest of the Adams brothers were this popular. At one point a large body collides with mine making me stumble backwards and bump into another person.

"Hey watch where you're going." The deep voice of a scary looking guy yells at me over the music. Before he can say anymore I scurry away but as I look around I can't seem to find Lucas anywhere. Great I've not been at this party for more than five minutes and I'm already on my own.

Part one of the party scene done, hope you all like it! :)

This chapter was uploaded a little later than I intended since I had some internet issues *sigh*

Part two of the party scene will hopefully be up tomorrow 🙏🏼

I hope everyone is staying happy and healthy!

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